
Singularity in Primal Chaos [Completed]

Suddenly, he found himself in a completely different world with completely different laws. He realized that he had became a singularity and there was nothing he could not learn. Star God's Broken Shadow? World Ode of the Phoenix? Phoenix Suppression? Illusions? No matter what he saw, he learned. This was Singularity, in name and in purpose! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

meatball_san · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter: 38

Cang Yue suddenly felt that her Brother Yun was quite shameless.

People were waiting for him to show up on the stage and he was there hugging and patting her.

Not that she hated it. She enjoyed it. Patting by her Brother Yun made her calm and her heart fluttered everytime he did. She remembered her dead mother and how she used to pat her when she was little. This only resulted in her nusting her head further into her Brother Yun's chest, asking for more attention.

"Cang Yue is so cute. It really makes me want to hug you forever."

Her beautiful cheeks blushed hearing her Brother Yun calling her cute.

Mustering up her courage and pushing her shyness away, she muttered like a mosquito.

"B-Brother Yun is also very handsome…"

Yun Che chuckled. Her trying to please him through words was also a very cute thing to see, he thought.

Softly kissing her head, Yun Che smiled.

"But Cang Yue is right. I shouldn't make others wait. After I win the fight, I'll have Cang Yue spend the night with me. I miss Cang Yue by my side at night. It feels so lonely."

"W-we can't…" Like a shy child, Cang Yue denied while not looking at his face. "We h-have to marry first… Also inform the Royal Father…"

"It's okay." Yun Che nodded with a teasing smile. "Only sleeping together and hugging each other. Your Brother Yun's control over his body is very strong."

He had many skills in his system related to his lust and body control which he had maxed for such scenarios.

People in cultivation worlds were quite conservative, and mostly liked to spend the night with their partners after marriage.

Such skills will also help him not become dumb when looking at beautiful women like the original Yun Che. It was no joke. Women in this world indeed had power to make men dumb just by looking at them. He had personally experienced it. If not for his skills and powerful will, he thought he might have made a dumb mistake too.

'Women like Shen Xi and Brahma Goddess. It is said that they are the most beautiful women in the whole Primal Chaos and men will lose themselves just by stealing a glance of them. Thankfully I have a system, so there won't be any problem in the future.'

Yun Che nodded like a wise man.

He gently pulled Cang Yue and stood up from his bed. With a smile, he said.

"Let's go. People should be waiting."

Like an obedient puppy, Cang Yue nodded. Even though she was sad that she couldn't spend more time in her Brother Yun's embrace, having her pat her, she also understood that such things cannot be postponed. Other people would start to throw dirt at her Brother Yun if he didn't make his appearance soon, so she didn't protest either and followed him quietly like a dutiful wife.

Meanwhile, in the Sky Poison Pearl, Jasmine felt like she had eaten dirt and her face was ugly.

Sometimes, she would peek at Yun Che and see what he is doing, to make sure that he doesn't make a mistake. Today, she felt like a third wheel doing it. And it didn't help when she saw the silhouette of her brother in Yun Che.

She felt like she was losing her brother once again, and she didn't like this feeling.

She ran to her bed and buried her face into a pillow, laying upside down, she softly groaned.

"Stupid Yun Che…"

She didn't know her own feelings, and she thought these feelings were because she saw her brother in Yun Che. But reality might be different. In the end, she just spent the rest of her day groaning and calling Yun Che with different names. She thought maybe she should increase his training a little. This way, he will spend more time with her then those bimbo!

Unaware of a certain redhead's thoughts, Yun Che soon arrived at the central plaza.

He was applauded seeing so many people gathered there.

It looks like every disciple has gathered here today. He could even see all the instructors sitting around Qin Wushang, everyone waiting for him.

Not minding much attention to the words of the disciples would call him with different names and call him trash or coward, he walked calmly towards the stage.

His lips were softly curled up, showing an easy going smile.

When he arrived on stage, he heard the sound of clapping. He looked towards Murong Yi and saw him clapping with a disdainful expression.

"I thought you had run away and hid somewhere like a turtle, but it seems I was wrong. I must applaud you, Yun Che! Even though you are weak and ignorant, you still are not a coward. I, Murong Yi, are impressed!"

"Good for you." Yun Che rolled his eyes. He thought these young masters had too much time on their hands. No matter where, they talk too much. On the other hand, he just wanted to finish this fight so he can spend his time hugging the soft and mellow body of Cang Yue.

Murong Yi had a vein appear on his forehead seeing Yun Che's nonchalant behavior.

He had thought even if Yun Che appeared, he would be afraid and scared of him; trembling in fear.

But seeing him standing there calmly and looking at him as if he was some clown, made Murong Yi's heart burn with fire.

He swore to break Yun Che's all limbs and bones to make him realize the difference between the two.

Yun Che still ignored Murong Yi and looked towards Wushang with a meaningful glance.

Understanding it, Wushang nodded and stood up.

He looked at everyone present in the central plaza and smiled. Using his profound strength, he spoke; like a thunderclap, his voice resounded to everyone loud and clear.

"Three months ago, Yun Che had a slight disagreement with Murong Yi, the inner disciple and a ranked member in Heavenly Profound List. Soon, both parties had come up with an agreement that they will fight each other officially after three months. And whoever loses, will have to complete their end of bargain. As the Vice Palace Chief, I have personally presided over this matter and saw and heard everything with my own eyes and ears. Today, I will be the judge of this duel and will make sure that the losing party abides by their part of the duel!

Everyone clapped hearing Wushang's speech.

