

Was it just any other friend request that she was accepting? Or was it something that would change her life? She sure was planning on just resting for that day but life had other plans for her when he texted. That one text, that text which she should have never responded to or maybe she should have? Who knows? His intentions were clear but hers were twisted as she wanted something different from him but in return..

Mihika_Menezes · Urban
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11 Chs


No matter how much I think of starting this book, it sounds pretty dumb to me. Anyway, I'd go with. I'm in my early teenage years, I am in a university although I don't understand why, Because I sleep during all my lectures and then when I'm back home I'm sleeping here too so I don't see the point of life anyway. So as you'll understand, college life is pretty dull and so is my life at home.

Let's see what's interesting then. Oh yes! I forgot to mention, I have crazy friends at my art classes. I learn art as it is my hobby which I'm trying to change into my career. So yeah that is what I love doing apart from sleeping.

And by "crazy friends" I meant like actual dead shit crazy.

Meet Valeria, we are of the same age but she's always acting like my grandma because she's soo damn concerned about me and all of us in our circle. She's like really beautiful though, with long hair, a curvy figure, and oh god her voice it's fantastic. But not when she's yelling "GROW SOME BALLS ANTONELLA" in the middle of the night.

Yep, that's right, my name is Antonella, which I btw so amazingly forgot to mention earlier.

Then let's meet my favourite human cuddly bear named Eva. Eva is this sexy tall skinny, again beautiful voice, I mean like her really beautiful voice as she can pitch very high while singing and oh her gorgeous features one would fall in love with her instantly. You must be wondering why did I call her my cuddly bear? It's because we cuddle in the most platonic way with her lovely warmness.

Now let me introduce you to my girl boss Senetra, she's the most independent, sassiest girl I've ever come across. Messing with her is like actually messing with your life. Because she plays hard like with your mind and your heart, so you gotta be careful with this one. But let me tell you one thing her heart is pure white as a dove. She would never hurt her loved ones but hurt those who harm her loved ones. Her kajal and mascara are always on point just like how her life is.

My best buddy of all Alex is someone who would give his entire life to his partner. Someone who would love unconditionally. Which means someone who would ignore red flags unconditionally also. But he is not only loving and generous but also the only one who stood for me in my worst times.

Last but not least, let's meet Anamika my childhood besties I am mentioning her at last because we have had a lot of fallouts. And yes ofc I hold a lot of grudges for that. But we've grown a lot from it too. She's this pretty, pretty, pretty omg I cannot explain how pretty she is. How much she's taken care of me and how much we love each other.

By now you must be knowing I have a great circle of friends and yes I am an extrovert. And again just like that, I forgot to tell you'll about that crazy night. So come let's start this adventurous book. Shall we?

Eva- No idea, like literally.

*Phone rings* (Valleria answers keeping her phone on silent)

Antonella- Hiee, i am lost!

(They all scream, "Not again" )

Valleria- Where exactly are you?

Antonella- I am near some church called St Jude

Valleria- Are you kidding me Ella? How the hell on earth did you reach there?

Antonella- (panacking) I don't know ya, i am really lost.

Valleria- Darling just give the phone to the uber driver I'll guide him.

15 mins later!

Antonella- Hi guys I'm so sorry i don't know how i always get lost.

Eva- Its alright we are used to it. *Chuckles*

Senetra- Ella let's just chill now we all are here.

Valleria- Okay so i have some gossip. *Smirks*

Senetra- Wait manh! Let me light my cigi and pour some alcohol in your glasses.

Valleria- Okay, soo there's this guy i started talking to. He's very sweet, looks handsome and is always flirting with me on calls/text. But.

Eva- There's always a but..

Ella - Let her continue men.

Valleria- But he is not from this country and i am like 98% sure that he is married.

Eva- Why do we girls always go for the toxic guys?

Ella - That being said, i have some gossip too.

Senetra- Spill the tea sis.

Ella- So you know how my art school is right just opposite of it is a huge ass school of boys?

Valleria: Oh yes, what about it?

Ella: Well there's this boy named "Ashley" who I can't stop admiring.

Eva: Tell me something I don't know! Wait how did you get his name?

Valleria: She obviously has contacts.

Sentera: Let the girl have some fun guys, tell us more about him.

Ella: Well he is yeyy tall ( makes a gesture with her hands) and has a cute face and I don't have the balls to go talk to him.

Valleria: Cmon! You and have bo balls? Remember how u made me and Eva once write my ex's name on flyers with his number with a note that said "Free Massages, Call Me anytime", Remember? Remember?

(They all burst into a laughter)

Ella: (lauhs out loud) Yeah ofc I remember ! But he's Ashley ya! The godfucking gorgeous playboy of all time is what I got to know from my contacts.

Eva: Now why would you chase after some expensive fish that's spoiled.

Valleria: hmm that's the kind we like, we can't complain.

Ella: TRUE!

Senetra: I just wanna smoke this new cigar I bought this week with my mom's credit card.

( A notification pops up on Ella's phone)

Ella: Hang on guys I've got a friend request from ASHLEY, wait a minute that's not Ashley that's his best friend too in his dp.

Ella: Maybe he sent a request from his friends account?

Senetra: Ya girl let's think positive!

Valleria: Oh for God's sake accept the request.

Ella: Fine! Fine girls I'm accepting.

(Ella accepts the request)

(Another notification pops up this time with a text from him!)

Ella: Hey his name is Harry, what a common name. AND HOW DESPERATE IS HE TO TEXT ME WITHIN A SECOND? Girls I think this is a bad idea.

Valleria: Oh shutup! It must be Ashley whose texting. Just say a hi back..

Ella: No! what if it's not him? What if it's this cheap looking guy itself whose texting me? Or what if Ashley knows I stalk him daily and they want to get rid of me now? What if they murder me? OMG!

Eva: Through a "HEY!", yeah I'm sure.

Senetra: (Takes the phone from Ella's hands) let me handle this.