
Li Family

Yang City is a small town on the boundary of the Spirit Star Empire's eastern shore and the ocean.

The sky had a mild grey dawn tint in the distant east, barely at daybreak. A little shadow stood on a modest hundred-meter-high hilltop near to the only house located near the forest in Yang city.

His skin appeared to be sculpted from jade. People couldn't stop admiring his lovely skin and cute dimples. His black short hair was neat, and his clothes, while plain, were immaculate.

It was, indeed, Li Jun, a top-tier assassin in his previous life. He is now six years old.

Climbing this hundred-meter-tall hill couldn't have been simple, yet when he reached at the top, his face wasn't the least bit hot, and he wasn't panting. His smile was contented and delighted.

"Now, then! Let's get started! "As Li Jin thought to himself, he sat on the hilltop, his two eyes fixed on the east, where the dawn sky was rapidly brightening. Slowly inhaling through his nose, gently expelling through his mouth; continual inhalations and mild exhalations that eventually constituted a magnificent cycle.

His eyes immediately opened wide during this process. A glimmer of golden light radiated from his torso seemed to flash in the light of the approaching brilliant grey dawn over the horizon.

Only then, with a lengthy exhale, did Li Jun softly close his eyes. The golden light produced from his body was enveloped by a faint tint of blue qi, which poured out of his mouth like a bolt of unrolling silk before slowly dispersing.

"Oh, yes! You're a tough cookie, kid! How did you get up that slope so quickly?" Li Xiu did climb the hill with his son, Li Jun. But he arrived a little late, panting.

Li Jun opened his eyes again after a long period of silence. Surprisingly, possibly due to his azure iris sparkling with the color of a tranquil sea, there was a glimmer of light purple around the margins in the core of his eyes. Although this purple didn't last long before silently dissipating, its presence was noticeable.

"What is this light? It..its warm! is this the Spirit Power? or something?I have to manifest my Qi center, and then I have to train my body to the Qi Art's laws!" Li Jin was training to manifest his Qi center, but the glimmer of golden light radiated from his torso, that made him wonder.

Despite the fact that he came into this world hoping to be normal, Li Jun possessed the greatest intellect of an assassin: his memory. As a top-tier assassin in his previous world, all of his abilities and methods were imprinted in his consciousness. He also possessed the ability to grow the Qi center.

Qi Center is the ultimate degree of martial instruction known as the Qi arts, which was only offered to the organization's core assassin cadets. That seemed incomprehensible to the other people in that world, but the reality was that those skills were kept as obscure as possible. The Qi Arts are classified into five disciplines. The Martial Disciplines, Shadow Disciplines, Trap Disciplines, Nature Disciplines and Hidden Disciplines. However, each of them will take intense training and cultivation.

"Xiao Jun! You come here every day! But, what kind of training are you doing at this hour?" Li Xiu inquired of Li Jun.

Li Xiu never actually watched Li Jun throughout this training period; whenever Li Jun came here, he merely assumed his son was doing something he wanted. However, after 6 years, he is certain to be astonished.

"You got here sooner than I thought, Dad!" With a smile, Li Jun said to his father, as he dodged the question.

"Ah! What exactly does that mean? is that unbelievable!" Li Xiu responded.

Li Jun and his family got along relatively smoothly. He and his father, Li Xiu, are more like closest friends than father and son.

Li Jun had been astonished and terrified since his arrival in this world. But, with the subsequent thrill as well as the current calm, he had already accepted the reality that looked to him to be a second chance from Heaven. Here, he might be able to fulfill the greatest wish he had in his former life.

Li Jun could only hope that he would put his skills and training to good use. After all, his words, "the world is a phrase that has nothing without problems," were his sole impediment.

This world, The Weak obeys the Strong!

This world is known as the Sky Star Planet, and it has only one continents, which is 'The Soul Star Continent'.

The Soul Star Continent consist of three empires, The Spirit Star Empire , The Heaven Star Empire, The Heaven Sky Empire.

Some urban residents in this city say, that there are other planets outside this Sky Star Planet.

However, In this world, People possess something called Spirit Nexus Weapons. After the manifesting of one's Nexus Weapon, a small amount of people would have a special power along with their Nexus Weapons. This power was called 'Spirit Power'. Only those with the Spirit Power had the power to cultivate and become Soul Warriors, The highest profession in the Sky Star Planet.

However, here are other ways that a normal person with no spirit power can become strong. The type of cultivation is known as Nexus Warrior cultivation.

The time, when Li Jun heared about this, he started to think about fantasy novels, he read in his previous world. Even though he doesn't shown his feeling, he also disguised himself as a Author once in his previous life.

"Okay! Son! shall we go home now?" Li Xiu asked of his son.

"Yes, dad! Coming!" When Li Xi walked ahead, Li Jun sprinted behind him and hopped over a few boulders to reach the bottom before his father.

"Be careful!....This kid!" Li Xiu was concerned.

They arrived at their home, which was located near the hill, a few meters away from the woods, after descending the 100-meter-high hill.

"Knock! Knock!"

When they knocked on the door, a little girl burst open the door. She was, without a doubt, a beautiful little girl. She had short blonde hair and stunning blue eyes with lengthy eyelashes.

"You're late, Brother Jun!" She yelled angrily. Li Jun sighed, as Li Xie fled the scene.

Li Chenguang was the small girl who stood before Li Jun and forced her father to flee the scene. Li Jun's younger sister. Li Jun knows he was adopted from the time their mother Yao Ling carried him home from the streets 6 years ago, therefore she isn't exactly a sister. Li Chenguang, on the other hand, was Yao Ling and Li Xiu's true daughter.

"Ahh!! Sorry Chen Chen! I was training, and lost track of time!" Li Jun said.

"humph!" Li Chenguang sighed.

When they were talking, "Ahh! So, you finally came down from the hill ah! Jun!" Yao ling came with her hands holding a bucket of water.

"Yes! Mother! I'm home!" Li Jun stated with a smile.

Even though, Li Jun has grown, Yao ling couldn't control but to leave the bucket in the ground and giggle her son's cheeks.

It has been like this for all these past 6 years.

"Well, I might as well!" Li Jun sighed to himself.