
Snap 26: Precipice.

"So, what'd you wanna talk about?" I asked.

The was a strange air in the room. I felt some spiritual Light building inside of Ai. Something just happened and, whatever it is, it's not good.

It seemed as if whatever was on Ai's mind was hard to say. As if a great burden was on her.

"It's just... I'm not sure about what happens next..." She said.

"Huh? What do you mean? We fight the Demons, win, and live our normal lives. What else?" I said.

She looked at me with a look of timeless wisdom. As if she had lived this life over and over. Lived through various different stories that all had the same ending.

"But it's not that simple, is it? The possibility of something worse coming out of all this. The likelihood of a worse threat, and a worse one after that. And that's if we even win this fight."

"You weren't worried about that before last time we talked," I said, "What happened?"

"I don't know. I used to be so confident we would win. But now I'm not so sure."

"Then we'll train again and again. We'll spar as much as it takes." I said, "You say the word, and I'll be there to help. Its what we're meant for, yeah?"

"I was thinking about the Prophecy." She said.

"The Prophecy? What about it?" She recites the words:

"On the border between,

the Light and Green,

complimentary though they may seem,

a rift may grow along the seams,

should these Polar Bonds break,

the Age of Man shall Quake."

"It's pretty basic isn't it?" I said. "Unless the both of us team up, the world ends?"

"But how do we know the Prophecy isn't about what we think it is?" She said, "It's so vague the same basic ideas could happen multiple times and we won't know which matters."

"Well, I don't know so much about this sort of thing but, even if things don't work out, we'll just have to make our own fate instead of the one we we're forced into." I said.

"Is it so simple?" She said.

"Maybe not, but who knows? And if that doesn't work out, we'll just beat the guys who make the world's fate!" I said with a dumb smile.

She stared confused but quickly started laughing.

"Well, at least you're enthusiastic." She said.

" 'Course I am! I'm not the kinda guy who'd just sit back as the world ends! Who the hell do you think you've been talking to?"

We laughed for a bit.

"Trust me, no matter what, we'll make things work out." I said.

"Yeah, and I'll be there to clean up your mess." Ai replied.


"I'm joking!" Ai chuckled.

"Well, the official reason I'm here is because Jupi- er, your Mom told me to bring a message."

"Yeah? What is it?" I asked.

"They're almost here, the Demons." She said.

"Wait, I thought we still had a couple of weeks."

"They're strong, their existence is built of hate for humanity it seems. They believe in the Queen of the Underworld's motives. The only other thing they care about, is eachother." She said.

"So their wills are that strong..." I muttered to myself.

"So we have only one more week of training. Tomorrow is another round of sparing, so get ready." She said.

"Yeah, it's fine. I'll just win again." I smirked.

"I wouldn't be so confident if I were you. I feel a lot stronger now you know." She said.

Ai really seemed to start coming out of her shell as of recent.

The next day....

I walked into the bathroom of my home when I saw a pile of clothes, the same training set I wore last time. I didn't need to read it, and set off to the training area.

I went through the door and saw Venus and Mars at the door.

"Oh, that was quick. Well done being quick on the draw." Mars said.

"Go down the corridor and take a left to go change." Venus said.

I went into the changing room and put on the training uniform.

I walked into the training room and saw Jupiter standing there.

"Hey, what're training for today?"

"More of the basics for now. Mars and Venus will do the same with Ai while we're here." She responded.

"So what exactly am I working on?" I asked.

"You've got most things down. You just have to keep doing it until it's second nature. But the problem is how even the two of you are in strength."

"Even? We're not equal in strength?"

"No. Not even close. What was holding her back was the strength of her body and using as many Fae as possible. The stronger she gets, the more power she can draw from an ever increasing number of Fae. In a sense, her powers have no true limit other than what she can handle, which is bound to change over time."

She paused for a moment.

"The problem is, you don't have that."

I was silent, but I knew she was right.

"So," She continued, "You need to work on maximizing Lightning Clad and your Snap abilities. How high can you go with it?"

"...good question..." I said. "HMPH!"

I charged up for a little while.

"HRNGH!" Charging up is a real pain. Literally, having Lightning course through your veins is not pleasant."

"Hm..." Jupiter, "Times three, four, no..."

"GRAGHH! TIMES TEN!!!" I let out a strong scream that sounded like a great thunderclap.

My muscles seized up as they tensed up. Veins popping, and hair spiking. My eyes glowing and my aura pulsing bright blue with lightning. I could hardly move.

"*Huff* *huff*... Is that good enough?" I gasped.

"Can you fight with it?" She asked.

"*Huff* Probably not."

"Well, too bad."

Jupiter fired blasts at me. I hurriedly dodged. I underestimated my speed and whiffed straight into a wall.


"Hm... let's try that again." Jupiter said.