
Azure Dragon Clan

Thunder rumbled loudly in the sky as the wind howled madly, yet Li yue still stood right in front of the temple with a blue coloured lantern held tightly in her hands.

Her long black hair cascaded down to her feet, Right! that's because she has been standing here for ages almost like a statue. Her white robe was all tattered and soaking wet, making her look nothing like the Well known Almighty li yue! Queen of the Azure Dragon Clan.

"Buddha....". li yue muttered with a raspy voice. "give... me... back... my...".

Before she could complete her sentence a old monk appeared in front of her.

"Amitabha! Li yue you should stop all this, Buddha won't answer you". The old monk said gently. He really pitied this lady, after being ignored by Buddha for so long she still stood in front of the temple unyielding, but it is still useless.

"Old Monk, what exactly have my clan Done wrong to deserve this!". li yue turned to the monk.

"Amitabha, li Yue... you know well enough, taking that childs life force is the best thing to do to avoid disaster, so stop being stubborn. just leave".

Li Yue clenched her teeth and hands before going down on her knees with a loud thud.

"Amitabha!". The monk hurriedly shouted.

"Buddha, please give me back my daughter's half soul!!!, or else.... I will make the three realm suffer!!". li Yue Yelled loudly despite her dry and raspy voice.

Her eyes suddenly glowed bright blue as she looked to the sky and waited for a response.

Time passed slowly and nothing. She smirked at herself.

"Looks like I really expected too much again. I protected this realm and temple all my life and yet this is what I get!!!! Hahaha.... hahahah". li yue laughed loudly. "What a joke!".

She calmly stood up and looked at the lantern in her hands. "I can't even give my own child a life, how ridiculous". li yue tried to laugh but only sobs came out.

Suddenly her whole mood changed as she rubbed the lantern. "My child, I will give you the life they took from you, Always remember, you are Li Yu! daughter of The King and Queen of the Azure Dragon Clan. You are the only Royal blood line left in the whole of our clan, you must come back and save our clan my dear".

After saying this Li Yue suddenly threw the lantern up in the air and flew up with it. Her eyes were fully covered with firery blue light as a body radiated with a powerful chi. she clasped her hands together and began chanting.

The minute the monk saw this, he froze on spot. "Amitabha, this is not good". After saying this he disappeared into thin air.