
Sleepovers are Not so Bad after All

Taeyong's your professor, you are his student. Simple, right? Maybe.

CaptainEyelash · Music & Bands
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18 Chs


Briar's POV

"So...boyfriend huh?" I started, making my professor tense up.

"W-wha..I uh- y-yeah, I needed to say that, hoping he'd back off." he stuttered.


I smirked at his answer, knowing that I'm the reason that caused him to get all flustered.

"Hmm, seems legit. But he didn't back off though..." I added.

"I didn't like the way he was handling you, I wanted to rip him to shreds." he said, angrily. The dark look he had on was such a turn on.

Woah there, ya thirsty ass bitch! Calm yourself.

"Really? And how should I be handled then?" I said, testing Naia's theory.

"U-um, y-you should be handled like a Queen, treating you with utmost respect and love." he said, shocking me when he said the last line.

Blushing and not knowing how to react I just said


"Hey! We got the drinks!" Yuki said, suddenly appearing.

Thank glob! It was getting awkward.

"Thank the lawd! I'm starving." I said jokingly.

"Um, Mr. Lee?" I started, but he cut me off

"Please, we're not in school, call me Taeyong." he offered.

ASDFGHJKLL I can't function!

"O-okay then, Taeyong" I tested out, liking the was it sounds.

"Aren't you and Ten going to eat?" I asked.

"Yeah, when he gets back. Oh! There he is." He said

"Hyung, I already told the guard and they're escorting the dude out the mall." Ten said.

"That's good then, let's order?" Taeyong asked.

"Yeah, I'm dying" Ten said jokingly.

"Hey, we still have space left, why don't you sit with us when you get back." Naia said.

I swear, I'll kill her one of these days.

"Alright then!" Ten said ecstatically.

"We'll be back then." Taeyong announced, while looking at me.

When they were far away, I quickly smacked Naia's head.

"Ow! Bish what!?" she exclaimed.

"Why did you do that!?" I asked.

"What? I'm being nice. Plus when we got back, there was tension between the both of you." She said.

"Yeah, what happened while we were gone." Andre asked.

"Well, after you bastards left me, we talked about me beating up the dude...then other things as well." I said

"Liiiikkkeee?" Yuki asked.

"Like him saying that's he's my boyfriend to make the dude back off, which he didn't!" I said, seeing them exchanging looks.

3 2 1 que!


They all squealed together, like a bunch of birds ready to mate with anyone on sight.

"Gaahhhddd, my ears! Pipe down, bishes!" I said, I really think I'm dead though.

"Gawd! Do you need more signs!? He freaking likes you, bish!" Naia exclaimed.

"Shut up or I'll shut you up myself!" I said, making her the lips sealed action.

"I agree, girl. Mr. Lee, no scratch that, TAEYONG likes you!" Yuki said while nodding her head.

"You really think so? Cause bish, you'd make me think we da shit when in reality, we ain't even shit." I said doubtful.

"There's only one way to find out." Andre said.

"What's that?" I asked, curious.

"Kiss him again....."

Will she have the guts to do it again?

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