
SJBA (Shizuka Joestar’s Bizarre Adventures)

Do you remember the baby from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable? Yes the invisible baby better known as Shizuka Joestar, who was adopted by Joseph Joestar. This book is based on her very own bizarre adventure. Stick around to see what's up in the strange world of SJBA. (P.S~Artwork is not by me, I wish I could make something so cool. I just edited the color scheme. Originally artist is "omichishumura" on Deviant Art.)

Xzavior_Williams · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Sorrow

Rain was falling heavily from the sky, accompanied by the sound of passing cars in the cold night. It was pretty dark outside but there were a few people still outside doing late night activities.

"Are you serious dude? If I had the opportunity to be rich I would take it in a heartbeat. Wouldn't even think of the consequences until later." chatted a random teen on the sidewalk.

The teen's friend conversed in a nervous tone.

"Well yeah but I dunno, I wouldn't want it honestly. You know what money does to people, like celebrities and stuff. They become a different person."

A black stray cat could be seen strolling through a dark alleyway, when suddenly something caught its attention. Next to a dumpster a section of rain wasn't hitting the ground. Almost as if something was missing from the very Earth, or if the falling rain was slipping into a unseen portal.

"See you're one of those people who actually believe in that whole, 'money is the root of all evil'. That's just a load of nonsense. In fact I think it's just a way to keep people from dreaming big."

The cat turned its attention to the strange phenomenon before slowly beginning to creep up to where it wasn't raining. Each step filled with unyielding curiosity, suspense building up. But before the feline wanderer could continue its investigation it was launched backwards by an invisible force.

"Well that's just ridiculous, no one ever said you can't dream big. It's just the fact that you shouldn't lust for money. You should do something you actually enjoy, not something that just offers good bank."

The now hostile cat hissed as it crashed into the brick wall before quickly making a run for it. The curiosity had completely left the animal's mind. However the cat darted past a pair of long legs covered in white stockings, and black dress shoes were barely standing above a puddle of water.

"Eh whatever man, you're looking too deep into the subject. If I ever get rich I'll slide you some money just so you can get a taste of eternal greatness. Promise."

The camera slowly started moving upwards revealing more of the tall woman, she was wearing a black maid dress. She had a white apron like covering over the top half of the dress. Her hands were slipped inside tight, long gloves which stopped around her forearms. The woman's skin was pale white, her face seemed soft under the umbrella she was holding.

"Young Master Shizu, I believe it'd be best if you returned home now." insisted the woman in a calming tone.

The strange space beside the dumpster suddenly appeared through thin air, revealing it to be a young Japanese girl. She was sitting on the wet ground, hugging her knees with her head hurried in her lap. The rain was completely drenching her short, dark blue hair along with her clothes. She had on a black jacket with a fur collar, and under that she had a black shirt. Black baggy pants, black boots, almost everything on her was black. Even the shades that rested on her forehead, an unnatural amount of depression was escaping from the girls body.

Combined with the rain, and the dark night her sorrow blended in nicely. The maid stepped a few steps closer so that her umbrella now shielded the girl from the downpour. Now that she was closer the maid had a pair of beautiful light blue eyes which glistened in the darkness. Her hair was blonde and wrapped in a ponytail which dropped behind her back.

"Come now, if you stay any longer you'll catch a cold." warned the maid with a slight smile on her face.

After a moment of silence the young girl slowly lifted her head revealing her purple eyes, and her sad expression. Actually the look on her face was more blank, empty and dead inside. She looked up into the maid's direction before mumbling.

"No matter how it plays out . . . I'm always the loser Gwen."

The maid's smile disappeared as those words pierced a knife straight through her heart, the conversation fell silent. Eventually the maid turned her back towards the girl before squatting down. Without any verbal communication the young girl climbed onto the maid's back. She grabbed hold of the umbrella as the maid stood upright, before starting to walk.

My name is Shizuka, I honestly don't know what my real last name is to be honest. I was adopted by an old man known as Joseph Joestar. So growing up I was told that was my last name, Joestar. His wife, or my adoptive mother was named Suzi Q. And yes if you're wondering why I keep saying was it's because they're both dead now.

It happened years ago, first was the old man. It was late at night apparently, I was sleep in my room and yet I didn't hear the crash that happened in his room. But the maids did, I was told they came rushing to my adoptive parents house in panick. And when they arrived the found Joseph's dead body collapsed on the floor. That's when I woke up, when I heard the screaming, the crying, and the sounds of a goddamn ambulance. However when I tried to leave my room one of the servants refused to let me leave the premises of my own room.

I was 14 years old back then, and I kept insisting that he allow me to leave. But again and again he kept refusing until eventually I noticed he had begun crying while refusing. It took me longer to realize than I would've now but he was just doing what he was told. Sooner or later I stop arguing with him because he just kept crying and I was beginning to feel sad myself. Then Suzi eventually opened the door and whispered something to the servant who quickly left the room.

