Alec looked at Aaron with shock in his eyes. He was...a skeleton. A monster. Something humans were afraid of. He was a cause of suffering. The only reason people learned how to summon monsters was to fight other monsters in the first place. "You...were a monster? This whole time...I've been travelling with a monster?" Alec asked out of fear. He wasn't sure how to feel about this. The church preached about a Hero who would be born, but his only purpose would be to slay monsters. To purge the world of their enemies, what they called monsters. A fate only decided by a God.
"Honestly, this is a pretty understandable reaction, considering what I am and the view other races have on skeletons, or a more broad term, monsters," Aaron commented, looking at Alec with curiosity. "You know, going by your logic, all of the Guardians are also monsters, yet you worship them for being strong. Does that mean that I deserve more worship than a Lesser or even Superior Guardian?" Aaron asked, driving fear into Alec's eyes. The Lesser Earth Guardian stood up, almost like he had been unaffected by the attack.
"You absolute FOOL. I told you that this place split realities into infinite choices! I will never die while I still am inside this cave!" The Guardian yelled out as he began to float into the air. "Reality can be bent to my will, so I can do ANYTHING!" He finished yelling as Aaron started to shake his head in disappointment. "You know, that power of yours is incredibly flawed, Guardian. If you could actually do 'ANYTHING', you would have killed us all now. This is just you manipulating your own reality. Not ours. Now, it's time to do something special. I'm going to wipe you away from this reality, like the little stain you are." Aaron mockingly responded while floating into the air alongside him. "Are you ready to see something scary? Something even Monument is afraid of?" Aaron tauntingly asked while slowly increasing his visible and readable aura.
"You really think YOU can beat me? Pathetic, monster! No monster has ever defeated me, except for one. The one spoke of in legends! I hardly think YOU, a REGULAR SKELETON, can stand up to me!" The Guardian screamed while laughing like mad. He really didn't notice Aaron's slow increase in power. "Fine then. It's time to use Ultimate, the skill to unleash my aura." Aaron sighed while lifting up his hand. A black sphere appeared, and it began to slowly grow, but as it did, Aaron's power exponentially increased. The Guardian watched as Aaron rapidly got stronger, surpassing him in mere moments. It was like his power was infinitely growing. "What...WHAT?! HOW?!" The Guardian yelled as he began to slowly walk away backwards. He couldn't comprehend what was going. Aaron stopped the ball from growing while also stopping his aura from getting any denser. It was now about half of the density that he had used on Monument.
"You know how you should never underestimate an opponent? Well, you could say I'm the personification of that fact. Now, I'm going to give you two choices of death. You either stay still and accept it or run away like a coward and die the way of a scared monster. The choice is yours, Guardian. You are a fellow monster, so I don't want to have to do this, but first assaulting me and then underestimating me? There's only one hope for you, and that's the salvation of death." Aaron ominously stated as he threw the black ball at the Guardian. The Guardian ran away, trying to escape the sphere that covered most of the cave corridor.
Suddenly, however, Aaron's field of view got glitchy, almost like a game. The Guardian was standing behind him, his black sphere no longer existed, and his power was back to its original suppressed state as he looked around him in confusion. "You were being hypocritical. I said I could control this cave, and now this is the price you pay!" The Guardian yelled, trying to grab Aaron. Aaron disappeared as The Guardian looked around him in confusion. Aaron stood behind him as his power returned to what it was while throwing the black ball.
"You underestimated me again. You REALLY didn't think I'd be able to stop you in your tracks? I learned something about an ability I've had for a long time, and I have learned about its full potential." Aaron explained, monologing about what he was doing. "I'm not going to explain my ability to you, but I'm just going to tell you one crucial piece of information. You can't beat it. Now, die!" Aaron yelled as he threw a punch at the Guardian with his armoured fist.
"Stop!" Alec yelled, trying to jump in between Aaron and the Guardian. Aaron pulled his punch back suddenly, but it was too late. The wind force of the attack was well over three thousand kilometres an hour, going in one straight line. It sent the Guardian flying as his body was shattered by the sheer wind force. Aaron looked towards it, and the only thing he felt appropriate to yell at the time was...this.
"Heads up!" Aaron yelled, knowing full well what he had just done. Alec just looked at him in horror, watching as he absolutely destroyed a Guardian. A fully powered lesser guardian. All with the sheer force of the wind from his punch. It was too much for Alec. Monument was just staring in awe. 'This skeleton is going to absolutely destroy the other guardians, and nobody is going to stop him because that's all that's going to happen. Nobody would want to face off against such a powerful being.' monument thought to himself.
Aaron turned around, his red pupils glowing. "Well, that was fun. I honestly didn't think that he'd be such a push-over. He thought he wouldn't be able to lose, so now he's dead. Well, at least I think he is. I'm not sure if they revive or not." Aaron admitted as Monument explained something.
"Tomorrow, or should I say, after the next twenty-four hours, he's going to be coming after you with extreme intent. You ready for that?" Monument asked.
"Of course. I'm going to show The Guardian that he can't win."
He really did just get blown away by that attack. Must have been spectacular!