After the fall of Voldemort, Rogue Death Eaters that have escaped the noose and Azkaban have targeted The Golden Trio, The Malfoys, and a certain Potions Professor. In the ensuing mayhem, Severus Snape was badly injured and defenseless against a future attack. Enter Albus Dumbledore with a plan to keep The Potions Master safe, meanwhile a new student has arrived at Hogwarts.
The Infirmary Hogwarts...
The twinkling blue eyes of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore rested on the raven haired Potions Professor as he lied unconscious in an infirmary bed. He could not have imagined what ordeal would be so incredible that it would put the younger wizard in such a state. Professor McGonagall had been with them. Her dark eyes filled with sorrow at the sight of Severus Snape once taking on the role of a patient in the infirmary. The Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress had only just arrived when Lucius Malfoy came crashing through the doors. His gray eyes barely masked the fury behind them as he took in the sight of his ailing friend.
"S-Severus." he said in disbelief.
"He's resting." said McGonagall softly.
"H-How could something like this have happened?" asked Lucius turning his attention to Dumbledore.
"Remus tells us that Severus was trying to save Miss Granger and took whatever curse affected her into himself." said Dumbledore. "He might very well have saved Miss Granger's life, Lucius."
The senior Malfoy sighed. His worst suspicions had been confirmed.
"W-What kind of curse is it?" he asked seemingly exhausted.
"It is called Tears of The Broken Soul." supplied Lady Hamershal, whom had joined them.
Lucius glared at her.
"And what do you know of it?" he asked not at all trying to mask his accusing tone.
"I know a great deal more about it than any of you." replied Lady Hamershal. "It is one of the reasons why Severus came to me."
Lucius rolled his eyes.
"Eileen, would you please tell us what this could mean for both Severus and Miss Granger." said Dumbledore.
Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow at this.
"Eileen?" she said.
Lucius smirked.
"Yes, Minerva." he replied. "Apparently that wicked crone standing there, is Severus' long lost mother."
"I beg your pardon." said McGonagall looking over the other witch.
"I'm afraid it's true Minerva." said Dumbledore.
The Transfigurations Professor whirled around to face the Headmaster.
"Albus, you knew about her?" she asked in disbelief.
He nodded.
Lucius smirked.
"It appears I am not the only one kept out of the loop concerning this little matter." he said.
McGonagall glared at the witch in question. She had not been particularly fond of the woman any more than Lucius had been. She understood now why Harry Potter had been upset when he saw her in the Headmaster's office the day they met to discuss returning Severus' memories.
"You are a morally reprehensible woman." she said in a huffy tone. "I don't know why you are suddenly back in this boy's life after all these years, but I hope he has the good sense to keep you at an arm's distance...I don't like the looks of you and If it were up to me I wouldn't allow you any where near him...but know this...if you even think about hurting that boy any more than you already have I will make you wish that you had stayed away...and I assure you "Lady" Hamershal...You-Know-Who will have been the least dangerous by comparison."
Lucius smiled at this. Apparently, Minerva felt the same way he had. It was even more amusing to see that her legendary protective streak had been extended to Slytherins as well, at least where Severus Snape had been concerned. Lady Hamershal had been largely unaffected by the display and merely sighed.
"Be that as it may." she said coolly. "I am his mother and it was my son that sought out my expertise concerning this matter."
Remus entered the Infirmary. He had not wanted to miss the fireworks. The DADA Professor knew that Minerva had been fiercely protective very much like a lioness herself when it came to people she cared a great deal about. Lucius was struggling to be on his best behavior for the sake of his friend but he had not been too happy to see Eileen Prince back at Hogwarts.
"And what does you're so-called knowledge tell you about their current condition?" asked Lucius bitterly.
Lady Hamershal sighed.
"As I told Remus before, Miss Granger will make a full recovery." she said. "She won't remember much about the attack but she will be fine no less."
"And what of Severus?" asked Dumbledore.
"Severus is infused with the curse." replied Lady Hamershal. "He will function as he always has without any knowledge of the events but he will exhibit both subtle and physical changes."
"Such as?" asked Lucius raising an eyebrow.
