
Skill Overlord System (DROPPED)

A billion people, including Quinn, was suddenly summoned to another world by an A.I. like existence claiming to be that world's consciousness. The A.I. explained how that world is similar to a game world and then spoke of it's troubles. He asked the humans, who posses endless creativity and boundless intelligence, to help it's inhabitants. In return, they could obtain infinite strength and build their own kingdoms and civilizations. Each person was then given a talent that would be awakened upon levelling up. Upon awakening, Quinn soon learned that he obtained his own cheat that could let him rise to the top without barely doing anything

Phantomato_101 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 3: First Fight, Awakening

Rabbit Lvl 5

HP: 150/150

Looking at the huge rabbit in front of him, was nervous for his first battle but mostly excited since that means he could level up. He tightly held on his sword and waited for the rabbit to make the first move.

The rabbit also seemed to be waiting for Quinn to attack first but got impatient just after a few moments and lunged forwards at an extremely fast speed.


He didn't have time to prepare and before he could muster a swing with the sword, he received a heavy blow to the chest. He stepped backwards as the air was knocked out of him.


'Holy shit that already took away a fifth of my health!'

He quickly stabilized himself and focused his eyes quickly on the rabbit to prevent any more sneak attacks. This time, he was more careful especially with that rabbit's speed and realizing he could die from another four hits.

He was more focused this time but it still didn't help him as he really couldn't keep up with that speed. He was once more forced to take another hit.


'Fuck! Do I have to run?'

Quinn sent a look full of unwillingness at the chest but his attention was quickly taken away from it by another hit.


"Goddammit! two more hits like this and I'm dead. Fuck it, I can always look for other treasure chests."

He quickly made up his mind and decided to run. He turned around and dashed away but how could his speed ever compare to the rabbit. He was again sent flying as another quick strike landed on his back.

It was only at this moment where he was only left with his last two points of hp did he really fear death. He also realized how stupid he was sending himself straight to danger.

He stood up again and nothing filled his mind other than to run as fast and as far away as he can. Under the threat of death, he heightened his senses to the max.

At first he could hear nothing but his own heavy breaths and heartbeat, but then a faint whistling sound suddenly appeared behind him and was also becoming louder indicating that whatever was after him was approaching at an extremely fast speed.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!'

He forced the gears on his head to turn faster as he tried how to get out of this situation. Unfortunately, he wasn't given much time as the rabbit was already behind him. He then thought that it was his time to die now so he closed his eyes and waited for death.

He then suddenly fell down... but it wasn't because he was attacked. He tripped on a protruding root like a horror movie character and his face was suddenly assaulted with pain as he face planted on the ground.

He groaned from the pain but before he could process whatever was happening, he suddenly heard a loud thud. He spun his head towards the direction of the sound and found the rabbit walking drunkenly and a tree with a slight dent on it.

Rabbit lvl 5

HP149/150 (Stunned)

Quinn was just as stunned as the rabbit as he saw what happened. "Well I guess this is as what Gaia mentioned. They don't much intelligence do they."

He then forced himself out of his stupor and started to think on his next moves. "Do I kill it?"

Quinn was still contemplating when he saw the rabbit shaking its head and looked like it was about to recover. He panicked and didn't know what to do so he just grabbed his sword and swung it towards the rabbit's head.

Unfortunately, he had terrible aim and hit the leg instead. He then started to despair as he thought he was about to die again as he saw that the rabbit was already about to recover.

However he was then again stunned when he again saw the rabbit's status.

Rabbit lvl 5

HP: 129/150 (Crippled)

"So it's like that! It'ss not completely like a game. We can still be crippled as long a we get hit in the right place."

Quinn then thought of another matter.

"Doesn't that mean I can also kill anything by just cutting of their head despite all of their hp?"

Quinn wanted to test immediately so he approached the rabbit and aimed his sword. This time, he aimed much more carefully since this could also decide his life and death.

Before the rabbit could completely recover, he swung his sword down as fast as he could and suddenly felt a huge resistance force that number his arms.

He quickly stepped back and let go of the sword. He looked at the rabbit's condition and saw that the sword was already more than halfway through its neck. He checked it's status and saw that it directly lost 100 hp while also losing 10 points for every second.

He didn't have to wait for long before the rabbit completely lost its life. Following that was was three loud dings.

[Congratulations you have levelled up! Lvl 0 -> 1]

[Congratulations you have levelled up! Lvl 1 -> 2]

[Congratulations you have levelled up! Lvl 2 -> 3]

He saw how he levelled up three times and suddenly felt like he was in heaven. He jumped around for a while before calming down and thanking the heavens because nobody was around to see his embarrassing antics.

His attention was then drawn over towards the rabbit's corpse as it started glowing. The light slowly grew in intensity before suddenly exploding with brightness.

Before Quinn could cover his eyes from the flash of light, he saw that it already disappeared together with the corpse. In their place was some fur and meat.

Quinn walked towards it and held his hand out. Just as his hand touched the items, they suddenly disappeared and was followed by a notification

[You have obtained:

Rabbit fur ×1

Rabbit meat ×2]

He checked his inventory and saw that all the items were present. He also noticed that his inventory only had two slots left so he had to be careful on choosing what to bring.

Only after checking everything was he then reminded to check his status.


