
Skywalker rule the galaxy

It's not my story. On Fanfiction.net with the same name.

Masked_0869 · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

500 Republica, Coruscant

Home of the Skywalkers/Apartment of Empress Skywalker...

Padme's life was starting to return to normal, she was cleared yesterday by her Doctor and doesn't require anything further, no medication and no further treatments. The twins have been cleared as well and are starting to get used to their large dark room, even though its only been a day. They are only three days old now and Anakin can already sense the Force within them both, they will definitely follow in Anakin's footsteps but until then, Anakin will be the only Sith or Jedi in the Galaxy, that he knows of.

Padme was more active, getting out of bed and walking around. Anakin felt her walking around and he went to meet her before starting his day.

"What the Force are you doing up? You should be lying down, there is no need to push yourself." Anakin said as he met her in the living room.

"I had twins, it's not like I had brain surgery or something." Padme rebutted and Anakin smiled and nodded, that was his Padme, as stubborn as ever.

"Right." Anakin said. "I should know better."

"Yes, you should, Anakin Skywalker." She said walking right past him into the kitchen.

"Are we going to talk or are you going to keep up this attitude with me?" Anakin asked as he walked behind her closely.

"What do you want me to say? I just gave birth, I found out that you Force choked me, nearly killing me. You killed your friend, Obi-Wan, you killed younglings. You expect me just to forget all of that?" She shouts, and Anakin sighed trying to control his anger which hasn't been easy with everything that just happened in the last few days and the war before that.

"Maybe, I expect my wife, of all people to trust me!" Anakin shouted. "You know me! I told you what happened and I didn't hold back. I said no more secrets and I held up my promise to you. I was born as a slave then I became a slave of the Jedi having to conform to their rules, their order then I was a slave for a short time to the Sith Lord. I had to fight for the Republic, but what about me! Who fought for me? No one did! Who fought for my mother who was abducted and murdered? No one. The Jedi and Obi-Wan told me to forget her and even when I was plagued with the nightmares they didn't care! They just said they would pass in time, when I knew something was wrong and said as much. This galaxy is a cluster fuck, Padme! And I, WE are in a position to change it to our liking. You said just a few days ago that the Republic may be the one who we were fighting against! Guess what, you were right! We can change that. These younglings, they were Jedi. They weren't children, they didn't have parents, or at least didn't know them, they ceased to be children, they were JEDI! They were taken from their homes, they had to conform to Jedi beliefs and yes, I regret that I had to kill them but that was the only way I could save you, our children and the rest of this damn galaxy. They kept telling me about my prophesy and this was how it was supposed to be! It might not've been the best way, but the Emperor would've done worse. He was the Dark Lord of the Sith! He is built around anger and ruling with an iron fist, and I let him believe that I was under his control, well I was under his control... for a short time. Yet, here I am, with you and we are able to do as we please without others telling us how to live our lives or having to keep our love and children a secret." Anakin said as he stopped to take a breath, he said most of what he wanted to say, what he had to say. "I have to go. We can continue this later." Anakin said and walked out of the apartment with his eyes shining golden yellow, he didn't want to leave like that but he was losing control and needed to regain it.

Padme didn't know what to do. She just stood there and let her emotions overcome her as the twins began to cry, no doubt feeling the disturbance in the Force from their father. "Great." She muttered to herself as she went to go check on them.

Anakin arrived in his office, he looked out the window waiting for the Commander of the Storm Trooper Corps to arrive. He was furious with his conversation with Padme, trying to make him sound like the Emperor, like a Sith... and that is when Cody walked in.

"Cody." Anakin said as Cody held his helmet at his side.

"Your Majesty." Cody replied as Anakin waved him closer.

"I need for you to go Tatooine with a Battalion of your men. Blockade the world, then raid it." Anakin ordered, he needs to build some goodwill with the citizens of the galaxy and prove to them that he is in charge.

"What is our mission, Your Majesty?" Cody asked.

