
Slime Summoning: The Skill I use to get Girls

[Slime Summoning] Qing lives in a village in the North. Cursed with the trash skill Slime Summoning he must prove his worth as a hero and find purpose in a purposeless world. _____ I don't have much time to work on this, but I will try to update once a week.

baibye777 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

A Picnic by the Creek

"How was it today?"

"It was fine,"

Chi was interesting however, it wasn't as interesting as mana.

To him, mana was one of the most interesting things. While Chi could be used to enhance your fighting. Mana could be used to create water fire or strengthen seemingly out of nowhere. Mother's eyes would always brighten as she explained mana to him.

"We learned nunchucks today."

Both energies grumbled inside of him and talked. It was a weird sensation.

"Shall we have dinner before you continue your story,"

He took a bite of his meal and swallowed before continuing his story. "The Ning was interesting," he said. "I never realized how versatile he was in combat."

"He just mastered every weapon that the Old man threw at him,"

"What did I say about calling your Teacher an Old man," Qing's mother noted to him.

"But he is old. The guardian said he was there when he was born and he's over a hundred years old,"

Qing's mother gave a small, close-lipped smile, finding her son's response amusing. "Well, you should still show some respect for your teacher, regardless of his age," she said.

"It sounds like you're making good progress in your training," she said, smiling encouragingly.

Chi nodded a small smile on his face. "Yes, I'm starting to understand the power of Chi and how to control it," he said. "But mana is even more fascinating to me. The things you can do with it are incredible."

His mother's eyes lit up with excitement. "That's true," she said with a chuckle. "Mana is a powerful force. So, have you been practicing your control? I don't want another accident to happen."

Qing chuckled, a hint of embarrassment on his face. "Yeah, I've been practicing," he admitted. "But it's harder than it looks. Sometimes it feels like the mana has a mind of its own."


Qing's morning was boring and distasteful for himself today.

"I got to go exercise again today," He groaned at the thought of it.

His whole body was still coping with the Chi that just entered. It felt sore just like the days he first started exercising. It was sore and his stomach tightened as he tried to force himself up.

Qing lay motionless on his bed as he watched the sun slowly rise from his window. He didn't want to do anything today. He had spent his whole winter preparing and conditioning his body. One break wouldn't hurt him.

"I feel like going to the creek,"

Spring was approaching so the creek shouldn't be frozen over. It would also be the perfect time just to enjoy the spring breeze. There might even be fish there.

He thought for a moment. His mother wouldn't be running the library today. They could both go head down to the creek and enjoy lunch beside the creek.

As Qing struggled to get up from his bed, his whole body ached with soreness. The Chi that he had been practicing with had left him feeling stiff and sore, just like the first few days of his exercise routine. As he stood up, his stomach tightened in discomfort, and he let out a light groan.

He walked back to his wardrobe and changed into comfortable clothes.

"I'm heading out to the creek,"

His hand gestured for his mother to join him there.

"Sure, let me make some sandwiches,"

"Also are you going to invite Anya or Ning?"

Anya's house towards the creek and Ning's in the opposite direction. They could stop by Anya's house and invite her and maybe even Grandpa Bai along the way. Then, head toward Ning's house to invite him. Qing had his whole plan in his head.

"That's a great idea! We can make it a picnic with everyone,"

His mother smiled, already starting to pack some sandwiches and fruits for the picnic. "I'll go invite Grandpa Bai and Anya while you go invite Ning,"

Finally reaching Ning's house, Qing knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. When The Lumberjack opened the door.

"Boy, you ready for some more training,"

"Your very eager today,"

Qing smiled at his teacher's enthusiasm. "Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to join us for a picnic by the creek," he said. "My mother and I are going, along with Anya and Grandpa Bai. It would be great if you could join us."

Ning looked like he just finished a hard workout. Ning took a sip of water and slowly walked toward the door after hearing Qing's request.

Ning's expression softened at the invitation. "That sounds like a great idea," Ning said with a smile. "Let me get changed and grab a few things and I'll be ready to go."

Qing nodded and waited for Ning to get ready. When he was done, they both headed towards the creek, chatting about their training and plans for the future. As they walked, they saw Grandpa Bai and Anya walking toward them.

"Hello, young Qing," Grandpa Bai said with a smile, patting Qing on the head. "It's good to see you and your mother enjoying the day."

Anya waved and smiled at them. "Hi, guys! Are we ready for our picnic by the creek?"

Qing nodded, feeling happy to be spending the day with his friends and family. As they reached the creek, they spread out a blanket and began to enjoy the sandwiches and fruits that Qing's mother had prepared.

After they finished eating, they decided to take a walk along the creek, enjoying the scenery and each other's company. The spring breeze was refreshing, and the sun's warmth felt comforting on their skin.

As they walked, they came across a small waterfall, and Grandpa Bai suggested they climb up to the top to get a better view. Qing, Ning, and Anya eagerly followed him, scaling the rocks and footholds to reach the top.

Qing rested by a tree, taking in the sound of the water flowing and the chirping of birds in the distance. Letting himself relax for the first time in what felt like forever.

"Would you like to try your hand at fishing, young Qing?"

"Sure," Qing's eyes sparked with excitement. Surely, Ning would master this before him. Fishing was a patience sport and Qing knew Ning wasn't the patient type. This would be his chance to show that he was better than Ning at something.

Grandpa Bai chuckled at Qing's enthusiasm and took out a fishing rod from his bag. He handed it to Qing and said, "Here you go, young one. I'll show you how to use it."

Grandpa Bai patiently showed Qing how to cast the line and reel in the fish. Making sure to give him tips every time the Qing swung the line.

"Grandpa Bai can I get one too,"

Ning observed Grandpa Bai's fishing techniques as he instructed Qing, and eventually decided to join in on the fun. He mimicked the casting motion and threw his line into the creek.

"It's similar to swinging a spear," Ning noted to Qing as he reeled in his line.

"Nice you caught one," Anya complemented Ning's ability.

"Just swing the line behind you then, slam it down like a sword"