

Since their childhood days in an urban town, Charlie and Chloe have been inseparable friends, sharing laughter, secrets, and dreams. Despite facing the challenges of daily life, their bond remains unbreakable. While Charlie's motivation wavers, Chloe's steadfast belief in his talent never falters. With their shared history and deep connection, Charlie becomes Chloe's constant source of inspiration and encouragement, reminding him of his innate gifts and pushing him to unlock his full potential. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of life, intertwining their paths as they strive to make their dreams come true. And find love along the way.

Felix_Conteh · Urban
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46 Chs

A pleasant lie

As Chloe reached the end of the street where her house stood, she turned around to face Charlie. With a mischievous grin, she exaggeratedly mouthed the word "Goodbye" while waving her arms theatrically. Charlie couldn't help but laugh and playfully returned the gesture, miming an over-the-top farewell.

Feeling a sense of lightness in his heart, Charlie made his way back home. He entered the house, immediately shedding his previous nervousness and putting on a confident demeanor. He changed his clothes, choosing an outfit that made him feel a little more at ease.

As Charlie waited anxiously for Madam Gizel and Steve's arrival, he took a moment to gather his thoughts. He reached for the book his parents had gifted him, the one filled with lyrics eager to be filled with his own creations. With a pen in hand, he began to write lyrics, pouring his emotions onto the paper. The words flowed freely, providing him solace and a temporary escape from the realities of his life.

Just as he was immersed in his creative sanctuary, the door swung open, Madam Gizel and Steve entered the room. Charlie's heart skipped a beat, and he swiftly tucked the book behind his back, hoping to keep his private thoughts hidden.

Madam Gizel, ever vigilant, cast a discerning eye over the room. "What have you been up to, Charlie?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion.

Charlie's mind raced, searching for a plausible explanation. "You asked me to clean the house, Madam Gizel, so that's what I did," he responded, his voice laced with feigned innocence.

Madam Gizel raised an eyebrow, her piercing gaze fixed on Charlie. "And where have you been?"

Charlie's heart pounded in his chest. He knew he couldn't admit to being out and about, as that would only invite more questions and scrutiny. He mustered up his courage and replied, "I've been here the whole time, Ma'am"

"For now, you may go." Madam Gizel finally permitted Charlie to leave.

Charlie's heart cooled down, he thought the night was over "thank you Madam Gizel" he finally said as he headed up to his room

As Charlie was almost in his room, Steve trailed closely behind, a triumphant glint in his eyes. He clutched his phone tightly, he was determined to expose Charlie's deception. With a mix of excitement and cruelty, he approached his mom,thrusting his phone forward. "Mom, look! It's Charlie in the video!"he had always sought for an opportunity to frame Charlie, this was it.

Madam Gizel's gaze shifted from Steve to the screen, her eyes narrowing as she watched the incriminating footage. Doubt and disbelief crept into her expression, but Charlie wasn't ready to surrender just yet. Stepping forward, he summoned his most convincing tone. "Madam Gizel, I assure you, it's not me. We just look alike, besides I'm not into internet stuff.

There's a scientific theory that suggests for every person, there are three others who look exactly like them. It's called the doppelgänger theory."

Steve's eyebrows furrowed, unsure whether to believe Charlie's explanation. Madam Gizel remained silent for a moment, her piercing eyes fixed on Charlie. The room hung in suspense, the tension palpable. Finally, she let out a sigh, conceding for now. "Fine, I'll consider your theory," she said, her voice laced with skepticism. "But don't think this is over. I'll be watching you closely, Charlie."

Charlie nodded, his expression a mix of relief and apprehension. He quickly turned to head to his room, wanting to escape the tension-filled atmosphere. Steve followed suit, shooting Charlie a skeptical glance as they both retreated.

As Charlie made his way up the stairs, a mischievous thought crossed his mind. He couldn't resist a small chuckle as he heard Madam Gizel stumble upon a step, breaking the tense moment.

his amusement was short-lived as Madam Gizel's sharp words echoed through the corridor, breaking the silence. "I hear you, Charlie," she called out, her voice tinged with a warning tone.

Charlie's chuckle vanished, replaced by a sense of trepidation. He quickened his pace, his footsteps echoing in the empty staircase. The weight of Madam Gizel's words hung heavily in the air, a reminder that he was never truly safe from her watchful eyes.

Reaching his room, Charlie closed the door behind him, seeking refuge within its familiar walls. He slumped onto his bed, his mind spinning with conflicting emotions. Relief mingled with frustration, and he couldn't shake the feeling that his victory was only temporary.

He glanced at the book he had hidden behind his back, the one filled with his lyrics and dreams. It served as a reminder of his escape, his secret world where he could express himself freely. But it also reminded him of the precarious balance he had to maintain, the constant need to navigate the minefield of Madam Gizel's strict rules.

Taking a deep breath, Charlie vowed to protect his sanctuary, to nurture his dreams in the face of adversity.He knew that in the pages of that book lay his true self, his hopes, and his aspirations. No matter the challenges he faced, he refused to let them extinguish his spirit.

As he closed his eyes, the words of his lyrics echoed in his mind, intertwining with the rhythm of his heartbeat. In that moment, he found solace, knowing that despite the harsh reality he lived in, his dreams had the power to carry him beyond the confines of his everyday life.

With renewed determination, Charlie whispered to himself, "I won't let her extinguish my light. I will rise above, no matter what."

And in the depths of his room, in the quiet solitude, he made a silent promise to himself — to hold onto his dreams, to embrace his passion, and to never let anyone dim the fire that burned within him.

With a flicker of hope in his eyes, he drifted off to sleep, eagerly anticipating what the next chapter of his life would bring.