"Physical pain will grip him whenever he has contact with any one that provokes a sentimental emotion of any sort." explained Lady Hamershal. "The black veins will be visible if any sort of contact is initiated and in a bid to ease his suffering his darker nature would seep put it plainly...he will be cold and unfeeling as a side effect of the curse...I have no doubt that he would try to fight against it...but it will only cause him great pain."
Lucius couldn't believe what he was hearing.
McGonagall was absolutely speechless.
Dumbledore had looked upon Severus with sorrow in his blue eyes.
Remus tried not to look at any of them. In a way he understood this state. Instead of self imposed isolation, Snape would be forced to disconnect from everyone he cared about even a little in order to stave off the pain from the curse.
"H-How long does it last?" asked the DADA Professor.
"Usually, It is a curse that lasts until the original caster meets his/her end." replied Lady Hamershal. "To power something this strong one must make a deal with spirits in order to gain it's effects...the price is the mortal soul of the caster...once the caster has no use for his/her soul...say in death...the spirits collect and the curse is voided depending on the terms of the arrangement of course."
Lucius' ears perked at this.
"So we kill LeStrange and Severus gets his life back." he said.
"In a manner of speaking." replied Lady Hamershal. "The curse would end when the caster's life expires yes."
There was a dark glint behind Lucius Malfoy's eyes. Remus Lupin had silently agreed with the Slytherin's train of thought. If this was the way to save Severus from such a terrible fate then he would gladly lend a hand...or in his case a claw or two.
Dumbledore and Minerva said nothing. Their better nature would have suggested otherwise but this was Severus' life they were talking about. If this was truly the only way to save him. "The greater good" was the stand point that allowed them to silently agree as well.
"Then it is settled." said Lucius determined. "I would gladly see Rodolphus LeStrange dead for this."
The Infirmary, Hogwarts...
Hermione Granger awoke in the near empty infirmary dazed and confused. She had remembered reading by the lake but the rest had been something of a blur. The young Gryffindor witch's amber eyes fell on a bed on the opposite end of the room. The features of the raven haired wizard had been unmistakable.
Professor Snape? What's Professor Snape doing here?
Hermione recalled a dream she had about Professor Snape saying something in her ear. He held her hand and kissed her on the lips. It was the kind of kiss that left her utterly confused. The young witch decided that it was a strange dream at best, but then everything about it had seemed so real. She got out of her bed and made her way over toward the sleeping Professor. The image of his pale lips pressed against hers seemed to be burned into her mind. The look in his obsidian eyes had been so unfamiliar.
Was he in love with her?
W-Were they together before?
The Professor let out a soft agonized moan as Hermione stood near him. He seemed to be running a fever as sweat poured down his sallow pale face in streams. The witch felt her heart wretch at the sight of him. His raven hair had been stuck to his forehead and she reached out to brush it away from his closed eyes. The Professor's pain seemed to increase at her touch but she found that despite the clammy exterior, she couldn't bring herself to move her hand.
Another agonized moan came from the professor at her touch. The images of him kissing her rather passionately flooded her mind and she had to know if it had really all been just a dream. Hermione took a breath and leaned down pressing her soft pink lips into the pale ones of The Potions Professor. Snape's obsidian eyes shot open in an instant and he glared at her.
"Miss Granger, what in the hell do you think you are doing?" he asked too weak to give her the full extent of his wrath.
Hermione had been dazed for a moment.
Kissing him had seemed so...right.
She just couldn't place why that had been.
"I-I don't rightly know, Professor." she replied in confusion.
Snape felt a wave of pain shoot through him.
"G-Get away from me." he said through ragged breaths.
Hermione had not understood.
More pain shot through the Potions Master's body and he gripped the sides of his bed.
"M-Miss G-Granger...G-GO B-BACK T-TO Y-YOUR B-BED!" he said painstakingly.
Hermione gasped as she saw the black veins make themselves known through Snape's already pale skin.
"P-Professor what's happened to you?" she asked in a concerned tone.
Snape could not reply as the pain continued to rip through him.
Hermione made her way back toward her bed and Snape seemed to settle back down. She could tell that he had lost consciousness after a while and watched him attentively.
What's happening to the Professor?
Why is he in so much pain?
More importantly, why had she kissed him?