
Singularity in Multiverse

Steve_0626 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

3.And Life Continues

Its been 5 years since I was born and I have been training with Guy for 3 years. My karma seal is slowing transforming me and my regeneration capabilities are already on the level of Hashirama and my chakra is also steadily increasing which is on the level of super kage that is Hashirama. And to further increase my chakra reserves I have also formed Yin seal like Tsunade. But unlike Tsunade my seal is on palm of my both hands one on my stomach and one on my chest that is total of 4 Yin seals. And I have been storing Chakra for 4 years as I formed these Yin seals when I was 1 year old. Anyway all 4 of these seals can hold no only my chakra but also nature energy like seal made by Orochimarru.

But this is perfect version made by me or I can say my other self. These seals will be used I near future when I open 8 gates perfectly. Now that I was training body techniques under Guy he told me all about body techniques and other techniques made by himself not that I wanted them but what can I say. After I started training I also feed my self nature energy.As nature energy made my bones and muscles stronger the more I feed them this energy. After I got 3 years old i looked like 5 as I get stronger and talker due to my training. In order to increase intensity of training I cast gravity release ninjutsu on myself to increase pressure on my organs, bones and muscles to make them stronger. A.N : (After someone thoroughly masters Earth release the next step to earth is gravity as Onoki had mastered it. That's why he can increase and decrease his weight. This is from my knowledge so pls bear with it).

I also have very good friendship with naruto but as naruto got 3 years old he was moved from orphanage to his own house as per the decision of Hokage. But his life also got very hard as rumours about him being jinchuriki of 9 tails were released. And the one to do this is one and only fucker of Konoha or as people call him Darkness of konoha Danzo. People look at Naruto as 9 tails himself and curse him for being evil fox. Now that is very stupid as he should be called saviour of konoha and treated as prince for being son of 4th Hokage but what is more stupid than this that senile 3rd hokage didn't do a shit about this. But I always treated him as friend and brother. So whenever I have freetime from training or I have time for eating, I spend this time with him. And he is very grateful about this, as I treat him as people should to any other human. Now there is also new addition in my training partner as Guy have found his true desiple Lee. This time he found Lee 2 years earlier as he should be 7 when Guy started training him but now he is 5 years old same as me. But although I am 5 years old I look like I am 8 or 9 as I am taller for my age.

Now without opening gate I should be strongest after Guy in taijutsu. As I am still growing and I also will slowly increase effect of gravity on myself. My grasp on gravity is higher than that of Onoki. As I can not only negate effect of weight but I can also put pressure on myself.

As I was running 500th lap around training ground Guy came to me and said "How is your training going Saru". "Well as you can see it going smoothly and not burden on my body" I said as I started doing push-up. "Hmm that's true you are very diligent and you physically fit to start training for my forbidden Jutsu that you always pester me for" said Guy with rarely seen serious face.

"That's what i told you I am very fit for that technique and I am also very strong so I can handle the pressure of technique " I said to Guy. If I open gates myself he will be suspicious. That is why I didn't open gates as he is the 8 gates user and a master. So he will know that I opened gates without his instructions. And I have been waiting for him to give his instructions on this technique so that I can open gates and he will not be suspicious of me. After telling me about dangers of this technique he showed me 8-gates technique. "First Gate: Gate of opening OPEN" shouted Guys as he opened first gate and removed the mental limiters and now he gives totally different vibes from before as chakra rushed in his brain.

Opening first gate does not put stress on users body. So if used properly it can be put to good use.
