
Skill Overlord System (DROPPED)

A billion people, including Quinn, was suddenly summoned to another world by an A.I. like existence claiming to be that world's consciousness. The A.I. explained how that world is similar to a game world and then spoke of it's troubles. He asked the humans, who posses endless creativity and boundless intelligence, to help it's inhabitants. In return, they could obtain infinite strength and build their own kingdoms and civilizations. Each person was then given a talent that would be awakened upon levelling up. Upon awakening, Quinn soon learned that he obtained his own cheat that could let him rise to the top without barely doing anything

Phantomato_101 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 4: The Skill Overlord System, Training

"Who's that?!"

[Host, it's me, The Skill Overlord System.]

"Huh? You have your own consciousness?", Quinn asked in bewilderment.

[Yes Host. You can treat me as your personal assistant since I'm here to help you utilize your talent with more efficiency.]

"My personal assistant eh? Can I call you Alice then? That's such a good name for an A.I. like existence like you"

[As you wish, Host]

Quinn nodded before he remembered Alice's words. "Did you say I have three chances to create skills?"


"Then what would you recommend I make?"

[Anything that could help you survive in your current situation]

"Huh, might as well not have said anything."

Knowing that Alice was not gonna be of much help here, Quinn started to think. He didn't know where to start so he started referencing from the countless webnovels he read back on Earth.

[Host, I've searched your memories to understand what these webnovels you were referencing from and I've come up with some plausible starter skills]

"Oh? You can even read my memory. Hmm... Ok, what would you recommend?"

[First is an identification skill, Host. With it, you have an advantage of knowing information ahead of others. With a high enough level, you can also directly obtain information about your enemies attributes and their various weaknesses]

Quinn's eyes lit up and exclaimed, "That's right! How could I forget. That's a basic skill for a protagonist character! Okay Alice, What's next?"

[Host could also get a Stealth skill. With it, you could walk around unhindered and kill without leaving a trace. You can also easily escape dangerous situations.]

[I have also seen from your memories that a standard OP protagonist must have production and crafting skills such as blacksmithing or alchemy as a way to get rich or to support your own cultivation]

Quinn's eyes lit up at the suggestions and was about to agree with creating all the mentioned skills but hesitated for a while before deciding to only get the identification skill first.

[Congratulations! You have obtained a new skill, Identify]

[Identify lvl 1]

Description: Reveals information on selected target. Amount of information received depends on the skill level.

Quinn looked at a random tree and shouted 'Identify' in his head.

[Tree lvl 0]

Description: A tree

Quinn was stunned by the tiny amount of information he received but before he could grumble about it, he received new notifications.

[Skill Identify level up ×3]

[Identity lvl 1 -> 4]

"Ah! This must be the 100× skill proficiency gain that I've read from my talent's description."

He then looked at the same tree and shouted 'Identify' once more inside his head.

[Flatlore tree lvl 0]

Description: A tree unique to Flatlore Forest

"It revealed the tree species this time, huh", Quinn murmured and then continued spamming the skill on the same tree. it probably took half an hour before he received a system message notifying him that the skill was already maxed out.

"That's pretty fast. My talent is pretty OP after all." He then looked at the new information he received on the same tree that had been his skill's target for the past thirty minutes.

[Flatlore tree]

Description: A tree unique to Flatlore Forest. Possesses no magical properties but has it's own special characteristics. It doesn't have rings to indicate how old it is. Instead, Flatlore trees have an unusual amount of water content and the older they are, the more water they contain and the purer it is. Hidden among the various branches is called the 'Faucet branch'. pulling it out like a plug will allow water to flow out like that of a faucet.

Age: 103 years (Note: a liter of water will be produced per year)

Quinn looked at his surroundings and just that initial scan let him see hundreds of similar trees. "Looks like water won't be a problem here. I just need to find the faucet branches for each tree."

After he mentioned that, he noticed that certain branches started to light up for each tree he could see. "Is this another function of Identity? That's awesome. Too bad this trees don't produce fruits. If so, food wouldn't be a problem too.

After celebrating for getting such a useful skill, he then started to think of what his next skills would be. He pondered before asking Alice, "I can get a chance to make another skill next week, yeah?"

[Yes, Host]

"That's too slow. I want to become OP as fast as possible. Can't I upgrade that just like my skills?"

