
"This is my place"(2)

"Now what?"

"Let's go to Vir singh"

"Will you really do this"

"Yes I will"

Vir Singh got the news that Ravi had defeated Lala and conquered his place. After listening this Vir singh was too Happy until...

Ravi goes to Vir Singh and told him that he is here to defeat him and take his place. "Why are you doing this? I made you and you are doing this with me. Shame on you. "

"It's right that you give me many things but you don't made me. My aggression made me. "

"So what you will kill me? "

"No I am not gonna kill you but I will take your place. "

Dhishom! Dhishom! Dhishom! Ravi kill three of Vir's boys. The fight starts. But Ravi had defeated all of them. He through his gun away. He request Vir singh to accept that he had lost this fight because he don't want to kill him. Vir Singh accept this because he knows that Ravi is now more powerful than him.

"What you will do now. "

"I don't know. "


"But i think I have forgotten something."


"My work... "


Adibrocreators' thoughts