
Snowfall adventures

The story is about a man being tasked by a god to form a peerage. He became a fate version of jon snow and was tasked with visiting worlds with a servant so as to complete the story and recruit one individual to join the peerage. The first world is Harry Potter Pls check out my patr eon. Smithsonian86_

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Zeus fucked up!

After testing out several cooking spells I seemed to have earned Mordred's approval. I've cooked for her before and she's always consumed it voraciously but now that I've enhanced food with magic and given her bigger portions? Well now she's like a black hole. I'm not really feeling like a king when I cook for her to be honest.

She doesn't eat like a queen either *thwack* ow! She kicked me in the shin really fucking hard. I turned to her and saw her scowling. "What were you thinking about Jon? It's really annoying me".

I suppressed a gulp and replied "well I'm wondering how I can improve my cooking magic, what would happen if I went to food wars?"

"The fucks a food war?" She asked with a well hidden glint behind her eye. As she asked that we felt a pull from the sun dimension. Checking our surrounding first before we entered we came across a familiar beard. It was the god that reincarnated me, Zeus!

"Zeus? What's happening and why are you sweating so much?" I asked as he was dabbing his forehead with a handkerchief—- no those are panties, sigh~ why did I bother focusing on that detail.

He looked at me closely before smiling and swinging his arms open before shouting uproariously "Jon my boy! Your looking fantastic so far, and Mordred I hope your enjoying your freedom."

Mordred actually takes on a more respectful tone. "Thank you Lord Zeus, what may be the reason for your summons?" Which is a polite way for asking what the hell do you want.

He then chuckles nervously "ahahaha about that, remember when I said that other gods were reincarnating individuals. I also mentioned how my family has begun doing it."

I then spoke "yeah I remember, Artemis spreading Yuri to the multiverse and yours in a bar. What about it?"

"Firstly Jon Artemis wasn't spreading Yuri she was turning misogynists into women and sending them to worlds that would make them appreciate what they had. The fact that some off them turned to Yuri is besides the point as she did send some as males".

We just deadpanned at him so he decided to cut to the chase "so my wife has decided to get involved" he said solemnly so I asked "which one?" Which made his beard quiver.

He looked at me aghast "I only have the one! She doesn't like sharing! Anyway basically she's decided to follow a route similar to the one I did, extremely similar."

"In what way Zeus? Is she doing a peerage world hopping thing." I asked.

"Yes she is, she also has a champion who reincarnated into a fate version of a GOT character just like you did." I shivered imagining the possibilities while Mordred furrowed her brows. She didn't watch the series or read the books yet so zeus flicked a thunder bolt at her transferring knowledge. At least I think he did because her eyes widened and she mumbled "Fuck".

"So my wife who we shan't name because names have power and she might pop into this place has decided that we should have a competition.

Before you complain she didn't give me much of a choice as she threatened to jump to another pantheon before she starts her own. The competition entails her champion following a similar route to you.

Her champion will become a fate character and be allowed one servant for her peerage per world. The first world that you two were sent to had to be a school based world. After that world you would basically go to the same place with alternate timelines and repeat the same thing."

I was flabbergasted and Mordred was blinking, he basically swept us up in a death game. Wait what's in it for me?

"You may be thinking what's the point of competing? Well basically if you lose you become her champions slave and my wife is free to cast a ritual on me that Hecate tells me will bind my testicles to my wife for the rest of eternity and prevent me from getting it up with anyone else. It's like a mega marriage."

"So you've confined me to a slavery based death game? Your wife stays if you win or she gets your balls?"

"Ah but if I win she accepts polygamy and you get her champion in a similar fashion. You may wish to take up her champion because leaving her alive would be extremely dangerous for you."

Mordred then asked "her? Who is the champion and who did she summon as her first servant."

Zeus began sweating much more as her mumbled the answer. Mordred asked him to speak up so he shouted the answer.

"Her champion is a fate version of Cersei Lannister and the servant was Morgana Lefey!" *crack* we both were about to lose our shit. Taking our silence as a consent to continue his panic attack.

"So her champion became a nasuverse Cersei from one of the fics we read, this one was a skilled witch who used a ritual to share talents with her brother meaning she is as skilled in swordsmanship as Jamie Lannister. She died to the night king in her world who got past that worlds version of you.

No idea who the source reincarnator actually is but she's pretty fucked up. She's a *shiver* Yaoi lover who has some pretty good ideas for you now that she merged with Cersei.

I don't really need to tell you about Morgana so I'll tell you about her first world."

"Wait wait wait! She finished her first world!" I yelled at him surprised by her speed in completion.

He nodded "time moves differently between worlds so don't worry, she's basically frozen until you complete yours and you'll arrive in DXD at the same time.

Now then her first world was RWBY as it qualifies as a school related world. Cersei unlocked a semblance called lioness pride where she can basically enthrall people like a lions pride. She controls those under it and can only apply it to those who she holds social dominance over. It also makes her faster for some reason.

Morgana didn't get a semblance but studied that worlds magic. Their peerage member was Sienna Khan which was a relief because I prevented her from taking Salem. My wife was actually in agreement with that decision because of how hateful salem is towards the gods"

I immediately began making battle plans to handle this but I can't make anything concrete without knowing all her members in the future.

"Wait does she know who I have in my peerage?"

