
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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175 Chs

Bite on This World

The great and beautiful goddess of water and the patron deity of the Axis faith, Aqua. She had hair as blue as the seas themselves and whenever she walked, the world itself would smile at her. Whenever she smiled in the heavens, a baby would laugh with joy in the realm of the mortals. Such was the grace of…

"Man this is bothersome!" …the grace of the goddess that was complaining while eating chips on her seat.

She was doing her divine duty, sending young souls from Japan who had recently died to their next destination. Which was either heaven, reincarnation or an adventure in a world of magic. As expected most tended to choose adventure, which obviously had nothing to do with her telling a slightly biased view of the other options.

In her defense she needed as many people as she could get since none of the ones she had send before had managed to do what they were sent for, which was to kill that damn demon king bastard. Instead most of them just ended up dying before they could even face the bastard, what was the point of giving them cheat items in that case damn it?!

No, no she had to be calm. Her small break was about to end after all, it was time to continue with sending souls down to the mortal realm with their cheats so that one of them could finally end the demon king.

"So, let's see how this one died. Drug overdose? Sheesh, we really are not picky about who we send down anymore huh?" She grumbled as she dusted off her skirt, ready to welcome this junkie and mentally prepared herself in order to convince the idiot that he really was dead and that this was not some sort of drug induced hallucination.

"Welcome, o' young one, I… am…" Aqua trailed off as instead of a fat guy with bloodshot eyes she had been expecting she ended up facing a man with far more muscles than humanly possible towering over two meters looking down at her.

"So, I died huh?" He said and Aqua nodded while trying to not freak out at the giant of a blond who looked like the damn boogeyman mothers would claim that would eat naughty children! And were those fucking metal fangs in his mouth instead of normal teeth?!

"Y…Yes, you indeed have died. O' young one." Aqua said, trying to regain her dignity as a goddess in front of this… man.

"I see." He said with a flat gaze, making Aqua comfortable with how… calm he looked about his death. Shouldn't there be at least a few minutes of denial, or crying about how his family wouldn't be able to go on without him? Why the hell did he look so calm?!

"Now then, allow me to explain what will happen now." Aqua said with a serene smile and then explained the whole new life and adventure gig.

In order to make sure he would choose the adventure option she even told him how boring heaven was and how being reincarnated wasn't so much different than a personality death. Then she started to talk about how he could create a new life for himself in the new world, how he could have a cheat item in order to make life easier and how the demon king needed to be defeated which finally got his attention.

"Is this demon king, strong?"

"Yes, the demon king has slain many heroes throughout years. An existence that must be purged in order to protect humanity." Aqua claimed, she didn't actually know what kind of being demon king was. All she knew that they had monsters, demons and undead working for them which meant that they deserved to die for fraternizing with such disgusting creatures.

"Then I accept." She probably should be very concerned about the way he was smiling and the way his metal teeth were shining but she decided that being happy about sending him to the new world was better.

"Very well then, please choose the boon that we gods will give you in your adventure!" Aqua yelled out as she dramatically threw the papers that contained the information about the cheat items, what she hadn't expected though was the guy catching all of them with a single motion before they could reach the ground.

"Tell me." He said after a few moments of going through papers.

"You… are a goddess right?" He asked and Aqua immediately preened.

"That's right! I am Aqua, the goddess of water and the patron of healers!" She declared proudly, as it was right for a goddess to do so.

"So… you can heal?"

"That's right! With my power even death is curable, such is the power of a goddess." Aqua said with a laugh.

"And, I can picky anything here to take with me to this world?" He asked once more and Aqua answered once more.

"That's right, I am guessing you made your decision then." Aqua nodded with a smile and started to draw the circle of teleportation on the ground.

"Yeah, you."

"Oh me? That definitely is a unique deci… sion…" Aqua trailed off as she realized what he had said and felt a hand on top of her head. So with fear she looked up, to see the smiling visage of a demon.

"Let's go."


"It's… It's amazing! I don't believe I have ever seen stats this high, except for low intelligence and abysmal luck, in all of my years! Other than jobs that need intelligence like Archwizard, you can take any of the advanced classes!" The guild girl exclaimed and Aqua could feel her spirit rise with praise.

The last hour had been quite horrible, what with her getting pretty much kidnapped from the heavens by the guy she was supposed to send for an adventure and then the people in town running away from them due to mistaking the guy with her for a monster. At least one of the people who had ran had dropped their coin pouch so they had enough eris to register, so like of that greedy junior of her's to name the currency of this world after herself.

"Oh well, it is unfortunate that there is no goddess class. Then I guess I'll have to be satisfied with an Archpriestess." Aqua declared with the pride only a deity could demonstrate. Happy to see that the machine that had analyzed her could see her greatness.

"And then next is… you sir?" The girl at the guild squeaked out and Aqua felt sympathy for the poor girl. Anyone would be like her if faced with a giant monster like that after all, Aqua should send her blessing to the poor lost lamb.

"Jack Hanma." He introduced himself with a smile as he put his hand on the orb and it started to shine almost as brightly as the time Aqua put her hand to it.

"This… This is incredible! I have never seen such high physical stats on any beginning adventure, hell I haven't seen them on most veteran adventures either! You can choose any of the physical classes!" The girl shouted with stars in her eyes and Aqua could hear the people in the guild started to mutter at each other. At least finally she could start to make some progress with Jack taking a class like Berserker or even Crusader.

"I'll be an alchemist." …what?



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