[You can choose to sacrifice your remaining skill creation chances in exchange for a daily skill creation chance]

Quinn's lit up at the suggestion. While he couldn't make another skill for now, he could make another seven skills just for this week. With that much skills coupled with his 100× skill proficiency gain, it would be hard to not become overpowered.

"Sacrifice my other skill creation chances!"

[Done, Host. Starting from tomorrow, you can create one skill of your own liking per day.]


He jumped into his barely passable bed of leaves and started rolling around it from excitement. It took him a couple of minutes to calm down and fix his disheveled appearance.

He faced the house's ceiling as he blew away a leaf that landed on his face. Now that he couldn't make skills for now, he didn't know what to currently do.

He has food that could last him for a few days, water that's basically endless and a house to sleep and hide in so started to think again of his path of being the most op in the world.

That reminded him of his attribute skills that could add a huge amount to his attribute points. They had some basic functions but also very strong and practical. With their levels maxed, just a few levelling and his attributes would skyrocket to the top. He would be slaying dragons in no time, if there were any dragons in this world.

He then got up and looked for details on how to level up his attribute skills. He found the information and found them to be actually very simple.

Quinn looked for a spot and then got down on the ground again. He got into position and started pushing himself up from the ground and coming back down before pushing himself up again. Yes, he was doing push-ups. This was one of the ways to level up his [Strength].

Back on earth, his limit would only be between 10 to 15 since he really didn't work out much. This time, followed the the level up before and the additional attribute points, his limit became double of that as he easily passed 15 push-ups like a breeze.

Quinn only started hearing notifications after a while but ignored and still continued on. After doing 30 push-ups, he started to slow down and breath heavily. Sweat gathered on his brows but he still tried to continue to see his current limits. Only after doing the 36th push-up did he give up.

He fell to the ground as he flipped himself to face the ceiling once more. Only after stabilizing his breath did he check his notifications.

Congratulations! Skill [STRENGTH] has levelled up ×3

[STRENGTH lvl 4]

Description: Adds 4 points to strength every level up

"Damn, the skill proficiency needed to level it up is pretty huge. This speed is so slow compared to the other skills. I would've maxed at least two skills by this time."

Quinn would probably get the shit beaten out of him if others were to hear that. One push-up would only provide 1 skill proficiency point while there were tens of points needed just to level from the first level. Because of his talent, he would be getting 100 skill proficiency points each time.

Quinn then took a quick rest before repeating again and again until he maxed out the skill. By now, he would be receiving 10 points in strength for every level up. One of his level ups would be equivalent to ten level ups for others.

After maxing out [STRENGTH], it was time for the other skills. For [AGILITY], one of the things he could do was to run. So after a brief rest, he started doing laps around his house. He noticed that he received skill proficiency points for every meter he ran.

Motivating himself, he started running at a moderate speed. Although he would gather proficiency slowly this way, he could also last for a long time.

For a few hours, he did nothing but run and rest after a while and then run again. Only after did he hear the message notifying him of his maxed skill did he collapse to the ground.


Like [STRENGTH], he would now get 10 points in [AGILITY] everytime he levels up. Up next would be [INTELLIGENCE], [WILLPOWER], [CONSTITUTION], and [CHARISMA]

For [INTELLIGENCE], he could practice drawing some spell diagrams but since he didn't have any, he could also do mental arithmetic. He started doing math inside his head and heard notifications after a while.

He continued for a few minutes before he thought of something. "Why not solve two problems at once?"

Quinn immediately put his idea into actions as he tried to multi task. While he found it very difficult, he also found that his skill proficiency was skyrocketing. It took a shorter time for it to be maxed out.

As for [WILLPOWER], that was probably the easiest that he had maxed out. He only needed to meditate. During the process he actually fell asleep and felt like drifting in the void. When he woke up after what felt like a few seconds, his skill was maxed out.

The last two were more troublesome. [CONSTITUTION] required him to ram against anything, so he started ramming trees. After maxing out, his were hanging limply on his shoulders.

It was even worse for [CHARISMA]. He needed to flirt with girls or just talk to people. Not to mention that even if there were people, Quinn wasn't sure if he could muster a few words since was a shut-in back on Earth.

It was already night when he finished maxing out his attribute skills aside from [CHARISMA]. He was tired from working for the whole day and crawled back to his leaf bed.