
Slave Power

Insects, this is the word that terrified humanity the most because, with a stroke of bad luck, you could fall into their clutches, and your only fate was to be their incubator. However, that ended thanks to a union between all countries; this entire disaster was controlled and eradicated, wiping out that entire generation of insects. This successfully restored the world to its balance. That was until now, two hundred years later when a mutation, never seen before, naturally occurred, once again disrupting the entire food chain. Now, insects are practically demons, leading to the reactivation of Project CIP. Various groups scattered around the world will now seek the essential components for the total destruction of these mutant aberrations.

eprins · Urban
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5 Chs

Designation And Consequence

Inside an abandoned amusement park, in the house of mirrors, there exists a single mirror that reflects not only the image but the very reality itself. In this reality, there is only one structure—a palace that mimics the appearance of jade.

At this exact moment, strolling through the corridors, was a woman with white hair and exotic eyes. Her right iris was pink, while the left one was yellow. She wore a white shirt exposing her belly, paired with short orange shorts, the zipper undone. As seconds passed, she entered a room where two girls were eating tangerines.

Upon opening the door, her eyes quickly scanned the room, fixing on the two girls who were getting up from a futon.

"Skylla finished her task; she's on her way back," spoke the exotic-eyed girl.

"Does that mean we'll finally start working for real?" replied a girl in a Japanese school uniform, black shirt with red details, and a matching skirt. Her eyes were black, and her hair was brown.

"We already know our designation. Does our key have one?" said a girl with pink hair and lilac eyes, wearing a white lab coat over a blue button-down shirt and jeans.

"No, Skylla didn't tell me anything after the chaos she caused. She knows what will happen when she arrives. Anyway, that's why I came to you, Hinna," said the exotic-eyed girl, taking a small blue card from her pocket and tossing it to Hinna, who caught it quickly, a smile forming on her face.

"Amnesia and reconstruction, right?" In a swift motion, Hinna reached into her school bag, pulling out four large needles containing a blue liquid, holding them between her fingers.

The exotic-eyed woman cracked the wood beneath her left foot, looking sternly at Hinna, saying, "And don't you dare run any tests on them. Use only the standard level."

"No need to be like that, Kanya. I only did that because I confused the needles, I swear. In the end, he just forgot how to breathe for less than 5 seconds. It wasn't that bad," Hinna said, waving her hand and gradually stepping back. Seeing that Kanya was about to say something, she opened the window and spoke before running off, "It will only be the normal ones, nothing more. Don't worry, okay?"

"Goodbye, Hinna. Have a lot of fun, and on your way back, buy a donut for me," said the girl with pink hair, waving and quickly turning to Kanya, speaking with a hopeful smile, "Kanya, what do I do now?"

"Nothing," Kanya turned her back and started walking without looking back.

"Eh?... It seems I'll be alone with the tangerines... Oh, I have them all to myself, incredible!" The girl's eyes sparkled, and she quickly returned to the futon.

Meanwhile, Hinna exited the mirror seconds before Skylla appeared, resulting in the two meeting.

"Oh, hi, Skylla. So, is this our key?" Skylla pointed to Damian's body, positioned on her right shoulder, facing away from Hinna, who hadn't realized it was a man.

Skylla stopped a few meters from the mirror, smiling at Hinna. She showed the sphere of threads filled with bee blood, saying, "Not only that, but I left not a single drop behind. This month, we'll earn a lot of points."

"Ahahaha, so this is the ability of the designation. I want to see mine. Can I see mine?" Before Skylla could answer, Hinna's entire body trembled, and she said, "Oh, forget it. I need to go quickly do my part, or I'll have my hide taken."

"See you later when he's awake," Skylla said and entered the mirror without waiting for a response.

"Him? Is our key a man?" Hinna said in surprise but shook her head and continued running.

'Urghh... What was that? For a few minutes, I really lost consciousness... I think it was that thread,' Damian thought, his head spinning. It was the first time in a long time that he felt any discomfort, and therefore, even a slight dizziness was acting stronger than usual.

Minutes passed, and Damian was fully conscious, still pretending to be unconscious. After all, if he said he woke up now, the story could take a different turn than he desired.

'What the hell is this place? It seems like something out of a cultivation novel... Maybe I got transported to another world? But if that's the case, when did my transition happen?' Damian continued to ponder when Skylla stopped in front of a double door twice her size, made of wood with a dragon carved on them, moving from the right door to the left.

'She stopped... So now is the moment when I should be thrown onto some table, right?' Damian thought, but nothing of the sort happened.

Skylla entered, carrying him on her shoulders. She looked around, then said, "Kanya, I'm here, and you won't believe the luck we've had. We not only got someone perfect for our group, but his designation is better than I expected."

'Hmm... When is she going to let me go? Okay, I get it. Here, smelling her hair and looking at her two beautiful rear qualities, but... I'm not a damn sack of flour!' Damian thought, closing his eyes quickly, hearing footsteps.

Inside the room, there were various tables and chairs, with a large hologram of planet Earth in the center, containing various markings, some with a red X and others with a green checkmark.

Clapping was heard, and except for the hologram, the entire room changed. There was a bed a few meters from Skylla, and right in front, on the other side of the room, the wall would open, revealing Kanya placing a red button on a huge tile that covered the entire wall. "Put him in bed; I've already fixed this useless television."

"Hey, don't talk like that about her... You don't know the trouble it took to get the superiors not to bother us. This group always brings us samples the least," Skylla said, smiling and gently taking Damian off her shoulder, tossing him carelessly onto the bed.

"But before looking at him, look at this." Skylla raised her hand, showing the sphere of threads.

"Ah, so he was entirely collected? Wonderful! Now those lazy scientists won't hassle me, saying our group always brings the least samples." Hinna said, jumping from where she was, landing right in front of Skylla. The impact on the floor made Damian's bed tremble, and he took advantage of it to pretend to wake up.

"Ahhhhhh! Huh? Wasn't I just falling from the sky?" Damian said, looking around quickly. "What? Where am I? Who are you? Oh, wait, I know you. Aren't you the girl who... Ouch." Damian put his hand to his head, pretending to have a headache.

"So... Until when is he going to keep acting?" Hinna said, holding the sphere of threads with both hands.

"He's been doing this since I first saw him, so..." Skylla shrugged, pouting. "I guess never."

"Ah, now I get what you said... anyway, what was his designation again?" From the ground next to Hinna emerged a small nest where she placed the thread sphere, watching it descend and rise rapidly. Now, only the threads that disappeared with Skylla finally deactivated her ability.

"Initially, I thought it was luck because of everything that was happening, but when I touched him, I discovered it was The Desire," Skylla spoke, noticing Hinna's astonished expression.

"I know, it's incredible, but even for you to be like this is surprising..." Before Skylla could continue speaking, Damian interjected, saying, "It's not that you're showing your bra, they're as beautiful as your butt."

"Huh?" Without Skylla feeling her body, it had autonomously pulled up her blue shirt, revealing her black lace bra to Damian's eyes, creating a beautiful image.

"Black wasn't the color I expected; I thought it would be red," Damian said, looking carefully at her.

"Desire... Hahaha, that makes sense; this is the consequence, right? Let's finish this quickly, you pervert," Skylla said, tossing her shirt on the floor and walking toward Damian.