
Slave to the Darkness

The world belongs to the humans but what they do not know is that in the dark hours of the night there is a slave market that happens in the woods. No one knows about it except those that are wealthy and pay a fee for the membership. As the slave market moves from town to town, finally they reach its destination where they call up the buyer letting him know that they have arrived with some intriguing goods that he might be interested in. The slave that was bought from the Slave Market in the middle of the night was taken to her new home by her first Master. She feels safe with him but doesn’t remember anything from her past and doesn’t know what secrets lurk in her mind. The Master that bought a new toy thought since she was what he was looking for. He hoped that she would last longer than the rest but what he didn’t expect was the past to come back to him after a hundred years without it. With his new memories he softens up but only for her as she is now his everything, he will stop at nothing to protect her and help each other remember their past together. Excerpt "Just who do you think you are? I will get you thrown out of this area if you continue to loiter around here. I was just having a chat with my soon to be man when you interrupted me." The girl pointed at Yuki blaming her. "Darling, were you going to pick up someone else when you already have me by your side?" Yuki turned and pressed her body up against his side. She rubbed her chest on his side to show that he was hers. "You know that I can not replace you, Liliana. I was only telling these ladies that they couldn't have the purse that I specially ordered for you." He moved his hand to her ass and squeezed. The ladies looked embarrassed for a moment. "No, I will get what I want. I want that man and that purse!" The lady screamed and her face turned beet red. Yuki turned her head over, "you can not control someone's feelings. You can not compare to me in any way shape or form." Yuki turned her head away shapely. "Oh is that so. THEN I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BEAUTY CONTEST!! There is a competition for the queen of the beach today and if you win I will leave you alone and bow down to you but if I win I want that purse and your man!" Cover is a commissioned Product and all rights belong to me and the artist that created it for me.

Shirokitsune · Fantasy
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325 Chs

32 Cedric's Gift to Yuki

Yuki watches Claude leave, "I do not like the fact that your little spy got close to you but I will let it slide this one time as I have not been in your life for such a long time. I will trust my master. So, what exactly did your aunt want?"

"She wanted to know if my memories had returned. She asks this question every time that I go over there and this time she wanted me to go to a marriage interview and of course I tried to turn it down as it was something that was set up by my uncle. I have no need for help from that man and that is something that has not changed." Cedric slides his hand down her side.

"So you're telling me that they are trying to marry you off. I WON'T ALLOW IT! YOU ARE MINE!!!" Yuki grabs him by the neck and pulls him down towards her body. She kisses his neck and drinks his blood while shivering.

"Do not fret my little slave. I belong to you as you belong to me. I still have to go to the meeting so if it makes you feel better you can leave love bites in places that will be seen even if I am dressed. I tried to turn it down and my aunt would not take no for an answer so in order to make sure she doesn't discover that my memories have returned I had to agree." Cedric let her drink his blood and slipped his hands down her body and slipped under her nightgown. He pushed it up over her stomach and continued to lift it up to her neck.

Yuki stopped drinking his blood and moved away so he could take the top off. "I will do that then. I want to show that you are mine and that you belong to me in some way. Does your aunt know that I am here?"

Cedric slipped the nightgown off and then laid down next to her on the bed. "My aunt only knows that I bought a slave. She asked if I had broken you yet. I gave her the most sinister look and said I haven't yet. She couldn't handle the look I gave her and seemed to be internally squirming. Serves her right for digging into my personal life. I'll let you undress me and that way you can see where my clothing line stops and you can mark my neck as you see fit."

"I do not like the idea of sending you off to another lady. Even if you are going to be turning this lady down. It is unnerving and doesn't sit well with me." Yuki sits on top of Cedric and kisses his neck above her bite mark that was healing quickly. She places her lips to his neck and lightly sucks and tries to not bite him in the process. She sits up and looks at the mark and lightly traces it. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"How can it hurt when I leave them on you all the time and you don't seem to mind. I will wear it like a badge of honor. I have gone through this stupid meeting before and now that my memories have returned I have a feeling that I know who I am going to be meeting. You don't like this person and you will recover your memories soon enough." Cedric ran his hands up and back down her sides.

"I trust you but I don't trust your family or others." Yuki shivers but moves off him and to his side. She unbuttons his suit jacket and traces down his chest over the white undershirt. She gets up and walks to the table and grabs the bronzed colored lipstick and starts to put it on her lips using the little mirror on the table.

Cedric sits up and watches her actions. 'This is a first for me to see her with lipstick on since being reunited. I need to give her the present this time. I am glad that the hairpiece did not go missing.' He got up out of bed and went to the door. "I will be right back. I'm just grabbing something from my study."

Yuki finished putting on the lipstick and grabbed his hand before he could leave the room. She kissed the collar of his shirt and then stepped back. "I will wait for you here." She happily skipped back to the bed.

Cedric felt her disappear back to the bed so he left the room. 'I know she left a kiss mark on my shirt. Maybe I should buy her more lipstick just so that I could always leave the house baring her kiss mark? No, I'll let her do it as she pleases. That way it will be more special this way.' He went into his study and grabbed the first vial as well as the hairpiece then went back to their room.

Yuki was blushing from head to toe in embarrassment. 'I can not believe that I just acted so bold. At least Master Cedric doesn't seem to mind my being bold. Then again own past is being mingled in the present so it may be affecting him differently but then I do not remember how our past started out. I can tell since his memories have unlocked he has become more possessive. I wonder what I have forgotten that could be so important?' She sits on the bed waiting for Cedric's return.

Cedric came back into the room. "Yuki can you face away from me for a moment?" He watches her turn away from him and he slowly puts her hair up then clipped her hair up using the butterfly clip. The gems gleamed a twilight sapphire blue color on the butterfly and then on each side of the butterfly was a rose of royal red color. He clipped up her hair then picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. "This is my gift to you. I hope that it is to your liking, my sweet Yuki." He moves the mirrors so that she could see the clip in the mirror.

She reaches up and touches the clip in her hair. "There was barely any time since we were reunited….how did you get this made so quickly? I really love it." She throws her arms around his neck.

"I had this prepared before we lost our memories. I had hidden it in a safe place until our memories returned. I knew in the past that it would look ravishing on you but seeing it in person is a completely different thing. I want to leave it in your hair and at the same time I want to be the one to let your hair down." Cedric picked her back up. "I think I will wear this shirt to my meeting so that way I can keep her away from me." He walked back to the bed and laid her down. He sat over top of her. "I do not know what the memories in the blood vials will show you but this is the first one." He holds the vial out for her to take.

Yuki lays on the bed and quickly tries to grab the vial. "It is most important that I remember is it not. I want to remember our past together even if it is short." She says this as Cedric pulled the vial away. She grabs his jacket, pulls him down towards her, kisses him and while he is distracted she grabs the vial.

“The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness”

― Esther Hicks

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