
Ikko ni Kamawan!

"You have no right to detain me!" It was one of the most bizarre sights in her life. Almost like a wreck, truly horrifying yet not something she could avert her eyes from. That was the best explanation Kozuki Hiyori, known as oiran Komurasaki to the rest of Wano, could come up for the last few minutes.

It had been a more or less normal day for the land of Wano with that piece of shit shogun with no redeeming qualities, better known as Kurozumi Orochi, prancing around; having no care for all the poor eyes he was attacking with his ugly mug.

Unfortunately she knew what he wanted to do this day, a small celebration between the Shogunate and the Beast Pirates who controlled the land. Something they did at least once a year where they would make people suffer for their enjoyment while enjoying food that could have ended the famine in the Kuri region.

The small banquet would later on end with Kaido himself making an appearance and finally ending the disgusting time where Hiyori would have to endure Orochi's flirting.

Instead this time that wasn't how the small banquet had ended. Instead the one who ended the banquet was a man from outside of Wano.

The outsider had joined the festival and simply started to eat some of the food with no care of the protests from Orochi's servants. Then Orochi himself had came and started to threaten the outsider with violence, using the fact that he had the backing of Kaido in order to declare that the outsider should be licking the ground Orochi walked on unless he wanted to earn the ire of the legendary pirate. Most people would have been paralyzed with fear and agreed to any of Orochi's demands when faced with the threat of Kaido.

The outsider was not the most people.

No, instead the maniac kicked Orochi in the face with no hesitation. Then when the shogun tried to threaten him again, he chopped the bastard in the neck. The second hit had finally shaken the Oniwaban around them out of their shock and they attempted to take the outsider down, only to be dispatched with almost no effort and became the part of this scenery.

"You have no right to detain me!" The man yelled at the downed forms of Oniwaban with a furious expression but then turned around as he heard the sound of wood creaking. Only to come face to face with eight identical scaled faces of the bastard Orochi, an effect of his fruit which allowed him to take the form of the eight headed dragon.

"You bastard! Do you have any idea of who I am?! Any idea of who I have behind me?! I am the shogun of Wano and anyone who disrespects me…" His words were cut off as the outsider struck the speaking head in the nose with his middle fingers, causing blood to spurt out from them.

"Silence!" And then the man landed a knife hand strike on the long neck of the head he had just struck, and the head went flying. The man had cut through the thick scales of Orochi's form with a single hit!

"More!" And then he did it again and again, faster than anyone around them could comprehend before there was only one head left.

Almost as if he had lost all the strength he had, the snake form of Orochi started to shrink onto itself and its scales started to disappear until the normal unsightly form of Orochi stood before the man.

"You! You're a maniac! Like him! Like that bastard Oden!" The coward tried to get away from the outsider as Hiyori bit her lip in order to control her anger at the worm daring to take her father's name into his filthy mouth, watching something she had never thought to be truly possible.

"Don't you know what will happen now?! Now that you have struck me?! I am under the protection of Kaido damn you! You think you can simply live after this?!" The shogun hollered as the outsider walked closer to him, his voice becoming more and more desperate as he tried to make the man think again before striking him. Yet his words fell to deaf ears.

"I don't care!" The man yelled out as he planted his foot in front of him, pulled his fist back and then let it fly forward; striking Orochi in the face and all around them heard it.

The snapping of the shogun's neck and the fall of his lifeless body.

It was almost comical, the way the man who had taken the birthright of her father, the honor of her father and lives of both of her parents had just died. Not in the way her mother's prophecy had predicted, not by her hand, not by her brother's hand or the hands of any of her father's vassals. Instead the worm had been killed by a man who had nothing to do with the land of Wano, because Orochi had pissed him off.

It took her everything in order to not to start laughing or crying, more than likely both. But before she could try to think about what to do, an oppressive presence appeared and the sound of heavy metal hitting the ground was heard.

Behind the man who had killed the Orochi, was the man who had caused the death of Kozuki Oden and the suffering of the land of Wano. The strongest creature, Kaido of the Beasts.

"Oi brat, you got any idea how much work it took to put that idiot on this country's throne?" The demon of a man asked, his voice like the grinding of rocks against each other.

"From my brief interaction with him, it must have been quite a lot." The stranger said as he looked up at Kaido and the emperor snorted.

"A lot indeed. And you just made all of that work obsolete, how do you intend to apologize?" He asked gruffly.

"I do not!" The outsider yelled and the people around them could feel a gust of wind pass by them.

"Then die." The emperor of the sea declared as he raised his kanabo before swinging it down at the man, and the people heard the sound of metal clashing with a heavy object.

In the span of mere moments, the outsider had once more showed the impossible; he had tanked the hit from Kaido with his arms crossed over his head!

"Hah!" He yelled out as he uncrossed his arms, sending Kaido's weapon back to the sky much to the emperor's shock before striking Kaido in the gut with a palm strike, sending the captain of the Beast Pirates flying back.

Seeing the impossible happen in front of their eyes, the hands of every Beast Pirate in the area went to their weapons; ready to attack before they were frozen in their spots.

"Wororororo!" By their leader's laughter.

Kaido of the Beasts rose from his back while laughing and then smiled at the outsider.

"How many years has it been, since the last time someone survived a hit from me and still had the strength to strike back at me?" The emperor of the sea asked as he pointed to the stranger with his kanabo.

"Brat, what is your name?" The outsider merely huffed and answered.

"I am, Retsu Kaioh!" Then he planted his foot in from of him as he took a fighting stance and his fist caught ablaze with orangish flames.

"And now I shall carve that name onto your soul!" The outsider declared, much to Kaido's joy and amusement as the emperor laughed.

"Worororo! By all means, try it!" Kaido yelled as he charged towards now named Retsu with his kanabo and Retsu did the same with his fist ready to strike.

"Raimei Hakke!"

"Taiyōryuu Gōken!" The attacks met each other head on, and the whole Wano shook.



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