
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs

Dark King

"So… I guess the situation is pretty bad."

"'Pretty bad' my fucking ass! Is that all you can say in a situation like this you useless Governor General?!" Penemue, the Chief Secretary of Grigori, yelled as she threw a stack of reports to her boss' face. Normally she would have been stopped by any of the other Cadre in order to at least pretend that there was some sort of order among them, but now even they weren't willing to do anything about it. Today wasn't a day they could bring themselves to pretend, for the unthinkable had happened.

A human had killed a god.

Many among the people of supernatural would talk about the limitless potential of humanity, the blessing they had from the God of Bible in the form of Sacred Gears and even the great heroes of the past. But none of them ever believed that a human could, even with a Longinus class Sacred Gear, actually emerge victorious against a deity; much less kill one.

Yet it had happened.

"To think that Amatsu Mikaboshi, the Shinto's evil god of darkness and stars could be killed." Baraqiel, the thunder of god, muttered as he looked down.

"Honestly, it's not like August Star of Takamagahara was a weak god. In Shinto faction only Tsukuyomi, Susanoo or Amaterasu could defeat him. He was one of the stronger gods in the world." Shemhazai, the vice governor of the fallen angels, said with a sigh; knowing that the supernatural world was about to enter an age of chaos.

"What do we know about his killer?" Azazel asked after finally managing to get away from Penemue's wrath.

"Actually, we know quite a bit about him." Shemhazai said as he pulled documents about the god killer with magic.

"His name is Miya Katsuo, Japanese. He is seventeen years old from a small family of onmyōji, Japanese version of magic using exorcists, and... and the current possessor of the high class Longinus Sacred Gear; Annihilation Maker." Shemhazai said with a frown, while the rest of the fallen around him stared at him with shock.

"The possessor of Annihilation Maker?! Why is this the first time we're hearing this?!" Kokabiel snapped with a scowl, not liking that they didn't know of such a potentially powerful human.

"His possession of the Annihilation Maker wasn't known until his battle against Amatsu Mikaboshi, as far as people were concerned; he was just a talented magician with some talent in physical combat." Shemhazai told his mentally less stable brother.

"And you're saying that this Miya Katsuo managed to somehow kill Amatsu Mikaboshi in single combat?" Azazel asked with an arched brow.

"Yes, he did have his summons though. Which is even more impressive considering the Annihilation Maker users of the past have never managed to make a monster strong enough to be use in such a battle without making them skyscraper tall monstrosities."

"What kind of monsters did he use then?"

"We don't have a list of everything but we know that at least he used some sort of bull like monster and monsters that can heal him in battle. Much more impressive than the past users, whose battle strategy was always throwing more monsters instead of making monsters that would assist them in battle." Baraqiel said as he looked over the documents with an impressed look, it was somewhat hard to find summoners who actually fought themselves.

"And what kind of response is Shinto giving to this?" Kokabiel asked, likely hoping for some sort of chance for war.

"They are divided. There are those like Tsukuyomi who wish to deliver judgement on Miya Katsuo in order to make an example for those who would go against gods. Susanoo and those who gather around him on the other hand want to shake Miya Katsuo's hand and have a drink with him, Amatsu Mikaboshi hadn't been exactly a popular god. Amaterasu seems to be silent though." Penemue reported with a conflicted expression, not liking not knowing what the strongest Shinto god was thinking.

"Well, sounds like there is nothing we can do about them at the moment. What about the kid, do we know where he is or if he is affiliated with some kind of group?"

"Unfortunately, no. He did have a team of humans who kept the servants of Amatsu Mikaboshi out of the battle but we don't know anything about them. I don't think he could become this strong without being affiliated with someone but I also can't think of anyone who would allow him to cause chaos like this." Shemhazai said with a sigh.

"So you are saying that there is a Longinus user on the run who killed one of the stronger gods of the world and then became wind and we got nothing?" Azazel asked with a tilt of his head.

"We got nothing." Confirmed Baraqiel with a nod of his head.

"Some 'Watchers' we turned out to be." Kokabiel snorted with a sneer on his face.

"There is something else though." Penemue said with a less than happy expression on her face.

"Well, don't leave us hanging, what is it?"

"...he took Amatsu Mikaboshi's body after killing him." At that, an uneasy silence descended among the leaders of the fallen angels. An unknown guy capable of killing a god was bad enough, what on seven circles of hell could he want with the corpse of a god?!


"That is just disgusting." Georg, the descendant of Johan Faust, said as he watched what once had been the body of a god melt into the pool of shadows.

"It might be so, but the end results will be quite spectacular if we believe our fearless leader." Said Sieg, the famous stray exorcist, with his hands behind his head as he watched the mentioned leader put his hand into the pool of shadows that had just eaten the corpse of a god. The the dark pool started to bubble, almost as if it was boiling.

"It better be spectacular, considering the amount of effort we had to put in order to get the materials." A perky voice said as a blonde girl with a chest plate walked up to them, Jeanne the inheritor of the spirit of Joan of Arc.

But before she could make any other remarks, their leader finally pulled his hand out of the pool of darkness, but now it held a black katana that almost seemed to absorb the light near it.

"Oh, it is spectacular." Finally, he spoke with a smile as he slashed the katana in air, creating a large gust of wind. Then he turned to the group that had gathered to watch him with a smile. His black hair obscured one of his eyes, but the other eye was fully revealed in its green glory as he looked at his friends.

"It is time my friends, time for us to show this world the true power of mankind." Miya Katsuo said with a smile as he rested the black katana on his shoulder.

"To me, my Hero Faction."