

© 2021 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved

I heard her fawning over him as I turned the corner. We quickly locked eyes, my heart fluttered as he immediately smiled at me taking in my dress. Irene was too busy to notice our staring contest as she fiddled with his tie until it was to her liking.

“My handsome young man. Aw I remember when you used to put on your dad’s suits. The sleeves used to be so big on you.” He laughed with her, leaning down so she could frame his face. I admired how mature he was when it came to her affection allowing her to give him as many kisses as she wanted.

I giggled in the background trying to be quiet so I wouldn’t mess up the moment. Irene whipped around her excitement spilling.

“Oh! Isn't she beautiful?” She flailed her hands toward me. “Soul tell her she looks beautiful.” Tapping his chest gently she turned towards me.

I smiled laughing slightly trying to take the embarrassment like a champ like he did.