
Crimson Quilt

Cries of "Waah" echoed across the streets.

Yao Ling, who was walking through the streets, heard the echoed cries near the road's corner. As she approached the corner, she noticed a baby wailing from the chilly wind that was blowing through the street.

The skin of the fair and delicate little baby was smooth and shiny, like jelly, and the veins beneath his skin could be seen in the distance.

Although his eyes were closed, his black hair and lengthy eyelashes had already sprouted. His two small hands were clutching a single layer of cloth.

"My God? Who would leave such an adorable baby in the streets?" Yao Ling took the baby and cradled him in her arms as she wrapped her crimson quilt around him.

"Aww! It's fine, tiny guy! Don't cry! Mother has arrived! Booboo!" Yao Ling looked around and decided to take him home, while also attempting to comfort the cute tiny baby in her arms as a mother.

The baby was, in fact, Li Zhen, a top-tier assassin from his previous world.

"Waahh!" Li Zhen tried to create a sound again from inside the small body of a baby, but he could only produce the most basic cry.

He, just reborn now, and no matter how strong he was before, he is now nothing more than a baby.

No matter how powerful the memory and skills he had, it couldn't change his delicate and frail body. So, whatever he may try, he couldn't make a sound other than a cry or to speak 'guugugga'.

He was born and raised by the Organization in his previous life, and he never met his parents. He eventually grew up with assassination and lived as an emotionless assassin, one of the world's generation of strong assassins, and he even possessed a powerful talent. His biggest concern now was whether he would survive after his own parents abandoned him in the middle of a cold street. As he stated, "the term world is nothing without threats," which caused him to be unable to see or know his own parents in this world, as he had in the past.

He was barely able to carry his memory after his regretful death. Aside from that, he couldn't do anything But to feel how miserable his small body is.

Even though he was unhappy, he was reborn as a human being, and despite his regrets, he wishes to be a normal human with emotions and feelings. However, in this world, most of the humans appear to be very humble beings; At the very least, it is a world of weak obeying the strong with martial ability.

Even being a baby, he was able to understand the language of this world, rather quickly.

Yao Ling took the cute little reborn baby and took him to her house while he was thinking hard.

Her house was a little far away from where the little baby was found.

As she opened the door, her husband Li Xue, who had just returned from hunting in the forest, rushed to her, seeing his wife trembling in the cold while holding a small infant in her arms.

"Ling'er! Sit down first, and then give me the baby! I'll keep him warm!!" As Li Xue stated, he made Yao Ling sit in the warm rug they had inside their home, and he placed the baby near her in a cosy bedding beneath it.

"Thananaakyuyu xueuee!" Yao Ling was shivering like crazy. She would be, after all, she had just walked for at least an hour in the bitter wind to bring the little baby home safely. She was a nice and compassionate woman who was always more concerned with others than with herself.

Th little baby Li Zhen, felt thankful and was also felt useless when Yao ling had to go through the cold.

After that, Yao Ling explained everything to her husband Li Xue.

"So! What now?" Li Xue asked his wife by looking at the baby. "He is really cute though! Who would leave such a precious life in a cold place like that?"

"Xue! I'll adopt him," Yao Ling said without hesitation. She wasn't sure why but when she laid eyes on this child, she felt an instant connection to him. She realised she had to protect and care for him at all costs.

Li Xue starred at her. "So, are you certain? because...been it's eight years!"

Yao Ling's expression softened, but her opinion on the topic remained constant. She stated stubbornly, "If nothing happens, time never stops and we are all left behind! , I'll be his mother, as he was abandoned by his mother."

Li Xue's eyes were filled with sadness as he stared at her. "You know? Ling'er, your behaviors still makes me love you even more."

"You idiot, you make me blush!" Yao Ling said this while embracing the baby with a bush.

Li Xiu tugged her into a hug with a hand on her shoulder. "Of course, he needs a mother, but he also needs a father!"

Yao Ling burst out laughing! "So there, Daddy Xiu!From now on, you should be made responsible ", she said as she embraced the little baby who had been reborn into this world in her hands, along with the warmth that her husband, Li Xiu's tugging hug.

Yao Ling quickly raised her head and asked her husband, "Xiu! What shall we call him?" "Name?"

"How about we call him Li ling?" Li Xue said.

When she heard his suggestion, Yao Ling came to her senses. With a scowl on her face, she reasoned, "Because I was the one who decided to adopt him initially, why can't we call him Yao Xiu? The child is not obliged to use his father's surname."

After arguing for some time, they realised the names they both suggested was rather messy.

"Wow! So they are naming me now? Thank god! I at least have a two people to see me as their son!" Baby Li Zhen said to himself in his mind.

As a baby who couldn't speak, he had to listen to the couple's argument over what to call him.

They decided to name the baby, "Li Jun" after much deliberation. Yao Ling believes that this will give him a imposing presence.

Apparently they named because "Li"- The Baby was Beautiful, it Established a new connection between the three of them, The baby had Black hair.

And also "Jun"- They wanted him to be Talented and on his cuteness, he sure to become Handsome.

"Li Jun! Good! It has a nice ring to it!, however my previous and current names are similar, Li Zhen - Li Jun?" The infant was happy, yet he felt awkward.

As a result, the Former Top-Notch Assassin was reborn into a new martial world and given the name Li Jun!