
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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173 Chs


"So, your family's construction company hasn't been doing well and they don't want you to use your quirk for their work even though it would help them immensely by cutting costs for the machines?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I placed my chin on my fist, looking at the very nervous Uraraka Ochako who nodded.

"Yes, I really want to help them. But they know that I also wanted to be a hero and don't want me to give up on that. I... I don't know how to help them." She said with her gaze downwards.

"Whelp, you may not have known the truth about the pamphlet; but I have been summoned anyway. What do you offer for my help? I asked and she turned up to me with wide eyes.

"You... you can help them?!"

"Sure, I technically am rich. And that is coming from a race that is on average richer than yours." I said with a smile. I wasn't lying either, I was the last member of both Bifrons and Zepar houses; which meant I had fortune of two different families. It didn't make me as wealthy as Phenex family or the Baels, but with the businesses I owned; I could live comfortably and with luxury for at least two millennia. Which is less than my lifespan so I probably should look for ways to make money when I had the time.

"In other words, I have the means. So I need you to give me the motive. What would you offer for my help?" I asked with a smirk as I watched Uraraka fidget in her place.

One thing most people didn't know about devils, our presence. Much like a dragon's presence screamed 'power' and the presence of an angel would scream 'holy', the presence of a devil had its own effect too. Except ours was more subtle. When one interacted with a devil, our presence tended to make us look like the perfect solution for them; or even encourage them to sin. That was the reason the church and the like always screamed about not trusting devils and the like. If one had no idea what was happening and if the devil is cunning enough, one could end up thinking that selling their soul was a fair deal.

Not that we deal in souls, but still.

"A... Anything. I would offer anything." She whispered, her voice full of desire and despair.

"Then I want you." I said with a smile.

"I will help your parents through their little crisis in exchange of you." A little bit too much, but it was a common tactic in negotiations. Make the first offer far more than what you actually wanted so that you could get what you really want after haggling. So she would go low and I would go a bit higher than that, leading to...

"I accept!"



This was it. The chance that she had wanted since she was old enough to realize that her family's work wasn't working as well as it used to, the chance to help her parents. Accepting herself as the price... may not be the what she really wanted but it was something she could live with.

She was making a deal with a devil anyway, anything less than her soul wouldn't have been good enough for him to help her.

"Good, good. Then we can make it official now." He said with a nod before turning back, which was her cue.

With great shame, she started to unbutton her shirt and then took it off. It was then followed by her skirt and thighs and finally, she put her hands behind her back and reached the clip of her bra.

"Ok, now I need you to, what the hell?!" His shout stopped her hands and she looked up at him, he looked shocked.

"Why in the name of Lilith's great bosom, are you stripping?!"

"I... thought that I should be as bare as possible when you took my soul?" She tilted her head, he looked even more shocked now.

"Why on hell's red sky would I take your soul?" He asked with a glare and finally, Ochako realized that she may have misunderstood him.

"Always the same, what do you people even think we do with your souls anyway? Where did this stupid rumor came from?" He ranted as he paced around her room and Ochako could feel her cheeks redden with embarrassment, she kinda felt like she did something racist.

"I... I'm sorry?"

"Just put your clothes back on." He said while rubbing his temples and Ochako did as he said.

After a minute, they were once more sitting down before her table with a sheet of paper between them.

"We do deals like this now. With legally binding contracts that go beyond human laws." He said with a sigh.

"Signing this contract will mean that you are giving yourself up to me. Meaning that I will have absolute power over you legally and that you will work for me. In exchange I will use my wealth to support your family's business while also protecting them from outside forces to the best of my abilities." He said while pushing the contract and a fountain pen towards her, though it was the kind of fountain pen one would see in some sort of fantasy movie; with glowing red symbols on it and it's tip glowing white.

This was it. This was the solution to the all the problems her parents were facing... and the end of her freedom.

Was it worth it? Giving up on her dreams, her future and her life?

For her family, it was. So she picked up the pen and signed the contract. Pushing it towards Ludus... who looked rather unimpressed.

"You just signed a contract given to you by a literal devil without reading the contract." He said and she felt blood drain from her face, did he...

"You are incredibly lucky that I didn't put anything that I didn't say." He said with a sigh and she had to force herself to stand upright as she could feel her muscles relaxing with relief.

"Now then, your parent will get a letter about you being accepted to a very prestigious boarding school tomorrow, with a full scholarship." He said as he took the contract and it then made it burn with some sort of blue fire.

"So, I'll be leaving?" She asked while fidgeting.

"Yes, you now technically belong to me. You will come with me to my home in order to learn everything you need to know about your new position." She already knew it would be like that. She did but...

"Guess I won't be a hero after all." She whispered with a sad smile on her face.

"What are you talking about?" But not lowly enough as Ludus had heard her and was looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I believe there has been another misunderstanding. This doesn't mean you won't be a hero." He said before his smile took a more evil edge to it.

"You are mine, that goes for your future and every possible profit you can make. And what better for that than a hero?" He laughed and she tried to say something, but her words caught up in her throat as he looked at her with a manic grin.

"You will be having quite a training soon. The training you will need to be a servant of mine and the training you will get in order to join the UA, the best hero school in this country. Etiquette, combat, economy, politics, chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics; you will be learning all of them." He said with a laugh and Ochako realized with dread that she may have made a mistake.