
Skill: Absorption(Hiatus)

Reh and his whole section got summoned to the otherworld, namely Deimos. The world of Deimos was engulfed in war, and the humans were pushing back, and on the losing side, that's why they decided to try the summoning ritual to summon the heroes from the other world, which was Reh and his classmates. Each in the section got their own class and ranked and skill, whereas Reh was classless and no skill, what's more, he's ranked lowest amongst them. That's why Reh was bullied intensely and later on cast aside for being a dead weight in the whole class. Experiencing being bullied in his entire high school life and now being cast aside as if he was some kind of trash. With that, he promises and swears in all the gods that if he survives in the situation, he will surely get back to anyone who harms him and to the one he loves. Betrayal, getting stronger than anyone else, revenge, fighting for his love ones and on what he believes was right, building a relationship and getting back to Earth that's what Reh wanted to do. *** Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are all used in fictitious way and products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. *** Photo was not mine. From pixabay.com and credits to the rightful owner.

ddraigg · Fantasy
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34 Chs

First Dungeon Diving III


"It's been five days since the mysterious disappearance of a whole section that was currently studying at the prestigious Institute, Ravenwood. The authorities were still blank on how the thirty-seven students with their teacher disappeared without trace inside the Ravenwood Institute, which was known for its tight security.

And at this moment, authorities, the board of members of Ravenwood, and the family members of each student were inside the Ravenwood holding a conference and planning on what they were going to do next.

We will make sure to bring the latest news regarding this unknown disappearance of the students.

This is the news YXZ, reporting!"

"Three... Two... One... Cut! Good job! Now take a break while we're waiting for some info regarding what's happening at the meeting!" The director said to his companions after they finished shooting the news.

There were a lot of reporters that were currently stationed outside Ravenwood. There were a lot of different nationalities on the sight as this topic took the attention of the whole world. All of them were waiting for some info regarding the disappearance of the students.

At this moment, all the reporting team's attention turned to the commotion at the front gate of Ravenwood. Currently, a middle-aged black-haired woman was trying to enter the premises of Ravenwood, but the guards were stopping her.

If one would take a look at her, anyone would agree that she was a beggar. Her looks were all haggard... Her hair was messy, and the eye bags under her eyes were large, showing that she was not getting enough sleep... Her clothes were also dirty... And she was hugging a bunch of paper that was something printed on it.

"Why don't you understand that you cannot enter here, huh?! You damn woman!" One of the guards shouted.

"P-please... I-I'm begging you... M-my son was one of the students who disappeared... I-I just wanted to ask and hear what the authority was planning to do... P-please... I-I'm begging you..." The woman said, then she started to kneel in front of the guards.

"This fucking whore! Get the fuck out of here before I throw you out by myself!" The guards roared.

"P-please... I-I'm begging you... Let me in..." Then the woman started to bow down.

"This slut... I said get the fuck out of here!" Then a guard who had a large body build kicked hard the woman in the face causing the woman to roll over, yell, and cried in pain, and let go of the papers she was hugging.

Sob Sob

The woman cried silently as she forced herself to stand up on her own and endure the pain as she took the paper that was scattered all around.

"H-HEY! What the hell do you think you are doing?!" One of the reporters strongly said, but in a low tone making sure that the guards were not hearing it.

"Huh? I'm going to help that woman... Why? Is there something wrong with that?" The cameraman replied.

"Yes! There's something wrong with that! The man who kicked that woman was Seth Adams, the personal bodyguard of Dess Celsa! I'm sure you know that name, so if you don't want to lose your job and live like a rat, better stay out of it.

And don't mind that woman... I'm sure she just wanted to get some attention because the people who were inside Ravenwood at this moment were all influential, rich, and powerful people."

But the woman heard it and burst into crying.

She doesn't care about how influential, rich or powerful the people inside Ravenwood are, all she needed to know was information regarding the disappearance of the students.

After she finished taking all the paper, she looked at the picture of Reh that was printed on it.

"My son... I hope you are okay and safe..." She mumbles under her crying breath.



Dungeon of the Tomb of the Hidden.


After Birger instructs and explained to everyone how to properly deal with the double-horned gray wolf that Reh and his group didn't get, Birger decided to divide them into groups with two to three Imperial Knights assigned to each group to be their guide.

Birger does that to easily teach everyone.

Dion and the student council members were all in one group with Birger as their guide, while Reh was in the group of Alex and his lackeys.

And at this moment, Alex's group was doing some 'fun' with Reh. After their group encounters an exiled gray wolf, Alex pushes Reh on the front to be the bait so that Alex could easily take a hit and killed the wolf without breaking a sweat of evading and avoiding the attacks of the wolf.

Reh was having a hard time running as he still carrying the luggage on his back. But for some unknown reason, Reh was outrunning the wolf.

Reh knew to himself that if he slowed down even a second, the wolf that was running on his back would surely bite and killed him.

