
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 12

He woke up from the couch and started looking through the stack of files that was on the table.He continued mumbling to himself words that l tried understanding.

"Where did they say the files were...maybe here..no..maybe.."

He looked like a squirrel at the moment.He cut me off through my thoughts.

"Uh..this is gonna sound unreal but l really don't know where they kept the member registration form so if you could wait a bit..till they come back,it will be great really."

l eyed him a bit before my response.

"Okay l'll wait."

We sat at a distance with an eerie uncomfortable silence in the room.But it was even harder to break the silence and maybe embarrassed at his part to say the least.

Finally the club president and the other members entered after an hour of uncomfortable.Actually l made a huge leap of joy for this but in reality of course l could only do it in my imagination.

When l looked a little closer at the other member l caught a glimpse of familiar red hair girl.Then a thought popped up.

'Run'He woke up from the couch and started looking through the stack of files that was on the table.He continued mumbling to himself words that l tried understanding.

"Where did they say the files were...maybe here..no..maybe.."

He looked like a squirrel at the moment.He cut me off through my thoughts.

"Uh..this is gonna sound unreal but l really don't know where they kept the member registration form so if you could wait a bit..till they come back,it will be great really."

l eyed him a bit before my response.

"Okay l'll wait."

We sat at a distance with an eerie uncomfortable silence in the room.But it was even harder to break the silence and maybe embarrassed at his part to say the least.

Finally the club president and the other members entered after an hour of uncomfortable.Actually l made a huge leap of joy for this but in reality of course l could only do it in my imagination.

When l looked a little closer at the other member l caught a glimpse of familiar red hair girl.Then a thought popped up.
