
Skill: Absorption(Hiatus)

Reh and his whole section got summoned to the otherworld, namely Deimos. The world of Deimos was engulfed in war, and the humans were pushing back, and on the losing side, that's why they decided to try the summoning ritual to summon the heroes from the other world, which was Reh and his classmates. Each in the section got their own class and ranked and skill, whereas Reh was classless and no skill, what's more, he's ranked lowest amongst them. That's why Reh was bullied intensely and later on cast aside for being a dead weight in the whole class. Experiencing being bullied in his entire high school life and now being cast aside as if he was some kind of trash. With that, he promises and swears in all the gods that if he survives in the situation, he will surely get back to anyone who harms him and to the one he loves. Betrayal, getting stronger than anyone else, revenge, fighting for his love ones and on what he believes was right, building a relationship and getting back to Earth that's what Reh wanted to do. *** Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are all used in fictitious way and products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. *** Photo was not mine. From pixabay.com and credits to the rightful owner.

ddraigg · Fantasy
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34 Chs

First Dungeon Diving II

How do you define a Commoner?

If one would look at the dictionary, it is an individual from the common birth without any special blood running through the veins, or actual title, or higher position.

When Nobility still existed, the commoner's position was at the bottom of the social ladder. The work they always do was all heavy and tiring job.

The food they ate was always the leftover of their masters. Freedom? Nope. They don't have. Commoners have limited access to everything, and they can't do or live the way they want.

They were tied at the place until they drew their last breath on their mortal body. It is also well known that if one were born as a commoner, they would die as a commoner. That was their life.

On games? Well... They don't have any differences between reality and fantasy games. A Commoner on games was like a background character made to further highlight and give the spotlight to the main character.

They were mob character that was always the first one to get killed when there was a battle happening.

A none important character that was easily forgettable because they held no significance at all.


That was the current Class Reh hold right now. A Commoner Class.

When Reh got it, both the advisor of the Emperor, Nepotia and the Emperor himself had a complicated expressions on their faces and didn't say any words regarding the Class Reh got. They immediately jump into Dion's Class topic and forget Reh.

Reh was no fool. He read manga and novels. He also played a couple of games he could play on his cellphone. He knows that the Commoner was always a slave. Just like right now.

"Here... Take all our things. Be sure to hold it tight and don't drop it. If you do... I would smash your face, got that?" Nate. "Answer me! You goddamn fool!"

"Y-yes... I got it, Nate." Reh replied. It is obvious that he has experienced difficulty carrying all the luggage of Alex and his lackeys, Nate, Harvey, and Logan.

The things that were placed on the luggage were all basic needs like food, water, spare clothes, and spare equipment...

The situation of Reh would be much better if Alex's group put their things on the Spatial Pouch Nepotia gave on them.

Did Reh receive one? Nope. Reh didn't.

The Spatial Pouch is a Dimensional Pouch where they can store things inside it.

"Did everyone ready?" Nepotia ask.

Everyone nodded at Nepotia's question.


The world of Deimos was set up like a middle ages era on Earth.

The Empire of Zagon was the biggest and largest in terms of land and population.

(A/N: Guys, if you read the Auxiliary Chapter, I stated that I would be using the world map for us to easily imagine and know how big and large the territory was talking about. So, the Empire of Zagon was Russia.)

That's why the Empire of Zagon hail the strongest in both economic and military from some human perspectives.

The capital of Zagon, Maxim, was named after the name of the founder of the Empire, Maximus Melodus Alexius Zagon.

Maxim was divided into three districts. The Ordinary district, were humans who had an Ordinary Class lived. The Commerce district that all related to trading, businesses, shops, and goods taking place. Lastly, the Nobility district is where all the Nobles of the Empire live.

And at the center of those three districts was the large grand castle of Maxim, where the Emperor and his trusted aid live-in.

And under the castle was the Dungeon called the Tomb of the Hidden located.

That was where Reh and his classmates were going in.


"I'm sorry, but I can't accompany you inside the Dungeon." Nepotia.

The group is now underneath the castle, but anyone would not think that this place was underground under Maxim's castle because of how clean and well-maintained this place is.

The place was like an underground room but a much larger on space that could easily fit five-hundred people. There are also a lot of thick and large columns to support the weight of the castle. It is also well lit because of the torches on every corner of this room.

"Eh? But why?" Plume asks in a sad tone.

"This bitch..." Lauren mumbled under her breath.

"Well... I'm not a Combatant Class but a Production Class. As you all know that I was only the advisor of His Imperial Majesty, so I can't assist you when it comes to fighting..." Nepotia.

"But no need to worry too much as the Captain of the High Imperial Knights is going to join you to ensure your safety and give some battle instruction on your first Dungeon Diving," Nepotia added. After he said that, a man with red full plated armor stepped forward and bowed to Reh's group.

"Greetings... Future Savior of the Humanity. I'm Birger Reishus, Captain of the High Imperial Knights. I will be your guide on this Dungeon Diving. The Imperial Knights and I will ensure you would safely level up today but please, strictly follow my instruction so that we can avoid injury and you would level up faster." Birger stated unlike the first time they met him, he was now much more polite and had a respectful tone.

