
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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175 Chs

Dark King-2

"So… do tell me, why is he still alive?" Ajuka Beelzebub, formerly Astaroth, asked the rest of the three Satans with a glare as they averted their gazes from him.

"Ajuka..." Sirzechs tried to say something but was interrupted by his friend.

"Don't 'Ajuka' me Sirzechs, do not try to give me excuses, tell me why is that little shit I have the misfortune of calling brother is still alive?!" Ajuka snarled at them, a sight that few in the world had ever witnessed to, and fewer had lived to tell the tale.

"Ajuka, you know that we can't just kill a heir to one of the remaining pillars, the outcry from such an action..." Falbium tried to reason with the smartest Satan who didn't want to reason.

"Will be nothing compared to what will happen if the Heaven manages to learn that we are keeping the one who has been raping their holy maidens after getting them excommunicated in house arrest instead of executing him!" Ajuka yelled, not happy with the way the other three Satans were acting.

"Damn it Ajuka, we don't want this either but if we punish him any more harshly the Great King faction will start to retaliate against us, we can't risk a civil war again!" Serafall snapped at her old friend who glared at her.

"We don't like keeping a bastard like him alive either and I certainly wouldn't mind killing some other noble morons, but you know what will happen in a civil war!" Serafall snapped once more and finally, Ajuka managed to calm down.

He knew that Serafall was right, they couldn't afford a civil war. Not because they could lose, the strongest of the devils were on their side and even if they weren't; Ajuka and Sirzechs could destroy pretty much any opposition from any devil by themselves. The problem was the interference from outside.

In the first Devil Civil War, no other faction had interfered in their battle. Not because it was so soon after the Great War, the war between the three Biblical factions only meant that Heaven and Grigori didn't have the power to interfere. The reason the other pantheons hadn't interfered was simple.

They saw the civil war as a show.

The Biblical factions were already hated due to Christianity taking over most of the world as the prominent religion, devils were especially hated due to their actions against pretty much anyone while they lived under the rule of the original Morningstar. So a war where devils were killing other devils was more or less the greatest entertainment in those days for the gods. But they wouldn't just watch it this time and Ajuka knew that was mainly because of him.

He had invented the Evil Piece system that had taken the devil society by a storm after the civil war, an invention that had in a way made the devils even more hated due to increasing their population with the best and brightest of the rest of the world. The only reason they hadn't attacked then was because that the New Satan faction had already established a government and a battle against them along with Ajuka and Sirzechs was simply too much effort without enough reward for the rest of the world.

But if they had another civil war, the rest of the world wouldn't miss that chance; especially Hades and the rest of the psychopomp deities. The devil kind would be wiped out, not even Sirzechs' ridiculous power or Ajuka's mind could save them from an attack by many different gods; as a matter of fact Ajuka had already deduced that the chances of the current underworld surviving such an attack was under one percent, while they still had a united government.

The chances of surviving such an attack while in a civil war was less than zero.

"So that's it, we are just letting Diodora live on after a few decades of house arrest; in a house with servants that are ready to fulfill any of his wishes." Ajuka chuckled with a hollow look in his eyes while the rest of the Satans averted their gazes from him, they knew what he was thinking.

They hadn't worked so hard, gone through so much, only for their government to be like this.

Before they could wallow more in their regrets, the door to their meeting room was opened by one of the guards; looking as pale as a ghost and trembling like a newborn horse's legs.

"M-My lords!"

"Soldier, this is a private meeting! What is your reason for entering?!" Falbium said with steel in his voice, his usual lazy self gone and replaced by the military commander of all devil kind. But then his eyes widened along with the eyes of the rest of Satans at the guard's message.

"S-Sir! The Astaroth... the Astaroth estate is on fire!"


'On fire' was not exactly the words Ajuka would have used to describe the scene before him. No; the Astaroth estate, the place he grew up and had many fond memories with his parents and his studies, was not on fire. The Astaroth estate was fire!

Every inch of the millennia old building was covered with fire, making it look like the house was built of fire in the first place. But what had Ajuka's attention wasn't his burning home, no.

It was the man sitting in front of the main gate with a sword in his hand and the many devils who had lived in the Astaroth estate chained to wooden pillars around him, including Ajuka's parents.

"This was quite disappointing you know." The man got up and looked at them with a bored look in his eyes.

"I thought that the house of one of the four Satans would have been better protected, but it honestly felt like cutting through tofu. You should probably get a better security."

"You bastard!" Ajuka growled before he fully saw his face and realized who it was.

"Miya Katsuo!"

"You don't need to shout, I'm right here." The killer of Amatsu Mikaboshi said as he rested his black katana on his shoulder, not a hint of fear in his eyes as he looked at the four Satans.

"Why did you do this?" Sirzechs took a step forward, his body already covered with a thin aura of destruction.

"Isn't it obvious?" Miya Katsuo said with a tilt of his head before whipping one of his arms forward and something fell in front of the Satans and their eyes widened at the sight of the Diodora Astaroth's decapitated head, his face frozen in an expression of fear.

"Honestly, I went all the trouble and anonymously supplied you incompetent idiots with information about his acts and the best you people can do is house arrest? There is a limit to how pathetic one can be." The god killer said with a drawl.

"...there are things you don't know." Sirzechs said after a pause, only to be answered by a snort.

"I know that your reaction would have been far more different if little Diodora over there had, instead of nuns, went after your sister." The human said mercilessly as Sirzechs and Serafall flinched before their magic powers spiked with anger.

"If you try anything against them..." Sirzechs trailed off, his aura already disintegrating the earth around him while Serafal's surrounding was frozen.

"Don't compare me to your people, I don't need such tactics. And it is about time you people learned the consequences of your actions." Katsuo said with a glare.

"Tell your masters, it's about time they learned that they can't just abuse humanity for their sick amusement. Nobody gets to do that anymore, they do that..." As the god killer was speaking, a purple mist had appeared and started to envelope him very quickly and disappear along with him; but not before he said his last words.

"...and I'll take it real personal."