"I want you to go there and establish order. Free the slaves and arrest or kill the slave owners. I want the criminals of this galaxy, the criminal organizations to be no more, we are in charge, not them. You are the Commander of the Storm Troopers Corps and I know you can handle the task. Keep me informed, but I want Tatooine to be under our full control within the week and I want the Hutt's to realize that I am the one in charge, not them. If you encounter any Hutt's bring them into custody, you can stun them but ensure they are alive and bring them here." Anakin ordered. "However, I want this to be recorded and I only want you to focus on Tatooine, for now. The rest of the galaxy can wait, first Tatooine then the whole Hutt syndicate. This will be your first operation under the Empire, we operate under different rules. Do what you have to do, just keep collateral damage to the minimum."

"Will be done, Your Majesty." Cody said as he turned to leave Anakin's office.

"I know it will be, Cody." Anakin said fully knowing that Cody wasn't there. Anakin stood looking out the window, he always knew he'd be here he just never thought about what to do when he was actually the Emperor. He hated politics but he took the position from Palpatine and apparently the Force wanted him to rule. Well here he was and he overcame the vision, things were starting to look up.

Anakin meditated in his office which was empty until a knock came. He sat on the floor still meditating when he looked out the window facing away from the door, "enter." He said loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to be considered yelling and that was when he sensed who it was, it was Padme. "My Empress."

"Anakin." She said coldly as she entered the office alone. "We need to talk."

"Where are Luke and Leia?" He asked as the door closed and Padme acted like she ruled the office, Anakin didn't stop her, he found it pretty hot.

"I have my handmaidens watching them along with Artoo and Threepio." She said as she sat down on the desk as Anakin continued to sit on the floor.

"Okay, let's talk." Anakin said as he waited to be shouted at while continuing to meditate.

"Since when were we that couple?" She asked but didn't wait before continuing, "we were happy, we had everything then this happens to us."

"Not like I had a choice." Anakin muttered.

"Everyone has a choice." Padme rebutted.

"Well, life without you is not life at all. I am sorry if you don't understand that but I promised that I would save you and you may hate what I did but I did it for you and I don't regret it. I also did it for the twins and I did it for the galaxy, I ended the war, a war that shouldn't have been started in the first place and a war that Jedi should've had no part in." Anakin said as he closed his eyes and controlled his emotions, he was starting to get a hang of it.

"Well I feel the same way about you." Padme said releasing a sigh. "I can't say I would've done the same but the Chancellor did have us all fooled. I mean look at what he did to Naboo! He allowed the Trade Federation to invade just so I would call for a vote of no confidence and put him in the office of the Supreme Chancellor!" Padme stood and went for the window, it looked like she was going to turn into a Sith, Anakin thought it was hot, but then again she isn't Force sensitive, that didn't change how Anakin felt about the situation though.

"He did fool me. He was powerful enough to kill the Jedi that were sent to arrest him, he hid his presence and plans from the Jedi and he planned this since before the Battle of Naboo, I mean he planned this for a very long time and he was very good at it." Anakin said still meditating and calmed himself down to the point of where his eyes were blue. He didn't know what was happening but he felt himself slipping to the dark side, he did have to admit it did feel... right. Palpatine may have been right about him needing to study all aspects of the Force and not just the narrow dogmatic view of the Jedi, as he put it.

"Well, what are we going to do now?" Padme asked as she walked back to Anakin and sat across from him on the floor.

"The question is what are you going to do now? We obviously need to talk about everything in detail, but I was hoping you would be the Empress, my Empress. You would have the same powers and responsibilities as the Supreme Chancellor, well more considering this is our Empire but I know you and your democracy. The only difference will be we could do what we want without manipulation." Anakin said as he opened his eyes and looked at his beautiful wife.

"Appears we were both right. I just wish you didn't have to do what you did." She sighed. "I know you and I know it won't be easy for you to deal with."

