
Small World Reality : The ascent of the demon

The world as we know it today has become uninhabitable following ignored climate change and wars caused by the growing lack of resources leading to the explosion of several nuclear power plants...leaving part of the population to flee into space preparing for a journey through the stars in the hope of finding a new planet for the human species...after several generations on board, the ships has organized itself around this hope, factions have been created over time reviving an almost forgotten rivalry between the humans on board...nearly leading to the annihilation of what remained of our species...this is how Small World was pushed to the forefront...a fantasy virtual reality world allowing these dark desires to be channeled...the place that this game took was more than what the ruling class hoped for...due to a rebellious AI the ranking of Small World reality granted the first in the ranking the right to freely control the AI ​​ensuring the survival of the species for an entire year...which in the game corresponded to more than 10 years...the winner of the year 3333 had thus betrayed the human race and decided that the human species had to cease to exist...thus annihilating the species... In this dystopian future, a betrayed man sees the opportunity to take another path when he wakes up one year earlier...Clark was just an ordinary member of the Dark Circle Guild, a lower guild of Small World Reality, he hadn't gone back alone, accompanied by cheat software stolen from his former guild leader and armed with memories of the game he was going to save humanity...or die trying...

wisemonde · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Desmodus draculae, why am I so small?

Clark slowly woke up "I'm in so much pain..." he was surprised to be able to speak so clearly, wasn't he incapable of making any noise with his larynx cut ? Before he could even really think about it he felt the pain increase...on the verge of losing consciousness again, the world was spinning around him and he noticed that everything seemed bigger around him.

The pain stopped as it had appeared, and a notification sounded

[ Evolution complete...intervention of Andromeda's ring...forced variant...Desmodus draculae reinforced by human DNA present in the body...missing of material...partial modification...new type of forced variant... ]

"that explains the abnormal pain when you wake up..." still surprised by his strangely deep, almost gravelly voice. Clark stopped mid-sentence and saw the following notification

[ Desmodus draculae (humanoid variant) : no name

Title : one who should no longer exist, member of an extinct species

HP : 10/10

Physical endurance : 10/10

MP : 20/20

Body : 1

Spirit : 2

Luck : 2

Injury : none

Hunger : 10/10, fury at 1/10

Blood stock : empty ]

Having titles so soon was as astonishing as being able to evolve...Clark then paid particular attention to the titles

[ one who should no longer exist, the player takes a path that will not end in joy and happiness...grants the skill < doer of the impossible > as well as immunity to possession ]

The first title was worrying to say the least...Clark almost regretted having chosen this development...if the churches started to chase him away without the slightest proof of his existence because of a divine revelation...competence < doer of the impossible > seemed unknown to him so he looked at his description

[ doer of the impossible, skill granted to those who exceed mortal limits in a unique way, congratulations ! Founder of a new path to power, the difficulties on this path are still unknown but you have already accomplished the impossible, why not make it a habit ? ]

It was the first time Clark had seen such a skill...the description is supposed to give its effect or at least vaguely but not so vaguely...it almost looks like a troll or a bug...immunity to the possession was on the other hand particularly good, several dungeons were dangerous because of the ghosts who enjoyed possessing the wounded to make them kill other players...he then looked at the second title

[ member of an extinct species, a title reserved for extinct species which are slowly reappearing, a sign of the return of prohibitions ? Or simply enormous luck, the bearers of this title see their statistics increase faster than the others, without forgetting the addition of a bonus doubling the luck, you will need it... ]

Clark had a taste of ashes in his mouth...his two titles were screaming trouble...but his luck doubled ? Completely broken...luck even influenced the learning of certain skills, having 2 in luck was like participating in a lottery and being sure of winning once a week...feeling his body visibly smaller than before Clark stared at himself in a reddish slimy puddle "surely my blood" he thought knowing full well how bloody and painful evolutions can be, he was pale gray, looked like a mixture of human and of a bat with the bat side dominating...large ears but human-shaped eyes, his completely black pupils...his jaw, however, still filled with canines and incisors, his nose like the one of a human instead of being squashed like before, he must have been the size of a tall human now..."enough to ride the deviant" Clark commented as he checked the length of his hind legs, the claws serving him toe seemed to be able to shred the flesh with great ease...his arms connected to his torso by a membrane acting as a wing, he could finally fly by himself...he was brought out of his thoughts by a notification

[ evolution completed, status updated, trait refreshed, class modified ]

Surprised by this notification he looked at his class window

[ Class : Savage Vampire

Class level : 1/20

Trait : bloodsucker, hunter, infrared sensor, defensive skin

Affinity : spirit/mind magic ( medium ), shadow magic ( lesser ), blood magic ( medium )

Abilities : exsanguinus, mimic

Flaw : unstable DNA ( evolution required within 1 month on pain of death )

Evolution : requires more human blood ]

Clark knew the infrared sensor and defensive skin traits...the first allowed him to have snake-like vision in the dark perfect for tracking and ambushes, the defensive skin trait was on the other hand stronger in combat, the trait made the skin so strong that ordinary steel could not cut it without monstrous force, well given his body statistic a simple 2 would be enough...but still, with time it would be a powerfull trait.