He grinned at my question "No! It was a concession for me because I basically sprang this on you. My wife conceded it, she will however have an inkling as you will share worlds after you finish in Harry potter. I will tell you who she picks."

"Wait..... I thought you said she was into Yaoi? (Zeus shivers) then why didn't she pick men for the peerage?"

"Ah well the servants aren't chosen, they only relate to the world in some fashion. Also she was seriously considering it, Ren, Jaune, Adam, Ironwood, Qrow, Clover and many more were on her list. Thankfully my wife decided on a one piece a world rule so you can only take one person from a world as a peerage member.

Cersei wasn't happy about it but then that strategic mind of hers kicked in along with Morgana's whispers so she decided to pick quality members over satisfying her desires in the short term."

So I can only pick one per world, I was actually considering taking three from Harry Potter. Fleur would actually be down with it, ive been keeping in contact with her through my letters. Her alchemical knowledge and warding skills are phenomenal plus there's her fire magic and the allure. I wanted Tonks and Susan because of their unique magic. A metamorphagus assassin and a necromancer would be amazing.

I'll have to narrow that down, I turned back to Zeus and asked whether we may cross paths in the same world. I was imagining that one of us could use time travel to access the others timeline to fight earlier. He said that it won't be possible, something about using a little of his fathers powers to prevent that.

{A/N comment here which of those three you want for the peerage. Only one! Also please provide a logical reason for why, you guys do have some good ideas some times.}

Mordred asked her own questions about servants from the grail, would others be taken that she wasn't aware off. He did say he's been including fics otherwise I wouldn't be as powerful as I am currently.

I finally thanked him after answering more of my questions. When he left I turned to Mordred and spoke "this became much more difficult, we need to strategise."

She nodded "what's worlds do you think we can go to and who would you take. These should be our primary means of planning. We need more..... culture". It's good that she can joke about it. I took her into the room and pulled out as many super natural and sci-fi series as I could.

Games, books, Anime, Manga, Light novels. We would need to read everything to plan about ahead. Cersei picked Sienna which hints that she may be searching out powerful authoritative figures for her peerage. I'm guessing she revived Sienna after Adam killed her.

I ran over the simulations with Mordred and suggested people from worlds I would want and people Cersei could want. We even discussed fate versions of different characters to predict what abilities they would have.

We decided to not overly stress ourselves over it and decided to table the discussion till movie nights. Watching a cool movies show then thinking about the useable characters afterwards.

As I pondered over the worlds I could go to I remembered one that I will definitely be visiting. Full Metal Alchemist. It was the first world I mentioned to Zeus so he may choose this world.

I made a list of characters that could be compatible with our dynamic as well as points where people died as this could be the point to revive people. Cersei would be capable of letting people die to get them under her thumb much like Rias did with her peerage.

I shuddered thinking about how she could pick Maes Hughes. I continued to go over the list all the while continuing my magical education. Time went by quickly and eventually I was led to the newly opening duelling club by Ron and Harry.

<Greek pantheon God realm>

Zeus sat atop his throne and processed Jon's research into other worlds. It is smart to think ahead but the multiverse is too vast for him to quantify like that. The gods have access to entertainment across the multiverse never mind the word the reincarnators came from.

Though some of his ideas were pretty good, Magi would be nice but taking ozymandias and Nitocris would seem predictable. Gilgamesh I may also be a possibility for that world so it's not happening.

As Zeus pondered his wife arrived into the throne room. She swayed her hips with every step towards his side. She smirked down to him condescendingly.

"Did you inform your champion husband? How did he react?"

Zeus chuckled at his wife Hera "he was noticeably panicked at the mention of who was picked as was his servant. How did yours take it?"

His wife beamed with pride and puffed her divine chest "with glee, having Jon Snow at her heel would bring all kinds of satisfaction to her i'd imagine. Her servant however began scheming about who could possibly be chosen to walk alongside your champion, she thinks it's King Arthur."

"Not too far off, you didn't tell her about his choices?"

"He hasn't made any yet Husband so what's there to tell." To which Zeus replies with a nod.

Zeus then spoke "about the next world, how about Full Metal Alchemist?"

Hera tilted her head as she sat on her thrown considering it. "Brotherhood?" Was all she asked before Zeus agreed.

Hera snapped her fingers allowing her champion to progress to that world. They both viewed her actions in that world like episodes for a few hours before they relaxed back into their thrones.

They then merged together and approached each other to cuddle displaying affection that would leave their champions in shock. Gods love Drama and they love to act, they're not nearly as confrontational with each other as they portrayed themselves to be. Sure they get angry but they have eternity to get over it.

Zeus wrapped his wife in his massive arms allowing her to nuzzle into his embrace. "I didn't think she would select Lust of all people as a peerage member!"

Hera smiled "birds of a feather flock together, of course she would choose a manipulative woman as a partner. Her servant was also quite funny considering the world."

"How do you think my champion will do?"

"He's quite funny compared to mine, he also has much more combat. Cersei is like a drama and a thriller whilst Jon is a comedic action. The collision between the two will be quite a sight"

"Indeed!" Was all Zeus said before he changed the channel and began watching the actions of other champions of various gods whilst curled up with his wife. If Jon knew how he was being manipulated he'd start researching god killing magic and weapons on the spot.

{a/n thought I would spice things up abit, I'm adding an aux with Cersei's peerage just to tease you guys. Give you something to look forward to when the azazel cup arrives. Though that will be a long time}