"Me too. But I can't change anything now and Obi-Wan made it clear it was me or him. If I died then you would've too considering the Emperor would eventually track you down for the kids and if Obi-Wan killed me he may have been killed by the Emperor and you could've died right there. He was much stronger than me, I was fortunate he was distracted, I didn't have the power or knowledge yet to defeat him in a fair fight but what he did to me wasn't fair." Anakin replied and Padme looked like she felt bad for him, truth was Anakin didn't feel anything for losing Obi-Wan, he tried to kill him and his family, he couldn't allow that. Not to mention he always held him back as did the rest of the Jedi. They were afraid of him and they didn't hide their feelings, it didn't hurt him to eliminate them, it only hurt him that he had to kill the younglings.

"I know. I just didn't see it coming." Padme said as she moved to Anakin and sat on his lap, he placed his legs out straight and she sunk in between the legs and leaned back against him.

"I just wish every day was like this, just me and you and this." Anakin said as he lowered his head onto her shoulder enjoying the moment.

"Well, it could be." Padme said as she was relaxed, finally. "So, what is happening out there? In the galaxy at large?"

"Don't know, I don't like dealing with the vultures, that is your area." Anakin said with a smile referring to the Senate. "They're just lucky that I didn't use my lightsaber, I would've enjoyed it."

"How very diplomatic of you." Padme laughed. "Aggressive negotiations are a bit... exciting."

"Oh, yeah?" Anakin smiled. "Kinky..."

"Yeah, I don't think we'll go any further than that. I did just give birth and all..." Padme ended that train of thought smiling, she enjoyed just being here with the man she loved.

"I wasn't planning on it. But dirty talk, kinkiness at work, it is always oh so, hot." Anakin commented not able to hide the smile on his face. "So, how are you feeling up to controlling the Senate?"

"You must forget Emperor Skywalker, I ran the Senate." Padme said formally with a smile. "I may not have been the Supreme Chancellor but I held a lot of influence and still do and I pushed through many of our agenda's, both Jedi and Naboo alike."

"Oh, I remember, very clearly." Anakin said, how could he forget? "I sent Cody with the Storm Troopers, a battalion of them, to Tatooine."

"What for?" Padme asked as she tilted her head to look at Anakin with a quizzical look, she knew all about Tatooine and his childhood and the current status of the planet, she remembered how it was and it wasn't pleasant.

"To make an example." Anakin said then saw Padme's reaction and he continued before she thought the worse. "Don't worry he isn't going to destroy them as much as I would like him too. He is going to blockade the world and free the slaves, arrest the criminals and slave owners and we're making this planet an example. I also gave the order to end the Hutt's rule, following the freeing of Tatooine. I ordered that they restrain any and all Hutt's and bring them here where they will be charged and put on trial and executed, when they're found guilty."

"Well looks like some Jedi is left in there somewhere." Padme commented and Anakin shook his head.

"That part of me is dead and gone, Padme." Anakin replied. "I am more prone to anger and that is why I was meditating and left you earlier. I let the Dark Side get to me and it feels right, I can't ignore it. I just need to learn to control it and not let it control me. I killed the Emperor before learning the powers of the Dark Side, I couldn't risk losing you or our beautiful babies."

"If anyone could do it, you can." Padme said as she leaned in for a kiss and that caught Anakin off guard but he didn't let that stop him. He was worried that what they had was over, but it appears he was wrong, again. He was happy for that, he had no idea how she could forgive him this fast, or really at all after he Force choked her when she was only trying to help. But of course, at the moment he didn't know that, he just thought that she brought Obi-Wan there to kill him. But he didn't even have to ask, he knew she would never do that to him, regardless of what he did.

"I am just worried for who I may become." Anakin said as he pulled back, she wasn't helping right now. "I am becoming more prone to anger and I am becoming dangerous."

