

Become the greatest hero or villain that the world has ever known! Balance the challenges of leading a normal life, while attempting to defeat evil... or wreak havoc on the world.

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Over the following weeks, increasing numbers of enhanced humans started to appear around the planet, all of them irrevocably changed by touching one of the stones. In each case the story was the same, with the stones disintegrating into dust as their energy was transferred into the person that touched them.

Some of those affected started to use their powers to help others and uphold the rule of law, with mass media referring to them as superheroes. Others have fewer concerns about the legality of their actions, and are often described as vigilantes. Many have kept low profiles, hiding their powers from public view, and attempt to lead normal lives.

Finally, there are those who are using their powers for personal gain or darker motives.

What was your reason for deciding to turn into a supervillain?

The world is a chaotic place. However, with you at the helm peace and prosperity will ensue.


Obviously, the public became obsessed with the deeds of enhanced humans and the origins of their powers.

Various theories circulated around the origin of the stones, until a leaked document confirmed that they were the remains of an asteroid that was secretly blown up by the joint efforts of the space agencies of the US, the European Union, Russia, and China.


The asteroid, known as X976, was identified as being on a collision course with Earth.

With a diameter of around one mile, it was large enough to cause lasting damage to the planet.

A secret project, code-name Armageddon, was put in place to blow up the asteroid into small fragments.


Secrecy was of paramount importance, as the governments feared that chaos and panic could grip the planet if people were to become aware of what was going on.

A large ship was rapidly built in orbit around the International Space Station, and dozens of nuclear bombs were strapped around it.

Then, it was thrown on a collision course with the asteroid.


With just hours to spare the spaceship struck X976, blowing its brittle carcass into a myriad of fragments that descended onto Earth.

Scientists were surprised that these fragments did not disintegrate as they entered the atmosphere, and efforts were made to try to locate them.

However, most were found by people like you, who were hypnotized by their beautiful light.


The various governments around the world reacted with alarm to the appearance of enhanced individuals.

Some countries have required all enhanced to register with the police, and the more oppressive regimes have either jailed or persecuted them, or enlisted them into their armies.

This drove many underground, explaining how most choose not to reveal their identities, using masks to protect themselves. Indeed, that is the path that you have chosen yourself, as you're afraid of the consequences of people finding out that you are really:

Choosing from the very start to hide your identity was probably a good idea. There are rumors that some corporations and governments have been kidnapping enhanced humans and running experiments on them, attempting to reproduce the process that gave them their powers.

Also, like many of your kind, you have chosen to use a costume to protect your true identity, and to further emphasize your character.

Obviously, it's important that you find a quiet place where nobody can see you, so that you can change into your costume. So far, you've been lucky that nobody has developed any suspicions about who you really are.


Newspapers and local TV channels have already featured you several times, and a number of opinion articles have tried to decide whether you are a hero or a vigilante.

Although you are not really that well known outside of New York, the crowd starts to chant the name you are known by: