
SJBA (Shizuka Joestar’s Bizarre Adventures)

Do you remember the baby from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable? Yes the invisible baby better known as Shizuka Joestar, who was adopted by Joseph Joestar. This book is based on her very own bizarre adventure. Stick around to see what's up in the strange world of SJBA. (P.S~Artwork is not by me, I wish I could make something so cool. I just edited the color scheme. Originally artist is "omichishumura" on Deviant Art.)

Xzavior_Williams · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Opportunity

The camera showed a nicely built house being showered upon by the night's heavy rain, the doors were opened by Gwendolyn and Shizuka. Once the large doors opened a group of worried servants and maids were lined up waiting in the main room. They all gasped at the arrival of the runaway, surrounding them like moths to a flame.

"Young Master Shizuka, you're back!"

"Are you okay?"

"We thought we lost you for good this time."

"My heavens you're drenched, let's get you changed right away!"

"Would you like a tissue Young Master?"

Shizuka looked irritated as she leaped off Gwendolyn's back, slamming the umbrella on the floor before groaning.

"Unghh! Would you guys stop it? Jeez, I'm fine. Just had a bad dream, honestly. I want to take a bath with Gwendolyn, can I please just do that?"

One of the servants looked shocked before he cleared his throat in order to answer.

"W-Why of course Young Master. We'll leave you two to it."

All the embarrassed servants and maids quickly fled the room making Gwendolyn scold while pulling on Shizuka's ear.

"You shouldn't yell at them. They really do care about your well-being, not just their job."

Shizuka was squirming until she slipped away while whining in response.

"I didn't mean to to yell Gwen, they were just making such a big deal out of it. I've only ran away from this house three times, including today."

Gwendolyn alluded while picking up the soaking umbrella.

"It's more to it than that, whenever you run away those in the house believe it's because of something they did wrong. But in your case it's because your emotional unstableness, and when you respond to them like that. It doesn't leave a good impression in their minds."

Shizuka was looking down at her boots, avoiding eye contact when she stated.

"Fine, I'll apologize to everyone whenever I get the chance." Sometimes Gwen can be such an adult, that's her only flaw.

Gwendolyn was holding the umbrella with two hands while walking upstairs as she instructed.

"Come now, let's take our bath."

Gwendolyn and Shizuka were sitting in the same bathtub, the bathroom had a rich white theme to it. Gwendolyn was behind Shizuka running her fingers through her short hair.

"Alright, alright so let's talk about this whole school thing Gwen. How come you did t tell me no?" questioned an eager Shizuka.

Gwendolyn was smiling ever so slightly as she explained.

"Well it was only a matter of time to be honest. Truth be told. During the week prior to Ms. Suzi Q's passing, she had already arranged for you to go to a public school."

Shizuka was shocked to hear those words making her expression change when she mused quietly.


Gwendolyn had started to wash Shizuka's back gently as she continued with her explanation of the unknown truth.

"Yeah, thats right. Though skeptical at first she had faith that you'd do great in school, she was just waiting for you to be ready for yourself. That's why last year when you said you weren't going, I was actually quite pained to hear it."

"But as long as you're motivated to go on your own accordance, I'm happy for you."

Shizuka's expression did not change as a single tear escaped her left eye until Gwendolyn asked in worried tone.

"What's wrong, are you alright?"

Shizuka shook her head up and down rapidly as she lied while rubbing her face with her wrist.

"Yeah, yeah. You got some shampoo in my eyes, be more careful will ya?"

Gwendolyn smiled before chuckling softly.

"Sorry, I'll be more careful next time."

While Shizuka was fake rubbing her eyes Gwendolyn went on with a more serious approach to the matter at hand.

"But if you want to go to school you're going to have to follow some ground rules. As you know you're not a normal kid, you have the powers of a stand. But the people at school won't know this, and they should never know this. It's important to keep your powers on strict hold until you get home."

Shizuka held out her hand which slowly became invisible before reappearing as she noted.

"Yeah, I got that. I know how weird it's be if I just went invisible with no explanation, they'd be suspicious of me."

Gwendolyn stood up in the bathtub making Shizuka do the same as she instructed.

"Precisely, there's only so many stories we could make up until they realized something was up. On the other hand there also may be other Stand Users."

Shizuka gulped while wrapping a towel around herself, then after a slight hesitation she asked.

"You really think there would be other Stand Users at the school I'd be attending?"

Gwendolyn was plugging up a blow dryer into the wall as she answered truthfully.

"It really wouldn't matter what school you attended, Stand Users are supposedly destined to run into each other. So it's more or less inevitable. Whatever you do you can't make any enemies, the minute you do we're pulling you out of the school. And we're relocating."

Shizuka's hair was being blown by a warm wind while she remarked.

"Whoa, whoa isn't that a little bit extreme? I know having a enemy Stand User after me would be bad. But I've really gotten better with using Achtung over the years, I'm sure I could figh-."

"No. It's not a matter if you can fight them off, the risk is simply just too high. One enemy and you're done, do you here me?" interrupted Gwendolyn who turned off the blow dryer.

Shadows covered Shizuka's eyes when she eventually replied.

"Fine. I understand."

Gwendolyn continued after taking a breath of relief.

"Good. The other rule is no fighting non Stand User's as well."

Shizuka was cleaning her treasured black shades while she scoffed.

"Jeez, I get it no fighting. I'll be chill no doubt. You're making me seem like I go out of my way to fight people just because I feel like it. I only fight people who deserve a good thrashing."