"Anakin, you can do it." Padme said as she stood and looked at him. "If you need to go out there to find yourself, then do it. I knew who you were before we were married, I know you are a man of action. You were a Jedi, you are the Chosen One and you did what you had to do. You needed to balance the Force, maybe you need to learn to control both sides, that sounds like balance to me. Palpatine may have been evil and a Sith, but that doesn't mean you are going to be like him. You can't tell me that all dark siders are like him and I am telling you that you are nothing like him."

"I wouldn't know." Anakin sighed. "The Jedi don't normally talk about it. They live by a strict code, a code which I violated time and time again. The Sith have a very different code, they just do what they want and live on their passion, their emotions. They want power, they're selfish, they control the Dark Side or the Dark Side controls them, usually it controls them. That is why they are evil, but the Jedi were just as evil. The Jedi forced their will on everyone in the galaxy. They kidnapped kids, lead the war with slave warriors of course I do now, but I didn't make them, they did. The Jedi and Sith were equally evil, just the Jedi used the Light Side of the Force and were seen as the good guys, that is because the galaxy didn't know what they really did."

"Well, there has to be a way to find out." Padme said as she thought about it. "What about the Jedi Temple? You didn't destroy it did you?"

"Of course not, but I doubt they kept records on the Dark Side. I guess it couldn't hurt to check it out, only the Masters had access to certain information but since I am the only Jedi alive, that I know of and I could go check it out." Anakin said with a smile. "Thanks for the idea."

"That is why we're a couple." Padme replied smiling back. "Wait before you go, what do you want me to do?"

"You're the Empress, we rule this galaxy." Anakin reminded her. "Do whatever the Force you want to do. Just don't give away our power, if you want to use the Senate like it was before, fine just make sure they don't become corrupt. But I am sure you can control them. You controlled them thus far, my Empress. I will rule the galaxy though and the military and you can handle the diplomacy, but aggressive negotiations are all mine." With that Anakin turned and left the office with a wink and headed to the Jedi Temple with his new Emperor's Royal Guard's dressed in the red suits and masks followed him.

Jedi Temple

Anakin arrived in the Temple and felt like he was home. His belongings and room was still here afterall and the Temple was still standing just the air wasn't surrounded by the Light Side anymore. It was more neutral, it made Anakin smile. It felt like it was balanced to him.

"Admiral Tarkin." Anakin muttered as he encountered the man in his Imperial Navy uniform standing in Anakin's path.

"Your Majesty." Tarkin replied coldly.

"What do you want?" Anakin asked still holding a grudge on him for his actions during the Clones Wars, Snips was innocent yet he made her seem guilty without looking at the possibility that she was innocent, which of course she was.

"To inform you that not all of the Jedi were killed." Tarkin said and Anakin didn't show any emotions, he expected there to be some stragglers, they were spread across the galaxy and it was possible that not all Clones would be successful and not all Jedi were with Clones. "Master Yoda, escaped. There are other minor Jedi out there and I wanted to know what you wanted to do about them?"

"Nothing, we'll find them in time. They are of no concern to me." Anakin replied, they weren't high on his mind and he knew he'd find them eventually, he didn't know what he really wanted to do with them but if they messed with his Empire he would crush them.

"Well, what do you want to do about me then?" The Admiral asked curiously, he knew how Anakin felt towards him and Anakin was in charge whether he liked it or not.

"That depends." Anakin replied as he thought about what to do with him. It would feel nice to him to put a lightsaber through him but he didn't, not today. "Do you swear loyalty to me or are you one of the former Emperor's pawns looking for revenge."

"I admit, I liked the man. He knew how to control things and he was a very good leader." Tarkin admitted, Anakin felt uneasy by that but knew he was telling the truth. "However, I answer to the Government, the Republic before and now the Empire. You are the Emperor, therefore I take orders from you whether or not I agree with them doesn't matter."

"So you do." Anakin agreed. "You want to lead the search against them?"

"Not what I had in mind." Tarkin sighed. "I want to lead the Imperial Navy. I am the Admiral-"

"One of many, Admiral." Anakin cut in. He was an Admiral not THE Admiral.

