

this is dropped im re-writing this story new title: SLOTH-souls of darkness

Kiwuno · Fantasy
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37 Chs

CHAPTER 17: the daughter of sebastian

apathy and the others gets out of the carriage

anna: woah! there's way more stuff in here

the road were filled with all kinds of species the shops were filled

with all kinds of stuff from elegant clothes and delicious looking food

anna: hey apathy lets get some stuff then lets go to kenny's place

apathy: ok then lets all split up and buy our things at 3 in the morning lets all

meet up here

anna: ill come with you

lara: ill also come with you

duke: ill also tag along

kile : me nalia and serena will be together then lets go

apathy bought some new clothes and some metal gloves

and a black shirt that goes along well with his pants with fur in it

anna looked for another rapier

lara bought shields

duke bought magic scrolls

at kile's group

kile bought clothes as well as nalia and serena

at 3 am they all went back to the place and rented for a inn

we will split the room of men and women

anna nalia lara and serena stay in that room

and me duke and apathy will stay here

anna: apathy lets visit kenny

apathy nodded

1 hour of walking later here we are

apathy and the others arrived at a house

apathy knocked at the house hello is somebody here?

a woman answered who's there

the woman opened the door it was a demon girl

horns coming out like of a bull

kenny: who are you?

apathy: are you kenny?

kenny: yes and what is it

apathy:i am apathy kinden'na and she's anna belle and we have been takencared by your father

and he wants us to give this to you

anna handed the letter that sebastian handed them

kenny then opened the letter and then

kenny: thank you both of you i never been able to

visit my father for so long because of the curse of the forest

wanna have a soup that he likes to eat

apathy and anna: absolutely

after a while

anna: apathy

we better get going

apathy you guys go first i wanna speak with her for something

anna you guys go on first ill follow later

lara and the others nodded

apathy showed kenny her chest do you know how to dispell


kenny: hmm it is possible but i need your heart but good for you this

tier of the spell has a range so as long as you get away from the spell you are safe about 30 meters

its false that they can see your actions they can only hear what you are saying

and it also has a range about 10 meters you are lucky because

if you get hitted by a tier 5 in the whole world you wont be safe

apathy:i see thank you for the time

kenny wait eat this because if you die by that spell

i can make you a ghoul and you'll still have conciousness

but the downside is you will have to get used of eating raw meat

that sounds like a barerable downside apathy accepted the offer

apathy then ill see you again

apathy nodded

apathy went out the room anna lets go

anna: what did you two do

apathy:i wanted to ask her something

anna:what kind

apathy: if will she able to make a deflatetable bed so anywhere i can sleep on it

anna: thats sound stupid

apathy and anna got back

to the inn then they realize its been 5 hours and

lara and the others are asleep

also i forgot to mension why the hell

did this website meke this light novel a romance i did

not even plan on making a romance novel i just added

it for the future romance relation ship of apathy

any ways have a good day

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