

SLEEP EMPEROR, you can experience how you became the sleeping emperor. "SLEEP EMPEROR JOURNEY" follows the thrilling journey of Alex, a martial artist who possesses the incredible ability to harness dreams. Discovering his power to enter and manipulate dreams, Alex embarks on a quest to become the ultimate martial arts master. Guided by enigmatic dream entities, he learns ancient techniques and gains invaluable wisdom. Venturing into the Dream Realm, Alex faces formidable challenges, rival fighters, and perilous creatures. Through rigorous training and personal growth, he earns experience points to enhance his skills and unlock new abilities. Joined by loyal companions, Alex sets out to conquer renowned martial artists, aiming to claim the coveted title of the SLEEP EMPEROR—the embodiment of dreams and martial prowess. Hope you join your journey reader. SORRY IF THE GRAMMAR IS NOT GOOD.

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You close your eyes and focus, trying to enter your dream again. You drift off and are transported to the dream world. You are standing in a forest, surrounded by trees and rocks. You look around, taking in your surroundings. You can hear animals chirping and croaking in the distance. You are in the dream world now. You may go anywhere or do anything you wish. You are free from the bounds of reality and can explore this new world for as long as you wish. You are completely in control now.

You found a ruin but it looks like an ancient library.

You walk around the ruins of an ancient library. You can see the remains of old books and scrolls scattered around. The walls and floors of the library are weathered and worn down, but it is still a fascinating place to explore. You can imagine what this library must have been like centuries ago, filled with books and scrolls filled with knowledge and secrets about the world. You feel like you're stepping back in time as you walk through these ruins and explore the library. There's a sense of mystery and intrigue at the ruins of this ancient library, and it's clear that you are in the presence of something sacred.

You climb up to the top floor of the ancient library and find an ancient skeleton holding an ancient scroll with ancient writing on it. The skeleton is very old and very brittle and seems like he's been here for a very long time. You carefully take the scroll from the skeleton's hands and begin to read the ancient text. As you read, you begin to make sense of the ancient words and understand the secrets contained within the scroll. You have discovered an ancient secret technique from a bygone era. This is a very rare and precious find and will be a great tool for you to utilize in your journey.

that technique's name is the Dragon Zeroth Law, you can practice your mentality and can gain the power of gravity.

The Dragon Zeroth Law is an incredibly valuable and powerful technique. It is an ancient secret technique that not only requires a great amount of precision and control but also a very strong mind and will. Mastering the Dragon Zeroth Law requires tremendous dedication and practice. It is definitely not a technique for the faint of heart or those who are not committed to mastering their own inner strength and powers. You can achieve great things with this technique should you choose to devote yourself to it.

As the scroll opens, a brilliant light flashes. You feel as if time itself has stopped and all is quiet. Within the light, you see visions of powerful men and warriors of legend past who have mastered the Dragon Zeroth Law. You feel as if you have been given a gift. You feel the ancient magic within you coursing through your veins and you are filled with a power unlike any you have ever experienced before. You know that this is a gift and you cannot let it go to waste. You have the opportunity to truly become something great and do incredible things with this power.

You step outside into the fresh air and practice the Dragon Zeroth Law. You focus your energy and concentration and feel the power coursing through your body. You start small and slowly work your way up to larger and more powerful strikes. You feel an incredible surge of force as you unleash the Dragon Zeroth Law, sending a powerful blast of energy that rips apart the ground beneath your feet and sends trees and rocks flying in all directions. It's an awesome experience and you feel as though you are truly in control of your own power for the first time.

You have successfully mastered the Dragon Zeroth Law and have reached Martial Level Two. You are powerful and capable of creating vast destruction with a single punch. You can feel your energy coursing through your body, ready to be unleashed on any enemy crossing your path. With this newfound power, you feel invincible and unstoppable.

You wake up from your dream still feeling the power of the Dragon Zeroth Law coursing through your body. You sit up and take a few deep breaths, trying to take in everything you've just experienced. You have a lot to process and think about, but you can't deny that you feel powerful and capable of anything. You feel like you have a renewed sense of purpose and direction. You know what you must do now on your journey and you're ready for whatever challenges come your way.

Are you ready to meet the sun academy jury?

when you meet the jury. The jury senses something different about you.

You feel a bit uncomfortable as the jury from Sun Academy continues to watch you, seemingly able to sense something different in you from yesterday. You're not sure what they may be thinking or why they are looking at you like this, but it is definitely something you will want to keep an eye on. You want to be able to stay on good terms with your new teachers and peers at Sun Academy and want to make sure there are no misunderstandings. You will need to try to understand what the jury is thinking and see how they might see you so that you can act in a way that aligns with their expectations.

"Have you noticed how much different the new student is today compared to yesterday?" one of the jury says to another. "They're like night and day. He seems much more confident and focused now like they really know what his doing. I wonder what changed for him? He definitely seems like a force to be reckoned with now. I think we should keep an eye on him "

the jury says "Today I will open the portal to you three arrived in SUN ACADEMY in a second "

"Are you ready to step into the portal?" the jury asked. "This is the moment we've all been waiting for. You three have worked hard and trained hard, and now it's time to put those skills to the test. You have the potential to be some of the best students Sun Academy has ever had." The jury opens the portal to the Sun Academy and beckons you three forth. "It's time. Come, let's go."

You walk forth and enter the portal, passing through a tunnel of light and coming out in the middle of a vast courtyard at Sun Academy. You look around and take in your new surroundings, taking it all in and trying to soak in the enormity of this opportunity. The jury from Sun Academy watches you with excitement and anticipation, eager to see what you will do next. You continue down the courtyard and towards the main complex of Sun Academy. The sun is shining and the campus looks peaceful and beautiful. You can feel your heart racing and you know this is just the very beginning of a new and amazing journey.


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