
slave to sensations

"In the city of shadows, where power and deceit reign supreme, a union was forged in blood and silence. Alesia Martinez, a brilliant lawyer with a heart of gold, was bound to Leonardo Romano, a ruthless mafia boss with a soul of ice. Their marriage was a pact between two powerful families, a transaction of loyalty and control. As the sun dipped into the darkness, Alesia's fate was sealed. She became the captive bride, trapped in a world of violence and secrets, with a husband who owned her like a possession. Yet, in the depths of her despair, a spark of defiance flickered to life. For Alesia, the battle for survival had only just begun. In the shadows, a war was brewing, and the fate of the Romano empire hung in the balance. Would Alesia become the key to Leonardo's downfall or the instrument of his ultimate triumph? In a world where love was a luxury and loyalty a curse, only one thing was certain: in the game of the mafia, the line between love and hate was about to become very blurred."

NeveahNeva · Urban
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12 Chs

Glimmers of light

Alesia took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. She needed to clear her mind and regain her composure. She decided to retreat to her room for a moment of solitude. As she ascended the grand staircase, her thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and trepidation.

In her room, Alesia sat by the window, staring out at the sprawling gardens below. Her life had become a labyrinth of conflicting emotions. She missed the simplicity of her past, the days when her biggest worry was winning a case in court. Now, every decision felt fraught with danger and uncertainty.

Her phone buzzed, snapping her out of her reverie. It was a message from Camila: *Had a great time today! Let's do it again soon. And Juan was such a sweetheart! Hope everything's okay with you. xoxo*

Alesia smiled faintly at her friend's warmth. She typed out a quick response, assuring Camila that everything was fine, before setting her phone aside. She couldn't confide in her friend about Leonardo's possessiveness; it was too risky.


It's past midnight already, the breeze was blowing so coldly outside and everywhere was freezing.

Alesia was sleeping on the couch, her body shaking from the cold, she was really fast asleep that she didn't noticed the door opened and Leonardo came in. He was quite surprised too see Alesia sleeping on the couch in the living room.

"Seriously?" He scoffed and stood there, staring at her. He noticed she was battling with the cold and he sighed out.

He bent down and carried her gently in a bridal style, her head fell on his arm and he looked down at her face.

'Does she have any strength at all?' He thought, she felt so weightless in his arms, he doesn't even feel a thing as he carried her.

He started climbing the stairs and at that moment, Alesia opened her eyes.

Her eyes went wide almost immediately but she didn't move, Leonardo wasn't looking at her but she was surprised when he stopped and spoke up.

"If you're awake, get down immediately" he said in his cold voice but instead of getting down.

Alesia quickly closed her eyes back and adjusted herself well in his arms.

Leonardo looked down at her with a frown but then staring at her face, the way her long lashes clung together and her red pouted lips, a silly smile escaped his lips.

'Is she human or a doll?' He thought and went upstairs with her in his arms.

He opened the door to the room and entered gently he went straight to the bed and dropped her. He covered her body with the duvet, he stopped moving while staring at her face, but then he was interrupted when a call came on his phone. He checked his phone and immediately walked out of the room.

Alesia opened her eyes afterward and bite her lips, did Leonardo just carried her inside? She was still looking so shocked and surprised, all at a time he really carried her and dropped her in the room??

She couldn't think too much because she was feeling to sleepy to do that, slowly she closed her eyes and slept off.



As she was preparing to leave the office, her father, Lucas Martinez, called her into his office. The look on his face was serious, and Alesia's heart sank, sensing that whatever he had to say would not be good news.

"Alesia, sit down," Lucas said, gesturing to a chair. She complied, feeling a knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach. "There's something you need to know."

He handed her a file. Alesia opened it, her eyes scanning the contents quickly. It contained information about a recent spike in police activity around some of the Romano operations. The authorities were closing in, and tensions within the mafia were escalating.

"We're under scrutiny," Lucas said quietly. "And that means you're under scrutiny too. Be careful, Alesia. I don't want you getting caught in the crossfire."

Alesia nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll be careful, Dad. But what about Leonardo? Is he aware of this?"

Lucas sighed. "He's aware. But that doesn't make it any less dangerous. Just...watch your back."

Leaving the office, Alesia felt a heavy weight settle on her shoulders. She knew she had to talk to Leonardo about this, but the thought of confronting him filled her with dread.



. When she arrived home, the mansion was eerily quiet. She found Leonardo in his study, engrossed in paperwork.

"Leonardo, we need to talk," Alesia said, standing at the doorway.

He looked up, his expression unreadable. "What is it?"

She entered the room, closing the door behind her. "My father told me about the increased police activity. Things are getting dangerous. What are you going to do about it?"

Leonardo's eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm handling it, Alesia. You don't need to worry."

"I can't help but worry," she replied, frustration creeping into her voice. "This affects both of us."

Leonardo stood up, walking around the desk to stand in front of her. "You think I don't know that? Every move I make is to protect us, to keep you safe. But you need to trust me."

"Trust you?" Alesia's voice wavered. "How can I trust you when you barely talk to me, when you keep me at arm's length? I need to be involved, Leonardo. I need to understand what's happening."

He sighed, rubbing a hand across his face. "I keep you at arm's length to protect you. The less you know, the safer you are."

Alesia shook her head. "That's not good enough anymore. I'm a part of this now, whether I like it or not. You need to start treating me like a partner, not a prisoner."

Leonardo's eyes softened, just for a moment, before hardening again. "Fine. I'll tell you what you need to know.

but you have to promise me you'll stay out of the dangerous parts."

Alesia nodded, relieved that he was willing to share more with her. "I promise, but only if you promise to keep me informed."

"Deal," Leonardo said, his tone softer now. He explained the situation in detail, outlining the risks and the measures he was taking to protect their interests. Alesia listened intently, feeling a mix of fear and determination.

As Leonardo spoke, she couldn't help but notice the weariness in his eyes, a stark contrast to his usual composed demeanor. It made her realize just how much pressure he was under, managing not only the mafia operations but also the growing threats from both law enforcement and rival factions.

"I understand," Alesia finally said after he finished. "Thank you for telling me."

Leonardo nodded, a hint of gratitude in his expression. "I should have involved you sooner. I'm sorry."

They stood there in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared burden palpable in the air. Despite everything, Alesia couldn't deny the connection she felt with him, a bond forged through circumstances neither of them had chosen.

"I'm here for you, Leonardo," she said softly, reaching out to touch his arm. "We'll get through this together."

He looked at her, his gaze searching hers for a long moment. Then, without a word, he pulled her into a tight embrace. It was the first time she had felt him let his guard down, allowing her to see the vulnerability beneath his stoic facade.

"I know," he murmured against her hair. "I know."

In that moment, Alesia realized that their marriage was more than just a business arrangement. It was a partnership forged in adversity, a bond that would weather whatever storms came their way.

As they held each other, Alesia knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. And for the first time since their forced marriage, she dared to hope that maybe, just maybe, there could be more between them than duty and survival.