They understood that no matter who won or lost, Wushang would make sure no one cheated on the other.

This also made them relieved.

After all, except for watching the fight, they were also here to see the losing party complete the bet. These people had too much time on them, and they felt bored in Profound Palace cultivating all day. Such events made them excited and happy.

Seeing everyone have heard him, he smiled and loudly announced.

"Then start the duel!"

The moment his voice fell, everyone became quiet. Their attention switched to the stage and they attentively waited for either party to make a move.

While Murong Yi had an arrogant expression, Yun Che was pinching his chin and looking at the ground; deep in thought.

"Aren't you going to make a move, Yun Che? Or are you two afraid to make a move? Hahaha! Make a move, hurry. Or people will say I bullied you."

Everyone understood Murong Yi's logic.

He was in Nine of True Profound Realm while Yun Che was only Tenth of Nascent Profound Realm. If Murong Yi made a move, then it is estimated that Yun Che will lose right away.

Isn't it the same as bullying the weak then?

Yun Che should make a move so it doesn't seem like he is bullying him.

Meanwhile, Yun Che was still in deep thought.

Seeing him like this, Murong Yi frowned. He was losing his patience.

"Cousin! Just attack him! He is too afraid to even move now!" Murong Ye, Murong Yi's cousin, loudly shouted.

One could see that his face has completely healed from when he took a beating from Yun Che, but his heart hasn't.

It was full of resentment towards Yun Che.

Not only did he steal his Sister Xueruo, but also slapped him so hard that he wasn't able to leave the bed for months properly!

He hated Yun Che to bone and wanted nothing but to see him humiliated!

He looked right and left and saw Cang Yue standing with the crowd in the distance.

She had a worried look on her face, and her big eyes were filled with worry and love.

This made Murong Ye even angrier.

"Cousin, just kill this bastard!" He viciously said. Seeing Cang Yue's look, he hated Yun Che even more now! He won't calm down until he is dead.

Murong Yi also thought that something was wrong with this Yun Che. He also had thought that he might be too afraid to make a move, but looking closely, he realized that this was not the case.

Yun Che seemed to be in deep thought, as if thinking about something.

'I should make a move and finish this. If he didn't make a move, wouldn't we be waiting here all day for him to do so?'

Thinking such, Murong Yi pulled his spear out and took a stance.

Profound energy of the Nine True Profound Realm bursts out of his body and his eyes become focused, like a beast ready to pounce at its enemy and eat it.

"Yun Che, you and I had no grievance before. But not only you hurt my cousin unjustly, but also insulted my parents! Today, I will punish you for it!"

Finishing, he gathered his profound energy in his soles and used profound movement art.

In a blink, his body propelled towards Yun Che like a bullet ready to pierce his body.

"Ah! I get it!" Suddenly, Yun Che finally broke his posture and snapped his finger as if he understood something.

He looked up and saw Murong Yi running towards him before a smile appeared over Yun Che's face.

Seeing the smile, Murong Yi felt something was wrong. But since he already has made a move, he couldn't cancel it midway. This would result in backlash and he would end up injuring himself.

With a grin on his face, Yun Che raised his hand and pointed his finger at Murong Yi, confusing him.

Not minding Murong Yi's state of mind, his finger shone in golden and started to move. With each movement, a mysterious character was drawn in the air.

Once all these characters fused, a word appeared—Slip!

Even though the world appeared, no one could read it since it was not in chinese.

And then, in front of the stunned and puzzled gaze of everyone, Yun Che flickered the word.

It suddenly shone with the brilliance of night start. Like a bullet, it flew towards Muring Yi's foot and hit his shoes.

Murong Yi's eyes widened when he realized he couldn't stand firmly on the ground any longer! Like a soap on a wet floor, Murong Yi's body becomes out of control.

It started to skid in Yun Che's direction, his speed increasing with each second.

Seeing this, Yun Che smirked before he took a Judo stance. He took a deep breath and muttered softly.

"First Gate, Heretic Soul, open!"

A burst of crimson energy erupted out of Yun Che, once again stunning everyone.

But this time, the reason why they were stunned was because of Yun Che's profound strength of the Second Level of True Profound Realm! They couldn't believe their eyes! They have never seen anyone reaching 2nd level of True Profound Realm from 10th level of Nascent Profound Realm in just three months! It was completely unheard off!

Wushand seeing this was also surprised. He then looked towards Cang Yue and nodded.

'As expected of a Princess. Her assessment of him was not wrong. We might be able to enter the top hundred with a seed like Yun Che!'

Obviously, Yun Che was unaware of their state of mind.

He focused on the coming Murong Yi, and waited patiently.

Since he wasn't able to control his body, Murong Yi was helpless as he skidded his way to Yun Che.

Suddenly, Overlord's Colossal Sword appeared in Yun Che's hand, making everyone open their eyes wide at the horrified image that formed in their minds.

When he was close enough, Yun Che tightly gripped the sword's hilt in his hand, his posture changing to that of a batsman.

He pulled the sword back, with a devilish smirk on his face, he swung it hard!

In the crises of his life, Murong Yi pulled his spear in front of him.

A loud sound resounded as the sword hit the spear, Murong Yi, like a loose kite, was blasted outside of the Profound Palace! His body vanished in the sky, becoming a star in the distance.

There was no exchange of blows or profound arts in use. Yun Che used pure strength and threw Murong Yi outside of the Profound Palace! And with the speed he was flung, it is estimated that he definitely broke most of his bones.

Whether he was alive or not was unknown!


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