
Slave Power

Insects, this is the word that terrified humanity the most because, with a stroke of bad luck, you could fall into their clutches, and your only fate was to be their incubator. However, that ended thanks to a union between all countries; this entire disaster was controlled and eradicated, wiping out that entire generation of insects. This successfully restored the world to its balance. That was until now, two hundred years later when a mutation, never seen before, naturally occurred, once again disrupting the entire food chain. Now, insects are practically demons, leading to the reactivation of Project CIP. Various groups scattered around the world will now seek the essential components for the total destruction of these mutant aberrations.

eprins · Urban
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5 Chs

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"Great, now we can see the full features of your consequence... oh, thank you so much, Skylla, for using it for so long," Kanya's eyes were trembling in excitement, her breathing slightly heavier as she began imagining a detailed description of the pros and cons of the Desire designation.

While the two spoke, Damian, sitting on the bed, gazed at Skylla's legs, thinking, 'I didn't even know I was so depraved, but it's good that I am. The perfect start to my new life, hidden from everyone. I'll navigate this world making good use of this designation.'

Damian's eyes analyzed Kanya's slender legs, clad in black stockings with a garter belt, displaying subtle sensuality. Her black skirt revealed a provocative extension of her thighs. Her feet moving on the sheet exuded irresistible elegance, while her black lace bra embraced her curves with sophistication, accentuating her two powerful lethal weapons.

'What are we waiting for? Let's get this started,' Damian thought, beginning to trace his fingers up Skylla's leg, now looking up.

His attention was captured by the gracefulness of Skylla's bust from this different angle, complemented by the lace detail. Her delicately exposed shoulders added an extra touch of sensuality. Seeing this perspective would make Kanya's purple eyes glow even more intensely.

"Stop this; just get straight to the point. Isn't that what you desire? Just grab them already," Skylla spoke, refusing to make the first contact herself, even though Damian had already done so with his fingers on her leg.

Damian knelt in front of Skylla, smiling, as he said, "Are you sure I'll be the one doing this and not you?"

Damian observed a striking aspect of Skylla: a small, rebellious strand of hair with just its tip colored purple defied order, rising up to form an ahoge—a charmingly unpretentious feature amidst her appearance that would undoubtedly be etched in Damian's mind.

Skylla, noticing this, turned her face to Kanya, saying, "Hurry up; I don't want you looking at me like this. I'm the leader here, okay? Stop taking advantage of the situation and send us to a private place already." Skylla spoke, her fingers pulling the sheet forward unintentionally, causing Damian to lean forward and bump his forehead into hers.

"Okay..." Kanya clapped her hands, laughing and looking at Damian while thinking, 'He must have some issues... I guess I'll have to teach him manners later. I can't wait.'

When the light in the room went out, a slight tremor beneath the bed was heard. When the light returned, Skylla and Damian were in a completely gray and empty room, with only the bed in the center.

"Haa... The training room, okay. Better than nothing," Skylla spoke, sweat visible on her face and belly. 'If I endured this for any longer, I might lose consciousness.' Her eyes glared fiercely at Damian.

"Your eyes are really beautiful. Can I get closer?" Damian spoke, pointing to himself as he sat back on the bed.

"No funny business. It's bad enough with Kanya, so don't you dare... After all, you know why I'm doing this. Just shut up..." Skylla spoke, removing her skirt, leaving only her panties and bra. As expected, her lacy panties were also black, but what caught Damian's attention was the little pinkish blush of embarrassment that had finally appeared.

Damian was about to say something when, unexpectedly, Skylla threw herself on top of him, putting him on his back on the bed, starting to kiss him while wrapping her legs around Damian's right leg, rubbing her body against his. Although her breasts were covered by the bra, Damian could still feel her hard nipples pressing against his chest as they moved against him.

Meanwhile, on his right leg, he began to feel a warm and comfortable sensation, which in a few seconds felt like something wet was rubbing against his leg. Gradually, he felt his body starting to heat up from Skylla's movements.

'Ah... I'm just doing this for myself, it's just a consequence of using the power as the name suggests... I'm not doing it willingly,' Skylla thought incessantly as her body entwined with Damian's, a long kiss continuing, his first kiss, but at this moment, she hadn't even realized it.

When her mouth separated from his, both of their faces were thoroughly disheveled, and their heartbeats were racing.

"Haha... So, is this not enough? Ah..." Skylla asked, fixing her messy hair that was sticking to her face, sitting on Damian's lap, pressing her hands against his chest.

"Hehehe... I'm sorry; I can't resist you. I'm a complete depraved, it seems," Damian said, placing his hand on his face.

"Hehehe, that's right. Well, if it wasn't like this, it wouldn't suit your name, Desire," Skylla said. While all this conversation was going on, she was massaging Damian's entire body, now rubbing his shoulders.

"Oh... quiet, let's move on to the final phase," Skylla said, sticking out her tongue and descending to Damian's neck, starting to lick it, while her right hand went to her bra, lowering it, revealing her breasts completely naked. At this moment, the blush of embarrassment on Skylla increased, but she couldn't do anything but grumble, "Ah, the final phase, come on, and don't complain later."

Her bare breasts touched Damian's skin; the sweat on her breasts joined Damian's, while her body moved, rubbing against every inch of his chest. Until Skylla stopped licking Damian's ear, descending to his chest, starting to go down, licking and rubbing her breasts against him, reaching his groin, giving a small kiss to his tool. The kiss continued, but as the seconds passed,

"Ah..." A relieved sigh would come from Skylla's mouth, who gave a final lick to its tip.

She took her right hand to his balls, starting to massage them, sliding the tips of her fingers over his skin while moving her hand, rubbing her palm.

As for her left hand, she joined the tip of her index finger with her thumb, moving her hand up and down while exploring the entire length of his tool with the other fingers, finishing with her mouth taking control of the head.

"Urgh... What's this?" Skylla spoke when a torrent of Damian's cum filled her mouth; her eyes widened, and out of pure reflex, she ended up swallowing everything as she moved her mouth away, starting to cough.

"Ah... I swallowed... ah... disgusting," Skylla said, looking at Damian with a smile.

"Eh, you did that, and even saying that, you seem to have enjoyed it... are you sure it was all because of the consequence?" Damian spoke with an animated smile.

"Huh? Of course it was because of it! I barely know you... Besides, it wasn't even me who did that; my body moved on its own. So don't act like you're some damn perverted bastard!!! Couldn't you have wished for something expensive or something?" Skylla spoke, moving away from the bed, her face completely red, quickly grabbing her bra and putting it back on.

Damian just smiled, saying, "You were right; this is a thousand times better... But hey, where are my clothes?"

"What?..." Skylla spoke when she realized what had just happened, feeling a strange taste on her tongue. Still, she gritted her teeth, saying, "Kanya!!! You damn witch."

Meanwhile, where Kanya was, she was sitting in a chair, looking at the large screen, eating a chocolate bar. "What a chill... I think she noticed, hehe."