Player Name: Quinn

HP: 40/40

MP: 40/40

HP recovery: 0.8/sec (A/N: I changed from 0.5 per point into .2 per point)

MP recovery: 0.8/sec

Talent: Awakening in process....

STR: 1 -> 4

AGI: 1 -> 4

STR: 1 -> 4

AGI: 1 -> 4

WIL: 1 -> 4

CHA: 1 -> 4

Free attribute points: 15

He saw that his talent was already being awakened and was once again filled with excitement. He couldn't help but wonder what he'll receive.

While he was waiting, he suddenly remembered how he got here. 'Right, I forgot about the treasure chest!'

He dashed towards the treasure chest's direction and started praying that he was the only player around this area and that it hadn't been found by another beast for it to guard.

It didn't take long for him to run when the treasure chest was already in sight. He dashed even further and slid along the ground when he was about to reach it. He then hugged the chest like it was his own baby and it even looked like he could kiss it.

He then reminded himself again that whatever he is doing is embarrassing and calmed himself down.

At that time, he received a system notification.

[Obtained a bronze treasure chest ×1]

[Region Announcement: Congratulations for Player Quinn for obtaining the first Bronze Chest. Reward: Wood ×50, Stone ×50, iron ×10]

"Huh, so there's a reputation system too?"

After checking the rewards, he swiped away the notifications and focused again on the treasure chest.

[Open Bronze Chest? Y/N]

He clicked yes and suddenly felt light flashing before his eyes.

You have obtained

Novice house blueprint ×1

Iron sword blueprint

Wood ×20

Stone ×15

Iron ×5

He checked the new items' information and a new screen appeared in front of him.

Novice house blueprint

Type: Consumable

Description: Establishes a safe zone, that is protected by the world's laws, for the player that has a radius of 30 meters. Can only be destroyed by beings that are 5 levels higher than the player.

Requirements: Wood × 50, Stone ×15

Quinn's eyes lit up seeing this blueprint. With this, he could build a stronghold he could hide in. Maybe he could get a bigger house's blueprint to expand in the future and slowly build his own castle.

He then checked at the new blueprint and found it was for an iron sword. "That's good, I can change into this after throwing away the wooden sword."

"First, let me build my very first house in this world."

He took out all the required items and checked the blueprint again. This time, a notification appeared in front of him.

[Materials for Novice House detected. Use blueprint? Y/N]

He pressed yes and saw all the materials float into the air before being consumed by an orb of light. The orb grew in size until it was already way bigger than Quinn and settled down on the ground.

After a few seconds, the light died down and what appeared in front of him was a small hut. He also suddenly felt a strong sense of security and felt like this was the most safest place in the world. "Hmm... It must be the world's protection."

Shaking his head, he then stepped into the

hut but was disappointed when he saw that it was completely empty. He let out a sigh and said, "Looks like I still have to make my own furnitures."

He saw that he couldn't even see a spot where he can sleep on for the night so he decided to go gather some dried leaves instead. He gathered an amount that was enough to cover an area where he could sleep in when the night comes.

Looking at this barely passable resting area, he suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him and laid down on the bed of leaves. He also realized that he was safe for the time being inside the house so he was able to relax somewhat.

This period of peace then gave him time to study his status and the system deeper.

'Status!', he yelled inside his mind.

Player name: Quinn

HP: 40/40

MP: 40/40

HP recovery: 0.8/sec

MP recovery: 0.8/sec

Talent: Skill Overlord System

STR: 4

AGI: 4

INT: 4

WIL: 4

CON: 4

CHA: 4

Free attribute points: 15


[STRENGTH lvl 1] [AGILITY lvl 1] [INTELLIGENCE lvl 1] [WILLPOWER lvl 1] [CONSTITUTION lvl 1] [CHARISMA lvl 1] [SLASH lvl 1]

He scanned through his status panel and was surprised by the new additions. 'They should have appeared when I levelled up.'

"What's this? My basic attributes are also skills?"

He clicked on them to check out their information and was then enlightened after reading through all of them.

It turns out that those skills determine how much attribute points he receives everytime he levels up. He's only level one on each of them and he gets 1 point for each every level up. Everytime he levels up the skills, he gets another plus point until he reaches skill level

10. At that time, he would be getting 10 points each for every level up

"Wouldn't I directly shoot to the skies as long as train these skills. It would also be better if I train them early to gain as much points as possible."

However, he quickly dispelled that idea when he saw the ridiculous amount of proficiency XP needed to level them up just by one level.

He looked at the last skill and like it's name, it just sends out a slash that deals atk power + 5% of total atk. Comparing the proficiency XP needed, he saw that Slash only need 10 XP to level up.

He sighed and then decided to just train Slash to deal more damage.

After checking all his skills, he seemed to have seen that his talent was already awakened.

He excitedly back on where his talent was displayed. He then saw the words 'Skill Overlord System'

"A system? What does this do"

Curiously, he clicked on it and a bunch of new information appeared before his eyes.

Skill Overlord System

Description: Lets the player gain 100× skill proficiency and gives the player a chance to create a skill of his own every week.

"Holy shit! Does that mean I rapidly level up my attribute skills? I just have to level up a few times and I will be unstoppable!"

"Damn! I can even create my own skills. Hahaha I make skills that lets me do nothing but still lets me gain the most.Am I this world's protagonist?"

He was laughing madly to himself when he was frightened by a sudden voice that appeared from out of nowhere.

[Host has three chances to create his own skills as a starter.]