Then she had me sit on my bed with her next to me . . then she explained everything that I was so eager to know. Through tears, Suzi had explained how my adoptive father the one who had apparently risked his life to save me. Had died from a heart attack. The news rattled me to the core because I knew it would happen some day. With their old age I figured that one day they both would die, it's not like people can live forever. But I just wanted them to stay a bit longer, till I could turn 18 or maybe even 17. And just say look how much I've grown you old farts.

And take some nice pictures or a family dinner with just the three of us, I guess I just wanted a normal life. But I got the short end of the stick, like always.

During the year of his passing, I tried really hard to bounce back and think positive. Suzi Q said if I worked on stabilizing my unsteady emotions, she would work on getting me into a real Highschool. Instead of private tutoring and homeschooling with maids and servants. I knew that going an actual school would be like having a normal life. So I actually trained really hard on keeping my cool, so that my stand wouldn't go haywire when I was stressed.

Back when old man Joseph was still around my Stand would almost never act up, he just made me feel at peace. So it was harder but I was started to get the hang of it . . .

Then when I was 16, Suzi Q died.

She just went up and died in her sleep from presumed old age, no last words, dying breath. Suzi Q, the woman I considered to be my real mother lost her life without even truly knowing it. This time I was told without delay, everything I was working towards had been thrown right out of the window. Even if I was able to go to school somehow, if Suzi wasn't going to be in my life during school. Then I didn't want it.

From there I've been relocated back and forth to houses in the name of the Speedwagon foundation. I didn't care for anything anymore, life seemed pointless 24:7, day in, day out. Suicidal thoughts raced my mind almost everyday but even I knew I would never go through with it. I was just going through the motions daily, thinking what was the meaning constantly.

I recently turned 17 about two, three months ago. Everyone at the house tried their best to cheer me up but I was depressed the whole day because I had no real family to celebrate my own birthday.

And tonight I ran away again, this might've been my twentieth attempt to escape. However the woman who was carrying me through the rain always seemed to find me, invisible or not. It's like she always knew where I'd be. Her name was Gwendolyn Cartwright, she was in a weird way my best friend. Even though she was one of the maids, and she was 33.

Every house I'd be moved to Gwen would request that she also be transferred to the next house. When we first met she tried to get to know me but I just ignored her like I did with everyone else. But she was different . . .


A slightly younger Shizuka could be seen lying down on her bed spinning a pin on her fingers. She looked agitated as Gwendolyn beamed while standing beside her bed.

"Woww, you can do the pen spin trick?! That's amazing! You see I can't do it because it always falls out of my hand, during the spin. And I guess you could say I'm also a bit clumsy when it comes to anything over than maid work."

Shizuka continued spinning the pen trying her best to ignore Gwendolyn who continued talking.

"I guess another factor would be that no one actually taught me how to do it. Perhaps if someone who was really good at it would be so could to teach me I could become a pro. How would I loveee if someone would go out of their way to teach me. It would just make my day-."

Shizuka shouted angrily while dropping the pen.

"Okay jeez, I can teach you how to do the stupid pen spin! Just shut up alright?"

Gwendolyn eagerly sat on the bed on the bed while nodding her head as Shizuka explained sourly.

"It's not that hard, just so as I do . . . ."

Flashback End

And ever since then I've been thinking of her as my only friend, because she's the one I opened up to the most. She understands me more than any else because of how hard she wanted to make me feel normal.

Tonight's reason I tried to run away was because I had a really bad nightmare and it messed me up mentally. And to no surprise it was about old man Joseph and Suzi, I stopped running halfway though. I remembered that no matter where I ran Gwen would always find me. And that's how we got here, walking in the rain at night.

"Hey Gwen, how do you always find me when I run away?" asked Shizuka.

Gwendolyn was silent as shadows covered her eyes until she eventually replied.

"Well Young Master, the truth is I have a tracking device planted deep inside your head. Any attempt to remove it will cause it to explode, which means you would die if you tried to escape from my grasp."

Shizuka nearly fell off Gwendolyn's back when she gasped out in pure shock.

"Gwen what the hell?! Are you serious?!"

Gwendolyn began laughing to herself while responding.

"Of course not, I was merely joking Shizu. You're reaction was quite priceless, you looked sacred."

Shizuka's cheeks were a little red when she groaned in annoyance.

"Not funny Gwen."

"But to be honest I have no real answer, I always try to envision myself as you. And just predict where you'd be, or what direction you'd be heading. I just trust in my instincts." confessed Gwendolyn.

I ask her this everytime and it's always the same answer in a way. It just amazes me how much she knows me, pretty sure she knows me more than I know my own self. Scary.

"Hey Gwen, I wanna try school."  stated Shizuka who was looking down awaiting rejection.

"Okay, sounds good. I can get you enrolled by next Tuesday."

To Be Continued

Author's Note

Hey whoever stumbles upon this,feeling iffy on this whole thing so lemme know what you think. My goal is to release 10 chapters before I see if I'll want to continue this book. If you have any questions I'd love to answer them to the best of my abilities. See you next time.