

this is dropped im re-writing this story new title: SLOTH-souls of darkness

Kiwuno · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

CHAPTER 16:the indeclinable contract

at midnight

apathy: hey anna im gonna go buy something outside

wanna come?

anna: no

apathy left the house and walked in the streets as apathy

as he walked forwards there was a man in front of him a large man with a hunchback

then it called his name

???:apathy kinden'na would you like to do a job for me?

apathy: first of all who are you and how do you know my name?

the man laughed of course i know you you're the one who killed emanuel

the imperial guard who's ranked 10th in the strongest now let me ask you again

do you want to do a job for me rejecting will have huge consequences

apathy: what consequences?

???:death and our next target will that girl that is always with you

a magic circle suddenly appeared circling on the mans hand then apathy

suddenly kneeled and breathing heavily apathy looked at the mans hand there was

a heart

???:apathy do you see this heart in my hands because its your own heart if i crush it

you will perish look at your chest beneath your clothes

apathy looked and there was a hole

???: if you fail or spill the secrets i will crush your heart and then you know what will happen

apathy began shaking in fear its been so long since he last felt it

???: now do. you. wanna. do. the JOB.

apathy nodded

???: good

i want you to get close to the princess and kill her any way shape or form

if you do it ill leave you be got it? and also since i got your heart

i can see what youre doing thinking and saying if you do anything

that's out of contract i will crush it

then the man left with apathy's heart apathy stopped trembling

but the fear was still there. apathy went home

anna: apathy where's your food?

apathy: the shop closed early

anna: i see

apathy: im going to bed good night.

apathy: thinke'd how is he going to get out of this situation

he cant disobey since he will die and anna will be next

the next day

apathy packed some things

anna: where are you going?

apathy:im going to the demon kingdom just to look for some

things we will be needing since there's a lot of things in this town that has no materials like fixing

my great sword

anna: can i come as well

apathy: sure lets tell lara that we are heading out

apathy and anna then left

the city of aether and headed off to the demon kingdom

but after telling lara lara and her friends also wanted to come as well

apathy: lets walk

lara: there's a carriage lets rent one

lara:5 gold for a carriage

apathy: that's way too expensive

serena: c'mon walking will take us days or weeks to arrive my parents

will be pissed

duke: lets vote raise your hand if you want to get in the carriage

one two three four five six

apathy: anna?!

anna: i also want to ride the carriage im not gonna risk

getting mauled in the forest

apathy: fine so who got the money

lara: don't worry i will pay

they got in the carriage and left the town of aether

at night

the driver of the carriage lets rest here for now

the carriage stopped

anna: hey apathy while we are at the demon kingdom

lets visit sebastians daughter kenny and give her the letter

that sebastian wants us to give her

apathy: nodded with a smile

lara: who is sebastian?

apathy: hes the demon that saved and welcomed us home

back when we fled the town

kile: ehh?! a demon taking care of a human all i know that demons love human flesh

until the unknown queen made a law to prohibit the eating of allied human

kingdoms unless if they're enemies you're both lucky

serena: ok everyone lets all sleep for the night its getting late

in the morning

nalia: there it is the kingdom of the demons!

apathy and the others looked with smile.

im satisfied with this work and i also like this story

im not that good with pacing or emotions

but ill do my best

hope yall have a good day

Kiwunocreators' thoughts