
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs


Sometimes, I felt like I never got the recognition and respect I deserved; like people were always assuming the worst about me. I felt like if I ended up saving a beautiful woman from getting killed, I would get accused of being the one to attack her.

"You admit defeat?" I asked as I literally sat on top of the guy who had just accused me of attacking the girl I had saved. Fucking ingrate.

"Give… her… back." The man gritted out as he tried to get up to no avail, poor guy. It wasn't like he was weak or anything, as a matter of fact he was likely one of the stronger people in this world.

I was simply stronger.

"Come on, haven't I already told you that I'm not an enemy. I saved her from the people who attacked her." I said as I looked under my arm where the unconscious form of Amber resided.

"Heh, what kind of idiot would believe that just because you said so." Qrow chuckled with gritted teeth as he tried to get up once more to no avail as I simply increased the strength of my cursed technique in order to push him down harder. Man that sounded dirty.

"The kind of idiot who attacks someone who is obviously stronger?" I asked with a grin directed towards the black haired alcoholic.

Had to admit, mocking people was fun. Especially when you knew that they could never do anything to you. It felt like that the only thing that mattered in all heaven and earth, was my pleasure and displeasure.

Before I could get more into my new philosophical thought process, I felt the unconscious form of Amber start to twitch under my arm as the Fall Maiden regained her consciousness.

"Ugh… where…"

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully as I adjusted my hold on her so that I was carrying her like a princess, all the while increasing the amount of power the cursed technique I was using on Qrow.

"You… thank you!" She cried out as she latched onto my neck and started to cry on it, which also had the side effect of making Qrow stop struggling and look up at us with confusion.

"Told ya." I simply said at him with a smile while the alcoholic glared at me.


"Are you sure that you're okay?" Qrow asked Amber as they sat on the Bullhead that was headed towards Beacon. He was kind of insistent on asking the same question again and again but considering that she nearly had been killed the one moment he took his eyes off of her, she could understand.

Which would likely mean that Ozpin would tighten the security around her, again.

"Hey, when can I expect a proper meal? If I don't get one I will give this flight only one star!"

"…did we really have to bring him?" Qrow muttered as he glared at the white haired passenger that had demanded a meal. Satoru Gojo, or Gojo Satoru since he said that in his culture the surname came before the given name, was… an enigma. Amber was grateful to the blindfolded man, she really was, since she likely would have been dead without his timely aid but her minder did not seem to share her positive view about Satoru. Which likely had to do something with how Satoru had been literally standing on Qrow when she had woken up.

It was kind of funny.

"I owe him my life." Amber told Qrow with a stern look and the older Huntsman simply looked away while pulling his damn flask out and taking a swing.

Or he would have if the flask didn't simply vanish from his hand.

"I was hoping for an actual meal, but I guess a drink would be nice as well." And reappeared in Satoru's hand as the man took a swing, completely ignoring the murderous look Qrow was sending him before spitting the drink out.

"Blegh, what is this cheap swill? Couldn't you at least bring good alcohol?" Satoru asked as he glared at them, she thought; it was kinda hard to know with the blindfold covering his eyes.

"If you're just gonna waste it, give it back!" Qrow growled at Satoru and the white haired man smiled mischievously at him before the flask disappeared from his hand, and Amber saw something falling from the window behind Satoru.

"My apologies, I seem to have misplaced your cheap swill." And then Qrow pulled his scythe out.


"Wasn't that fun?" Satoru asked her as they got down from the bullhead, the blindfolded man dragging a black and blue form of Qrow by his leg.

"You didn't have to hit him that hard." She tried to glare at him, she really did, but couldn't bring herself to put all of her effort behind it since she had been wishing for Qrow to have some troubles for his obsession with alcohol for a while now.

"Come on, that was a love tap. It ain't my fault if the man spends more time at the end of a bottle instead of a gym." Satoru said with a laugh and Amber had to hold her hand in front of her mouth in order to cover her giggles.

"So this is Beacon… I was expecting a lot more lights." Satoru said as he scratched the back of his head.

"It's morning." Amber said with a raised eyebrow while wondering once more how exactly he was seeing with a blindfold on.

"My expectations care not for such tiny details." The blindfolded man waved her reasonable explanations away with his had.

"Then would your expectations care to have a conversation?" A voice came from behind them and Amber turned around, Satoru on the other hand simply leaned backwards until he was looking at the people behind them.

"Greetings, my name is Ozpin. And I believe that we have lots to talk about." The headmaster of Beacon Academy said with a smile as he walked towards them with his deputy Glynda right beside him.

"…do you always sneak behind people in order to make dramatic entrances?" And Satoru ruined the moment.



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