

December 1,9:00 am,

"Ravi tomorrow is your birthday. Are you excited? "

"A bit only because of you. Otherwise birthday is a normal day for me."

Raju was confused. He wants to give a surprise to Ravi. But he can't decide what he can give to Ravi as a gift.

Later that night when Ravi was sleeping he had a dream . In that dream he saw his sister. His sister wants to tell him something. He saw Vikash at the back of his sister.

December 2, at morning,

Ravi was curious about his dream. Not because he had saw his sister because he had saw Vikash in his dream. Suddenly he realize that in searching of power he had forgot his main aim which is to kill Vikash and take revenge of his sister.

"Raju do you know where is Vikash?"

"Vikash, the son of Chandrakant right. "

"Yes, I have to kill him."

"Are you mad. Chandrakant is not a small don such as Lala and Vir singh. He is the king of underworld."

"I don't know who is Chandrakant I just want to kill Vikash. My aim is to kill Vikash and if anyone come in front of me than I will destroy him also. "

2024,"Varun it's too late come and do your dinner. "

"I am coming mom. "...

From the next part the destruction will be start.


Adibrocreators' thoughts