

SLEEP EMPEROR, you can experience how you became the sleeping emperor. "SLEEP EMPEROR JOURNEY" follows the thrilling journey of Alex, a martial artist who possesses the incredible ability to harness dreams. Discovering his power to enter and manipulate dreams, Alex embarks on a quest to become the ultimate martial arts master. Guided by enigmatic dream entities, he learns ancient techniques and gains invaluable wisdom. Venturing into the Dream Realm, Alex faces formidable challenges, rival fighters, and perilous creatures. Through rigorous training and personal growth, he earns experience points to enhance his skills and unlock new abilities. Joined by loyal companions, Alex sets out to conquer renowned martial artists, aiming to claim the coveted title of the SLEEP EMPEROR—the embodiment of dreams and martial prowess. Hope you join your journey reader. SORRY IF THE GRAMMAR IS NOT GOOD.

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You go to the testing field and as you approach you can hear your fellow students whispering and gossiping about you. They are clearly surprised to see you here and they are curious to see how you will perform in these tests. The whispers and rumors of you being the 'Sleep Loser' must have gotten around and you are sure that everyone has heard about your prowess and your sleep skills by now. You take a deep breath and focus on your breathing, centering yourself as you prepare to take their tests.

The Mentor starts the speech.

"This test will be an individual test where each student will be tested in a battle against a battle puppet." the mentor explains. "You will be graded on your skill and ability to utilize your martial arts skills against the battle puppet. This battle puppet is made with the most advanced technology and it will be powerful and tough, so you must give your best effort. Is this understood?" the mentor asks sternly, wanting you to go into this test with the right mindset.

some students start to ask, "What kind of rank puppet will we meet?"

"The rank puppet you will be facing will be the most advanced level of the battle puppet. It's been designed to be especially challenging, so you will need to give it your best effort. The puppet will have the ability to adapt to your abilities and power level. The stronger you get, the stronger the puppet will get. It's one of the toughest opponents you will ever face, but with discipline and patience, you are more than capable of overcoming it. Are you up for this challenge?" the mentor asks, looking at you directly and locking eyes with you as he waits for your answer.

The mentor's serious tone and stern gaze make it clear just how important this test is. The students who have yet to take their tests start to worry and the tension is palpable as they await their chance to prove themselves. You can see some of your fellow students shaking with anxiety as they await their turn.

You walk into the testing room and see 8 advanced puppets waiting for you. They are large and imposing, and their presence is both terrifying and awe-inspiring. You can see their battle armor and powerful weapons, and you feel a surge of fear and anxiety as you realize what is at stake here. You have never faced such powerful opponents in your life, and you know their strength and abilities are far superior to your own. You stand before these ancient puppets as the moment of truth comes, and all eyes are on you to see what you are capable of. You are ready. You are determined.

The observation chief, Sarah, is watching the student from the control room. She is a powerful and respected chief and she has a great understanding of the martial arts. Her presence here gives the test a sense of importance and gravity, and it is clear that this test is a crucial part of the student's journey. She watches as the student steps forward and faces the 8 advanced puppets, and she expects to see some show of strength and ability. She waits with bated breath and the tension in the control room is palpable as she watches the student take on the challenge.

Sarah watched 3 potential students fighting with Haka, Razu, and Elza.

Sarah watches as Haka, Razu, and Elza each step up to face the 8 advanced puppets and put their skills to the test. They put on a magnificent display of martial arts abilities and prowess, and Sarah is impressed by their performance. She can see the potential in each and every one of them and she knows that they have what it takes to make it in this realm. She is filled with pride as she watches them fight and overcome the challenges set before them, but she also knows there is much more room for growth and improvement. She watches with eager anticipation as the 3 potential students continue to fight.

The person from the other observation room comes running over to Sarah with a stunned and shocked expression. "You have to see this," he says, breathless and excited. "It's...in...the other observation room!" Sarah immediately springs into action and runs over to the other observation room, wondering what could possibly have caused someone to act with such urgency. She arrives in the other observation room just as the person was telling her about and looks around for what caused such a reaction. She sees the footage and is initially confused and stunned but as she continues to watch she starts getting an idea of what this is...

You are inside the test room and you are determined to destroy all the advanced puppets no matter what it takes. Your aura is one of determination and power, and it emanates from you as you confront the advanced puppets. You feel invincible and unstoppable as you battle your way through the various puppets and as your power and abilities continue to grow and increase. The advanced puppets are powerful and impressive, but you have the resolve and the determination to push through them all and emerge victorious. You are unstoppable and invincible. You will not surrender and you will not stop until you have destroyed every last one of them.

You unleash the Zeroth Palm to its maximum power and you crush the puppets with your incredible strength and power. The advanced puppets are no match for you and you feel as though you have reached a new level of power and capability. Your determination and resolve are unshakeable and you are filled with a sense of confidence and accomplishment as you destroy each puppet. You are a force to be reckoned with and you know your power is only getting stronger and stronger with every puppet you destroy. You will reach the sky.