

© 2021 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved

Breaking away from the conversation made everyone else have permission to resume what they were originally doing. I bid the dean goodbye, as he continued back down the hallway. I ignored the fact that he didn’t say goodbye to Soul. Even though Soul seemed careless.

He kept his steps in sync with mine as we walked the few feet back in the classroom.

“So what did you need help with that you had to ask him?”

I shrugged, pushing the door open. The kids we’re cleaning up for the day. Taking turns cleaning their brushes and pallets. A few of them were having conversations discussing each other's art.

“The art exhibit said it was too late for them to accept my application and I didn't know who else to ask.”

“Wait they said it was too late, but didn’t you turn it in on time?”

I nodded in confirmation. “Yes.”