

Jason couldn't believe it; how was this possible? "Are you Serena?" This question shocked Pearl, for not many people knew her by that name. "You! How did you know..." Pearl gasped in shock? She had been seriously in an accident but with Momma's help, she recovered in not less than a month.

She had returned to the orphanage to inform Mother of her accident and to inquire on Jason's whereabouts. It was there that she got to know of her supposed death and of Jason's departure as well. He had been greatly affected by her supposed death hence his grandfather had no option than to let him leave the country. So meeting this Jason reminded her of him. She loved him but loved her husband much more. "Pearl Serena Frey. That's my full name, Jason.", Pearl answered as tears flowed from her eyes. She really wished Jason all the happiness in the world.

She had moved on with her life and she hoped he would too. Even though the man she loved hated her, she would only have him in her heart as long as she lived. Jason dropped the photo and the glass frame shattered. He fell on his knees as tears cascaded down his cheeks. Pearl rushed to him ignoring the broken shards scattered on the tiled floor. She held his cheeks and asked him what was wrong. His sudden inquiries of her life made her confused but she was happy, for it was the first time he had asked her something concerning her life.

Jason stared at her. She was Serena, his Serena. The worry in her eyes reminded him of all the pain, shame and heartbreak that had been reflected in those beautiful eyes. All the insults and humiliating words he had said to her during the banquet kept on playing in his mind. He hated himself. He had disgraced her in front of everyone and made her a laughing stock on the newspapers. He had said that she was far worse than a prostitute. He had slept with … He wailed bitterly.

He had disappointed his grandfather and betrayed her, his first and only love. " Serena, I'm sorry. I'm very sorry for all the pain and humiliation I've caused you. You had always been here with me but my stupidity blinded me for all these years. It is me Jace, your Jace Serena. I'm sorry." Jason apologized in tears as he had finally realized the truth. "You can't be him. No! He would never hurt me or humiliate me. You must be joking.", Pearl refused to believe it. The Jason she first fell in love with would not cause her so much pain. But the truth was always difficult to bear.

She felt as if the room was closing in on her, thus she ran out and entered hers leaving only the banging of the door behind. She curled into a ball on the bed and screamed in agony. The memories of their past and present fused together, making her clutch her chest in pain. She couldn't believe it nor accept that the Jason from her past and the one at present were one in the same person. This realization hurt her deeply. She wanted to escape; everything in this house was starting to suffocate her.

Leaving this place might put a stop to the unbearable pain in her heart. Pearl ran out of the room in tears. She was almost about to open the door to the main entrance when a force pulled her back. Jason, who had been wallowing in guilt and shame, was startled by the hurried footsteps outside their room. He immediately dashed out of the room and saw Pearl hurrying down the stairs. She couldn't leave him, not when he had finally realized the truth. He wouldn't be able to take it. Jason pulled Pearl into his embrace.