Coranth looked at them with a surprised expression. "You're joking, right?" He asked them with a surprised expression on his face. "Well, there are certainly people who are stronger than us. After all, it would be rather insane to summon the sole strongest person known to the universe. However, people like us have much more power, or influence, than the gods." Aaron explained. Soul put his index finger towards Aaron's face. "Don't sugarcoat it, Aaron," Soul told him, crouching down so that he was closer to the kid, who appeared to be around fourteen. "We are entities that can do almost anything that we please. We can create, and we can destroy. Whatever you do, we've done countless times before you. Almost gives you a sense of athazagoraphobia." Soul explained to Coranth, causing both him and Aaron to look at him in confusion. "Soul, what the hell kind of word did you create?" Aaron asked the Corrupted creature beside him.
"Aaron, you should know this word. It means 'The fear of being forgotten'. After all, considering your, or our, actions, wouldn't it be just a shame if everyone were to forget that you existed while you were still around?" Soul asked Aaron, causing the Boundless Skelengel to think deeply. "True. It would be depressing to have all memory of me erased from the universe after what I've done. It would also mean that nobody remembered why Crystet turned evil, so he may be hunted down, which may or may not be a good thing." Aaron responded, looking towards Coranth before returning his attention to Soul. "Hmmm. Yeah, I can see what you mean by having all memory of us erased. However, that doesn't change that we're on this planet. We should abide by the rules and not leave just yet. After all, I'm not sure if we can leave instantly after arriving AND receive an increase in our Boundless Percentage." Aaron finalised, turning to Coranth so that he could speak to him.
"So, what do you have planned for us? I can take the form of a different creature if you want, so it doesn't look like you're dragging some random man around." Aaron explained, his skin falling off and conveniently disappearing as he turned into a skeleton. "It's strange being back in my proper form, but if this is what it takes, I'll do it," Aaron explained, his eyes lighting up with an idea. "I could be a shapeshifting familiar. After all, I can take the shape of whatever I want, so it may be an advantage to have someone who can become anything on your team." Aaron pointed out, quickly transforming his body using Boundless Telekinesis to transform what his body looked like. "Aaron, stop showing off. You've been just showing off your abilities to this kid. If we're going to get anything done, we may as well start right here and right now." Soul told Aaron, who had transformed into a horse. "Also, for the love of GOD, return to either your human or Skelengel form," Soul added.
"What's gotten under your skin? We're not really in any hurry." Aaron replied to him, transforming himself back into a skeleton. "I'm bored, is all. Plus, where am I going to be stored while you're being a skeleton?" Soul replied while posing a question of his own. "It's never been an issue at any other time when I was a skeleton after you were created. Either you fuse into my bone structure, or you become that black void that is behind my eyes." Aaron reminded him, shoving his finger inside his skull to prove a point. He currently had no irises, so the way he saw would be considered a mystery. "Oh. NOW I understand where my body goes when it enters your eyes!" Soul exclaimed, walking over to Aaron, his body dissolving and fusing with Aaron's as he did. Suddenly, the black void behind his eyes appeared, white irises appearing. "Ah, that's much better. Now I actually have some substance to my eyes." Aaron said to himself, shoving a finger inside his left eye, and his finger only appearing once his finger broke through the void in the other eye. "Although I'm much more used to having actual eyes and flesh, I'll be faster this way, so who cares?" Aaron continued saying to himself.
Coranth cleared his throat, grabbing Aaron's attention. "Alright, should we head downstairs?" He asked Aaron. "Oh, I forgot about that! Sure, let's go." Aaron replied, but Coranth stopped him. "Familiars don't usually speak here, much fewer skeletons, so I'd recommend that you don't speak when other people are around," Coranth informed Aaron, causing him to sigh. He drew an imaginary line over his mouth, which had a blank expression. After all, he couldn't move the muscles in his face to smile, for he had none. He was a skeleton! He was now as quiet as a mouse, allowing none of his vocal noises to make themselves known.
The pair of them exited Coranth's room on the second floor, Coranth locking the door behind him. The two of them walked down the stairs, Coranth taking the lead, just in case his mother saw him. The duo walked towards the kitchen, the house reminding Aaron of his original one, back on Earth. The one he had died in. That fateful day when those small ghost children ate him. Aaron shivered at the memory, although he didn't feel any chill along his back. "Alright, I'm going out for a little bit!" Coranth yelled to his mother, not bothered to talk to her. "Alright, see you!" Coranth's mother yelled from the kitchen, the sound of her chopping vegetables and the smell of pots and pans on a stove cooking ham and vegetables filling the air. Aaron couldn't smell since he didn't have a nose, although the sight of the pots and pans reminded him of Earth.
The pair walked towards the door, opening and closing it quietly to not anger Coranth's mother. They were now finally outside, and Aaron couldn't help but gasp slightly.
"It's like Earth," Aaron said quietly, an imaginary smile on his face. "Finally, I'm back to my comfort zone."
Ever just felt the need to hit someone over the head with a hammer?
Save me from my cousins.
Also, new music video involving Skelengel dropped today :)
Check it out on the YT Channel called Derpikarp! It's where I post all my music!