

SLEEP EMPEROR, you can experience how you became the sleeping emperor. "SLEEP EMPEROR JOURNEY" follows the thrilling journey of Alex, a martial artist who possesses the incredible ability to harness dreams. Discovering his power to enter and manipulate dreams, Alex embarks on a quest to become the ultimate martial arts master. Guided by enigmatic dream entities, he learns ancient techniques and gains invaluable wisdom. Venturing into the Dream Realm, Alex faces formidable challenges, rival fighters, and perilous creatures. Through rigorous training and personal growth, he earns experience points to enhance his skills and unlock new abilities. Joined by loyal companions, Alex sets out to conquer renowned martial artists, aiming to claim the coveted title of the SLEEP EMPEROR—the embodiment of dreams and martial prowess. Hope you join your journey reader. SORRY IF THE GRAMMAR IS NOT GOOD.

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20 Chs


You explore deeper into the castle and come upon a huge alchemist furnace and laboratory test equipment. You look closer at the equipment and the furnace and notice that some materials appear to be made of ancient metals and gemstones. It's clear that whoever built this castle was a master of the alchemical arts and that it was once a great center of study and research. You wonder what this castle must have been like in its prime when it was full of the comings and goings of students and scholars who came to learn and study the secret secrets of alchemy.

Then something appears. It was the White deer. You are stunned to see the white deer. It is a beautiful and majestic creature, seemingly pure and unspoiled by this world's corruption and sin. It's radiant, almost ethereal, and you feel its presence exude peace and purity. You have never seen anything like it before, and its presence here is a mystery. You stare at the white deer in awe and wonder as it watches you with clear, gentle eyes. It seems at peace and unconcerned with this world's troubles and cares. It is a truly remarkable sight, and you deeply appreciate its presence.

The white deer wants you to follow it. You are filled with wonder and fascination as you watch it stare at you with deep, gentle eyes. The deer is a magnificent and beautiful sight, and you feel a deep appreciation and gratitude for its presence. You are stunned and amazed by its presence, which is truly wonderful and magnificent. When it turns and walks away, you feel a strong urge to follow it. You feel a deep connection to the deer and its presence. When it looks back at you and beckons you to follow, you do so without hesitation or thought.

The white deer leads you to a secret room inside the castle. The room is filled with ancient recipes for long-lost medicine; you can see that it is the alchemy laboratory you came across earlier. The recipes are written in an ancient language, and you can tell they are the product of decades of research and study. This is a room full of great knowledge and power, and you feel a sense of wonder and majesty as you enter and see the immense possibilities. You look around the room and study the recipes, wondering what each entails and what great secret medicines may be contained in their pages.

Because you master Dragon Zeroth Law, you can understand the ancient texts. You quickly begin studying the recipes and trying to parse their meaning. It's clear that there's a great deal of knowledge and power within them, and you know that if you can decode them, you could use their control for tremendous good or destruction. You begin to work on solving the ancient texts, using your master Dragon Zeroth Law to help you understand the intricacies of the ancient language and try to piece together the meaning behind the recipes you now have access to.

Once again, the white deer signals for you to follow her. You feel the pull to follow and feel that if you follow, you will learn great secrets and powerful knowledge. You sense there is something significant about this moment, and you feel an internal urge to follow the white deer and see where it leads you. As it turns and walks slowly away, you follow after it without hesitation, and you feel an immense sense of wonder and curiosity as you walk with it and see where it might take you.

You follow the white deer into the center of the secret room. There is a scroll that contains knowledge about refining medicine and weapons. The scroll is an ancient and powerful treasure, and you know that if you can decipher its meaning and unlock its secrets, you will gain incredible power from it. You are determined to find out what it says so that you can use its power for good or for evil, and you feel a deep sense of obligation and responsibility towards the scroll. You know that you must understand this incredible ancient knowledge and use it wisely.

when you open the scroll your head almost blows up because it can't contain much knowledge. The scroll is filled with ancient knowledge, and its power is overwhelming. Your head starts to throb, and you feel like your brain will explode from all the information you absorb. You feel like you will pass out from the strain, but you force yourself to stay conscious and focus on the scroll. You push through the pain and keep your consciousness and grip on reality, but the effort takes its toll on you. You make it through and now have the ancient, hidden wisdom of the ancient alchemists of olden times unlocked and available to you.

A vision of two grandmaster alchemists and one grandmaster of forging manifests before your eyes. They have a powerful presence that exudes wisdom and authority; you feel reverence and respect for them. You are fascinated and amazed by their presence and feel a sense of responsibility to honor and respect them and adhere to their teachings and values. They are powerful and wise masters of their craft, and you feel privileged and honored to be in their presence. You know that the knowledge and power held within these two masters and their teachings are immense and will lead to great good when put to proper use.

The white deer slowly work in front of you. She gives her power to you because now you are inherited of the Refiner Law. You feel energy and power surge through your body as the white deer works her magic and grants you the power of the refiner's law. You feel a new strength and a sense of power within you as this new power flows through you. This is a profound moment; the white deer looks at you with gentle, wise eyes, and you know she has given you an incredible gift. You are forever grateful to the white deer, respect and honor this gift, and promise that you will use this gift for good and not waste this incredible opportunity.

The white deer disappears with the grandmaster alchemists and grandmaster forging, and you feel a profound sense of loss and grief, but you also feel an immense appreciation for the gifts and teachings they have imparted to you. You know how special this moment was, and you will forever cherish your memories of the white deer and the wise alchemists and their teachings. You are filled with an overwhelming sensation of responsibility now as you have inherited the immense power of the refiner's law, and you feel a deep sense of duty to use this power for good as you continue your journey.

"I will use your knowledge and power to bring peace and balance. You can rest in peace now."

With a deep sense of purpose and a new strength and confidence within you, you set out on your journey and begin your life's mission: to use the power of the refined law to bring peace and balance to the world. You feel honor and pride in these words and pledge to use your knowledge and power to protect and help those in need. You are determined and committed to this mission and will not rest until it is achieved. With this newfound purpose, you are ready to face the challenges ahead of you and walk boldly and firmly on your journey.

"I fight not for victory alone, but to push the boundaries of my own strength and unlock my true potential."

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