"Yes! Continue to run around until I get an opportunity to kill the wolf! HAHAHAHA!" Alex.

Reh looked at the Imperial Knights to hopefully ask for help only to regret it as the Imperial Knights were only standing and taking a smoke under the shade of the tree.

While Reh was looking at the imperial Knights, there was a protruding rock on the way where Reh was running that he didn't see.

Then Reh stumbled on that rock, and he rolled on the ground. He tried to get up but the luggage was still on his back and putting too much weight on him.

Rawr! Rawr!

The moment Reh heard that he looked up only to see the gray wolf leaping into the air and readying to bite him!

Having no means to evade or avoid the attack, Reh put his arms on his front and position them on a defensive post, and protect the most vulnerable part of his body--the head and neck.


The gray wolf bites Reh in full force!


Reh shouted and scream in pain as the wolf fangs further sunk in on his left arm.

"Stay still you fucking idiot! Hold down that monster!" Alex said. He was running to where Reh and the wolf were located.


Reh gritted his teeth as he endure the bite of the gray wolf.

"Elemental Slash!"

Alex took out his Mithril sword on the sheath and said the name of one of his skills.

Then a fire emerged from the handle of the Mithril sword where Alex's hands were located.

The fire engulfed the entirety of the sword then with full force, Alex slash down his sword to cut the head of the gray wolf!

The gray wolf yelped as its head rolled on the ground.

The blood spurted out from the decapitated body of the wolf.

Reh's upper body was bathed in wolf's blood.

In trembling right hand, Reh supports his left hand because, at any minute, it looks like it was going to tear off.

Reh gritted his teeth and cry in agony, enduring the pain from the wolf's deadly bite.

"Well... Even if that's the case, you did a very good job holding the wolf down for me. Thanks to that, I leveled up four times and now I'm at level 4." Alex said as he proudly declare his great achievement while looking at the state of Reh.

Reh looked at Alex with a pained and crying expression.

He didn't understand why Alex did this kind of thing to him. Why did he need to go through this kind of treatment? Why did he need to be the 'bait' in his leveling up?

Did Reh want this kind of treatment? Surely not! But he had no power nor strength to stand up on his own.

The Hero, Dion who was supposed to be his savior in this situation turned a blind eye to everything.

Dion didn't even utter a single word to oppose Alex unlike when they were on Earth.


There was a saying that goes 'there's a rainbow always after the rain.'

There was always someone willing to be the umbrella for the rain.

"W-what happened?"

Reh heard an angelic, kind, and caring voice of a woman, and he recognized and knew very well who's the owner of that voice.

With Reh's weakened eyes, he looked at his rainbow. Only to see the beautiful face of Plume.

"Plume! Why did you run away?! It's too dangerous to--what the hell happened here?!" Dion emerged from the bushes along with others only to be shocked because of the current scene.

"Didn't I tell you, Dion?! I heard a scream! Reh! Are you alright?!" Plume holds her Mithril staff to sit down beside Reh. She had a worried expression on her face.

Her white dress began to turn red because of the blood of the gray wolf and Reh.

"Light Healing!!" Plume began to cast her healing skill on Reh's left arm.

"What happened here?!" Birger.

"C-Captain!!" The two Imperial Knights were shocked at the sudden appearance of their Captain.

"I'm asking you! What happened here?!" Birger repeated his question. It's bad for his reputation as a Captain if someone dies while he's around.

"W-well... We..." The two didn't know how to answer the question asked to them by their superior.

These two eggs cannot say that they were puffing smoke at the corner while all of this happen.

Birger was about to scold them again, but Nate spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Captain, we were practicing and doing the method you teach us on how to hunt this double-horned gray wolf with the help of them." Then Nate paused while pointing at the two eggs.

"We are on the part where the wolf was weakened by us then out of nowhere, Reh jump in to steal the kill from us but the opposite happened...

The gray wolf induced the Berserk Mode and bite Reh. Lucky, Alex we're near him to save him immediately. If Alex we're a second late, I don't know what will happen to him." Nate explains with a sad expression.

Birger looked at the two eggs for confirmation. The two eggs only nodded their heads.

"W-why would Reh do that? I-I... Reh was not like--." Dion said while looking at Reh at the brink of losing consciousness.

"Why would he do that? It's quite simple, he got no means of hunting and leveling because of his Class. Everyone knows that he's a Commoner Class, who, Nepotia and the Emperor said that it was a Class of a slave. So, he was consumed by greed at the sight of a dying monster in front of him to take all the Original Mana by himself." Alex explained.

"That act was absurd. By doing that, he put the lives of others in danger because of his greediness. You can rest assured that His Imperial Majesty would know all of this and act accordingly. This kind of act was not acceptable!" Burger looked at Reh with disdain.

That was the last thing, Reh heard before he lost consciousness. At the same time, the complicated look others give him.

And it was the start of Reh's misery.

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