"True." Tarkin smiled. "The Navy and the military in general isn't organized, they don't know what to do. They are looking for a leader. I want to lead them. I have the experience and they respect me-"

"Are you trying to say that they don't trust me or respect me?" Anakin asked knowing that wasn't true, his troops loved him like he was one of them and that was because he was. Anakin always fought on the front line and never backed down from a challenge no matter what the odds of winning were and he always came out on top.

"Some do. You were the Hero with No Fear." Tarkin said then looked down. "But now you are Emperor and you haven't done anything to lead your Empire. They don't know what to do or think. You need to show strength, you need to show your Empire that you are in charge, that you are in control."

"I admit, I wasn't expecting or planning this." Anakin admitted. "I wasn't expecting to be Emperor. Everything happened quickly. Empress Skywalker is taking control of the Senate and keeping them in line as she has done for years now and I am the Emperor and will lead the Empire. So sure, if you swear loyalty to me, then you may be promoted to Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy. However if you let me down or I hear anything bad about me coming from you or the people under your direct command, then I won't fire you or remove you, I will kill you using my lightsaber, understand?"

"Understood." Tarkin said as he felt fear inside him as he saw Anakin's eyes turn gold, but he didn't display fear but Anakin could feel it and smiled on the inside.

"Then go and take command." Anakin ordered as he continued walking before stopping, "Tarkin, maintain peace and order within the Empire. I ordered Cody with a Battalion of Storm Troopers to secure order in Tatooine and to free the slaves, arrest slave owners and to arrest any and all Hutt's present. I need you to stay in the Core but ensure the Fleet maintains a presence in the Deep Core, Core, Colonies and Inner Rim sections of the galaxy. Once we fortify our position and ensure order then we can expand further. But I don't want to rush it and go too far too fast, also go and secure key locations, like Kuat and other planets that hold significance."

"Consider it done, your Majesty." Tarkin replied with a smile but Anakin couldn't see it and didn't care.

Anakin continued his walk to the Jedi Archives room while keeping his eyes shut the whole time. It brought up bad memories as this was where he was only a few days ago when he slaughtered the younglings, Padawans and the Jedi Knights.

They were his family but he felt abandoned, betrayed and he had no choice. His love for Padme and his unborn kid was too strong, he made a choice then made up for it and completed his prophesy. It hurt, but he didn't have a choice, he needed to save her. He couldn't fail again and he didn't. It was his destiny and he did what was necessary.

Imperial Senate

Padme convened the Senate and took control of the Imperial Senate. Everyone was glad to see her yet they were surprised that she called herself the Empress. Everyone knew how much she loved and respected democracy but then when she delivered the news that this would be operated in almost the same way, they were happy. She told them that she and Anakin could do whatever they pleased when the Senate failed to make the right decision or failed to act on certain issues in a timely manner but she had faith that they wouldn't let her down like before and if they did well she could kick them out or have them executed by a firing squad if she wanted too.

She had to admit, it was bittersweet. She always wanted to be the Supreme Chancellor and deal with the corruption she saw when she was the Queen then Senator but now she was the Empress. She had more power than Palpatine did as Chancellor but she wouldn't abuse it, she trusted the system when Anakin didn't even though it let her down more than once.

The Republic failed but both would be damned if they let that happen to the Empire. They weren't going to be oppressive but they would make their presence known and felt throughout. She laid down the ground rules and told them that they would be heavily scrutinized and that corruption wasn't going to be tolerated.

She was happy to be where she was but still depressed about the fall of the Republic, but that couldn't be helped and she couldn't change that but she could shape the future and she would see to that.

She honestly worried about Anakin more than she did anyone else or anything else but she couldn't tell anyone that, especially not Anakin. She knew him well and knew that he was strong and if anyone could overcome the darkness it is him. She just had to give him room and in time her life will be complete just as it was before the downfall of the Republic