
Slave to Reality

A catgirl escapes from slavery in her fantasy world to the real world and must learn everything from scratch. Vivian is a catgirl, born in a world in which all beast-kin are considered as nothing more than intelligent animals and are kept as slaves. Her new owner horribly abuses her, but eventually with the help of a friend she manages to escape, and while running for her life she passes through a portal to the real world. There she finds herself trapped in the apartment of young man who must be a powerful mage, considering all the impressive artifacts he possesses, and who kindly teaches her his language and his world. Volume 1 Is about falling into and escaping from abuse. The story gets lighter afterwards. ——————————————— "Please, master, don't do this. I'm your sister!" "Animals and people can't be family! Besides, even if they could, we're not related by blood. Now take off you clothes and get on the bed!" "No!" "Fine, it's you who's asking for punishment." "AAARGH!" ——————————————— "Vivian, even if my world was filled with beautiful cat girls and bunny girls, and every other kind of beast-kin, you'd still be the only one for me. Will you marry me?" "Yes!" ——————————————— "How much for the orange-haired beauty?" "She's not for sale." "How about for rent, then? How much for a night?" "She's not for rent, either." "Come on, you can't expect to walk in here with property like this and not share!" "Vivian, this man is annoying me. Please get rid of him." "Yes master!" "Hey, let go of me! How dare you lay a hand on a human! You can't just throw me out! Ouch!" CRASH.

Moss_Plains · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
170 Chs

Intermission - Hunt (2)


I crept closer and closer to my target while counting quietly under my breath. He was a lone sentry, standing watch while most of his comrades slept. There were two other sentries within sight of him, but that wasn't going to help him.


I leaped out of the bushes, quickly closing the distance to the guard. He noticed me and tried to raise his sword to defend himself, but didn't have time.


Before he could finish calling out the alarm, my knife was already buried in his throat. Similar scenes were being played out all around the perimeter of the camp. I pulled out my knife, lit my torch, threw it at the nearest tent, and then ran.