For the abilities once again he had to check the descriptions silently praying that none would be as vague as his first title...

[ exsanguinus, allows you to drain the target of its blood after having wounded it, however small the wound was, the one who found himself facing a Desmodus draculae could not keep his blood...]

"a general ability then" Clark muttered realizing the impact that ability could have on a battlefield...especially mixed with his blood stock/pool...he then looked at the other ability

[ mimic, result of a new variant of the Desmodus species, allows to imitate the skills of the target, with enough luck there is a low possibility of learning them, requires consuming the target's blood ]

Added with his luck this ability would be formidable...Clark already imagined himself facing powerful enemies slowly rendered powerless as he imitated their strongest skills...after some time, feeling ready to get out of the barn, Clark walked slowly to the large barn door, noting his ease on the ground unlike his last form he couldn't help but smile, even though with his humanoid bat head it looked like a threatening expression towards a prey....

Leaving the barn he noticed a small pile of human bodies next to the variant which exceeded the pile by at least two heads...it turned towards him and he heard a vibrant but crazy voice "you have become small", without answering Clark pointed his arms towards the pile of still bleeding humans...the < exsanguinus > ability in action the blood of the humans constituting the heap slowly exited their bodies to head towards Clark's mouth...he felt the same heat as during his previous meal, he had a happy expression, well for a humanoid bat it looked happy...the variant then reacted to it "small but powerful...I like that..." Clark couldn't help but laugh, a bloody and gravelly laugh...he looked at his stock of blood, 50 liters...looking at his affinities he knew he had to find a small village to slowly transform it into a hiding place for him and the variant, the problem would be to remain discreet, especially if we take into account the ridiculous amount of blood that the variant was drinking...he took advantage of being able to speak again to order her with his deep and gravelly voice "let me climb on you...we are going to leave the region of Krandia, it will be safer..." then he climbed on the variant which, even if it was embarrassed, let him do it, Clark added "if I remember correctly in the West we will find villages of more and more chaotic " Clark thought back to the demonic cults that would ravage Krano and the other surrounding kingdoms...between the variant and his species any demonic cult could be a valuable ally...especially with its growing affinity for magic spirit...

The variant flew away slowly as if to check if Clark would fall but very quickly reassured she accelerated, feeling the wind on her thick skin Clark felt uncomfortable...the speed of the variant did not suit his small size, he almost regretted to have become smaller...using blood from his blood stock he tried to create a skill with his affinity...wasting a few liters he ended up succeeding in forming a ball of blood, making it alternate between solid and liquid he then tried to send it further and make it explode...which worked after losing 20 liters of blood but the ball exploded above a village where a priest of the church of the red goddess stopped at night...he even received the notification for the skill and surprisingly a reward, troubled by these notifications he did not realize the error he had just made...

[ Skill created <blood ball - creation>, <blood ball - manipulation> and <blood ball - explosion> ]

As well as the reward notification for being the first to create a magical skill thus displaying it in the ranking...

[ Congratulations to unnamed player number 666666 for creating this year's first magic skill ! Rewarded with the skill <Creation - skill book> as well as 2 free statistics ]

[ First player to achieve an achievement ! Leaderboard unlocked early ! Reward for temporary first place : ticket for sapphirus x 2 every week ]

[ Ranking :

1 - unnamed, number 666666

2 - no one, number 158926

3 - Alexander, number 569

4 - none

open reward for top 5,10, 50,100 when there is a corresponding top, stay motivated ! ]

Clark became worried before seeing that in the ranking apart from his number nothing else could be seen...relieved he realized the enormous advantage offered by these rewards...sapphirus was one of the most profitable dungeons in the game , skill book, gold, experience, magic stone, everything that could be of value was found in this dungeon as in the others, but the particularity of the dungeons in the precious stone series lay in the random aspect of the loot, we could come across skills present in the entire game unlike ordinary dungeons which focused on a limited type of skill...Alexander had been first when the temporary ranking appeared in his last life, the temporary ranking was to appear after the tutorial...not at the beginning...but Alexandre was still so far ahead thanks to these tickets...which are now in his hands...even if he ends up losing first place after the tutorial, it will take almost a month or two with the war and the return of the demonic cults...