Gwendolyn rolled her eyes when she muttered.

"Either way, it's not very lady like to get into as many fights as you've been in. But seriously humble yourself when you're at school. I know better than anyone who easy it is to break that cool composure of yours."

Gwendolyn poked Shizuka in the back of her neck startling the young girl who whipped around quickly, swatting away her hand.

"I got it, I got it jeez. No fighting, no fighting and I should be on my best behavior. You'll see come by the end of the year absolutely nothing bad will happen."

Gwendolyn gently rustled Shizuka's hair before leaving the bathroom while laughing slightly.

"That's exactly what I'd like to happen Young Master Shizu."

The bathroom door shut making it extremely silent as Shizuka stared at her reflection in the mirror. She looked happy but her smile faded soon after, negative thoughts were beginning to cloud the girl's mind. Just one slip up and I'm done huh? Shizuka tightly gripped the sink's edge, showing signs of aggression. Shit.

Shizuka released the sink before putting on her shades while looking into the mirror, a smile slowly formed. No, I've got this. I won't let anything stop me from living a normal life. My only enemy is myself, I gotta remember that.

"Tuesday was day Shizuka Joestar would be attending a nearby public school, as a Japanese transfer student. Using her 4 days to prepare Shizuka underwent some personal mental training. But before she knew it the day was already upon her."

All the servants and maids were all gathered together near the end of the large staircase, patiently waiting beyond Gwendolyn who called out.

"Alright Young Master Shizuka, the bus will be here shortly so come on out. Everyone is waiting."

The sound of a door opening and closing could be heard upstairs, followed by footsteps approaching closer. After a short wait Shizuka finally appeared at the top of the staircase in her school uniform. Her face was proof enough that she did not like the new look on her, not one bit.

The uniform consisted of a black seifuku with long sleeves, a big red collar tie and a questionable thigh high skirt. The outfit was complete with black knee high socks and black dress shoes. Her shades were resting in her hair while she looked flustered with red cheeks.

A barrage of camera flashes from everyone done stairs made Shizuka shout with a stress mark on her forehead.

"Hey, hey, hey! This ain't no freaking photo shoot!"

Shizuka angrily marched downstairs where Gwendolyn covered her mouth while laughing.

"I'm so used to seeing you in your boyish clothes that this is actually quite strange, and hilarious."

Shizuka pulled on her skirt while fuming.

"Forget that, why is my skirt so short?! In the picture the girls had theirs to their knees! So why is mine all wrong?!"

Gwendolyn was casually taking pictures while giggling in response.

"Well you are a big girl for your age, aren't you about 5'11 now? And you're also very fit from all that working out you do in your spare time."

"I am 5'10! And working out is fun is all, not like I'm some giant body builder. What am I going to do about this?" Shizuka groaned in defeat.

Gwendolyn handed Shizuka a book bag with a motherly smile as she encouraged.

"I suggest you suck it up until you can get a new uniform. Oh and stay right there, we're about to take a photo."

Shizuka was confused until suddenly everyone gathered around her with big smiles on their faces. A cameraman was setting up his tripod while Gwendolyn stepped behind Shizuka while encouraging.

"Smile please, we're framing this one."

Shizuka mustered an awkward smile as the photo was taken before she was quickly rushed out of the house due to the sound of a bus outside. Gwendolyn beamed while slipping money into Shizuka's book bag.

"Remember don't mess up or the deal is off. Have a great first day!"

Shizuka started running towards the bus stop enjoying herself truly as she looked back to see everyone waving her off. T-This is gonna be awesome!

Shizuka was standing at a bus stop where the bus slowly came to a stop before the door opened up. Shizuka met eyes with the driver who questioned while lifting his hat.

"Oh right on, you're that Japanese girl who I'm supposed to pick up. That is you right?"

Shizuka nodded her head eagerly before stepping carefully onto the transportation vehicle. She turned her head and noticed that the bus was completely emoty except her and the driver. Her smile lessened as she asked.

"Um, aren't there supposed to be other students on this bus mister?"

Shadows were covering the driver's eyes as the tension inside the bus grew thicker due to his unsettling silence. Shizuka took a slow, and quiet step back down the stairs as a bead of sweat traveled down her face. What's up with this guy?

"Of course not you silly goose, you're the only student who lives on this street. Heh heh heh! What a bizarre question, I almost didn't know how to respond for a second."

Oh crap, he's right. Everyone that lives on this street are wealthy adults without children. I jumped the gun too quickly, I need to calm down. Shizuka scratched her head while chuckling nervously.

"Oh whoops, sorry I just recently moved in. I thought there were more students that-."

"Hey! Hey, wait please! I overslept!" a feminine voice could be heard crying out from afar, disrupting Shizuka's lie. Wait a minute, don't tell me.

The bus driver adjusted his glasses while suggesting in a curious tone.

"Please don't leave!"

"Hmm, that's strange. I actually think that girl is also a student. Even though I was scheduled to only pick you up. Perhaps that question wasn't completely out of the ordinary after all young lady."

Shizuka was panicking quietly to herself, sweating more profusely now. Wait how could there have been another teen that I had no clue about?! That's impossible! I've gotta see for myself. Shizuka took a deep breath before she turned around in slow motion, where the camera stopped on a snapshot of her shocked face.

To Be Continued . . .

Author's Note

Hey small audience, I'm actually enjoying writing this so far. So I'm pretty sure I'll finish to the end with this book. I guess I'll see you guys next chapter.