"Captain Reishus, I leave would the young Heroes to you. I would take my leave and wait for you to finish upstairs, young Heroes... I wish safety upon your Dungeon Diving." Nepotia said, then he began climbing up the stairs.

Birger nodded his head. Now, the only groups that remained were Reh and his classmates and the High Imperial Knights.

"Then... Shall we go in?" Birger said, then two robust Imperial Knights pushed the double door open.

Creak Creak Creak Creak

A cloud of dust came out after the double door were open.

One could hear a loud gulp after that happened.

"From here on, we, the High Imperial Knights, will take the command." Birger.


Reh and his group slowly descend the stairs. After a few minutes of walking down, they reached other double doors. After the Imperial Knights opened it, the group was awestruck at the view and scene of this place called Dungeon.

Unlike the room upstairs that was filled with soil and dust, this place was like haven. It was a grassland where the color green would get embarrassed because of how green the grass grows here. There are also a lot of different colored flowers the group had never seen before. There were also a lot of trees of different sizes.

This place symbolizes that it was full of life and vitality to have such wonderful and beautiful vegetation.

"I-is it truly a Dungeon?" One of the groups couldn't contain himself and asked it aloud.

"Yes, it is. Why? Do you think the Dungeon is a dark underground crude place? That was filled with ugly and vicious beings?" Bergir answered.

'Isn't that description right?' All the group thought.

"Well... Before we start hunting, I should explain to you, young Heroes, how a Dungeon works.

A Dungeon was a place in Deimos that was filled with monsters to hunt. Unlike monsters who roam in the wild, monsters in the Dungeon were much more predictable and easy to kill. That's why it is the perfect place for anyone who only got their Class, in short, a newbie.

Lastly, the scenery and monsters who lived and roamed in the Dungeons were all different from each dungeon.

Like this one, the Dungeon of Tomb of the Hidden had a scenery of grassland, and the monsters who inhabited this Dungeon were wolves, eagles, snakes, bears, and foxes.

But if we go to the Northwest of Maxim, where the Duchy of Yessuf is located, the Dungeon in there is known as the Waterless Dungeon because of its scenery as a desert. The monsters? Scorpion, cactus, spider, camels.

I wouldn't be going to go there if you don't want to experience scorching heat.

We are very lucky to have this kind of Dungeon scenery unlike the Dungeon of Yessuf.

That's all... Now we can start the hunt--." Bergir stopped talking when they heard something.

Rustle Rustle

The sound of dry leaves that were being stepped on was heard.

After a few seconds, it stopped, but the sound changed into something else...

Grrrr Grrrr

A growl of an animal was heard.

"W-what's that?!"

"H-hey you heard that right?!"

"What the fuck was that?!"


"This is exciting!"

"D-Dion... I'm scared..."

"It's okay Plume... I'm here...".


"That's why I told them it is dangerous to go in here!"

The group began to panic when they heard the growling sound.

"Everyone! Be quiet and stay calm!" Berger said in a loud tone so that he could get the attention of everyone.

"What you heard right now was the double-horned gray wolf that was native, and you could see everywhere here!

Usually, they traveled, worked, and hunted as a pack, but there was a low chance to meet an exiled wolf. And we are very lucky to met one.

And right now... I will show you how to properly deal with this double-horned gray wolf." Bergir said while he was looking at the bushy part of the Dungeon.

After he said that, a gray wolf emerged from the bush. The wolf was salivating, symbolizing that it was hungry. Its fangs and claws were all ready to bite and scratch its prey.

The group was shocked at the sudden appearance of the gray wolf. It is two times larger than a normal wolf on Earth.

"Listen up! I will now teach you how to properly hunt this monster! And better to focus all your senses on what I was about to do as you are next to do that!" Bergir said, then he took out his broadsword that was made of Orichalcum.

Then Bergir steps forward to confront the wolf without breaking eye contact with the wolf.

"First lesson, always remember that when you were fighting monsters, glared at their eyes and do not take off the gazed because monsters could perceive that you were scared and took that split second you took your eyes off to attack you!"

While Bergir explained while he does all of this.

Rawrrr Rawrrr

The wolf suddenly started to run, readying his first attack.

"The first attack that this wolf always do was to run to start a pace and then scratch with their claws. So the moment they do that, evade on the left side..." Bergir said, then the moment the wolf jumped to attack him with claws, he evaded smoothly.

"After you evade, remain focused as the attack was not finished... When you successfully evaded the attack, the next attack was a bite from the fangs!"

When the wolf's attack didn't connect, it was immediately shifted to the left side to attack Berger with its fangs. Its mouth open widely!

"Then... Next, evade to the right side to avoid the bite. After the bite was missed, there was a one to three seconds delay before the wolf could do the next move because it would fix its widely open mouth...

Use that chance to strike as hard as you could with the weapon in your hand, and the target was the head!" While Berger was explaining, he also did what he was saying. And after he finished explaining, the group heard a yelp from the wolf, then the head of the gray wolf was rolled to the ground, and its body fell lifeless.

"And that's how you hunt the double-horned gray wolf! Any questions??" Bergir added, then he looked at Reh's group only to see shocked and awe expressions on each face.

It only means one thing...

They didn't understand at all!

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