

Was it just any other friend request that she was accepting? Or was it something that would change her life? She sure was planning on just resting for that day but life had other plans for her when he texted. That one text, that text which she should have never responded to or maybe she should have? Who knows? His intentions were clear but hers were twisted as she wanted something different from him but in return..

Mihika_Menezes · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs



As Senetra took the phone from Ella's hands, she typed out a quick and playful response, "Hey there, Harry! Nice surprise getting a friend request from you. What's up?" She handed the phone back to Ella, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Ella nervously stared at the screen, her heart racing. Moments later, a reply popped up, "Hey! Not much, just chilling. Saw your art school's amazing graffiti on my way to class. You're pretty talented!"

Ella's face lit up with a mix of surprise and excitement. She turned to her friends, her eyes wide, and said, "It's really him! He knows about my art!"

Valleria chuckled, "See, I told you. Now, keep the conversation flowing. Don't overthink it!"

Eva chimed in, "Yeah, just be yourself. You're an amazing person, Ella."

Senetra grinned and added, "And if things get awkward, we're here to help."

Ella took a deep breath and typed out her reply, "Thanks, Harry! I've seen you around too. Your friend request was a pleasant surprise. By the way, I'm Ella."

The chat continued, and as Ella and Harry exchanged messages, she gradually felt her nervousness ease. The conversation flowed naturally, covering everything from their interests to their favorite spots in the city.

Valleria winked at Ella, "Looks like things are going well. Who would've thought, huh?"

Eva playfully nudged Ella, "Remember, confidence is key!"

As the conversation between Ella and Harry continued, an air of suspense settled over the room. Ella's heart raced with each notification that appeared on her phone. With each response, she found herself drawn deeper into the exchange, her initial apprehension giving way to a newfound sense of excitement.

As Ella typed her latest message, her friends leaned in, watching the screen intently. The room felt charged with anticipation, the atmosphere almost electric. Senetra wore a mischievous smile, her eyes glinting as if she held a secret. Valleria's chuckles had subsided, replaced by a contemplative expression. Eva's encouragement seemed to carry a hint of intrigue.

Harry's reply came swiftly, "Nice to meet you, Ella! So, tell me more about your art. What inspires you?"

Ella's fingers danced across the keyboard, her thoughts racing. She began sharing anecdotes about her creative process, the emotions she poured into her artwork, and the stories behind some of her favorite pieces. With each word, she felt a growing connection with Harry, as if they were engaged in a dance of shared interests and mutual discovery.

The suspense deepened as the conversation shifted toward their personal lives. Ella's heart fluttered as she learned about Harry's hobbies, his passions, and his dreams. Their messages became more candid, more intimate, and the realization dawned upon Ella that this connection was unlike anything she had experienced before.

As Ella glanced at her friends, their expressions mirrored her own mix of excitement and uncertainty. Valleria's eyes were wide, her lips slightly parted as if she were caught up in the unfolding narrative. Eva's playful nudges had transformed into attentive nods, conveying a shared understanding of the tension that hung in the air. Senetra's grin had evolved into a knowing smirk, as if she had predicted this turn of events all along.

Hours passed like minutes, the conversation flowing effortlessly between Ella and Harry. The suspense in the room was palpable, each exchange feeling like a delicate balance between vulnerability and curiosity. Ella's confidence had grown, fueled by the support of her friends and the undeniable chemistry she shared with Harry through their messages.

As the night grew darker, a final message from Harry appeared on the screen, "Ella, this has been amazing. I can't believe how well we've connected. Would you be up for meeting in person sometime? Maybe we could grab a cup of tea at that charming café you mentioned?"

Ella's heart raced as she read the message. The moment she had both hoped for and feared had arrived. She looked at her friends, their eyes reflecting the same mixture of anticipation and excitement. She took a deep breath, her fingers hovering over the keyboard.

Valleria leaned in, her voice hushed, "This is it, Ella. The suspense is killing us too. What do you want to do?"

Ella's gaze shifted from her friends to the screen, her heart pounding. The room was filled with a pregnant pause, the tension mounting with each passing second. With a determined smile, Ella began to type her response, the words a reflection of her newfound courage and the bond she had forged with Harry.

"Harry, I would love to meet you in person. The café sounds perfect. Let's make it happen."

As she hit the send button, a wave of excitement and nervous energy washed over her. The suspense that had gripped the room seemed to disperse, replaced by a sense of anticipation for what lay ahead. Ella's friends erupted into cheers, enveloping her in a joyful embrace as they celebrated this pivotal moment.

The suspenseful chapter had reached its climax, leaving Ella and her friends on the brink of a new and exciting chapter in their lives.