
Awakening of the Young Lord

"You!_". The monk tried to talk again but this time before he could say a thing, The devil disappeared.

"Disaster...". The old Monk sighed sadly, he was still confused as to why Buddha didn't do anything to stop all this mess from happening. "Amitabha". He said before he wrote some more talisman in the air, and sent it to different directions. That is to burn the body of those unfortunate beings Li Yue destroyed by forcefully taking their souls.

After doing this he bowed slightly and disappeared.

The elders also didn't waste anymore time and quickly left.

Silence evaded everywhere.... As the tragedy impact was greatly felt around the whole realm.

From that day on, the name Li Yue became an abomination to the whole of heavenly realm, The Azure Dragon Clan became a farce because no one knows whether anyone from that clan is alive or in hiding and that will forever remain a mystery, because for a particular reason their aura could not be sensed at all in the whole realm. It's like they just disappeared from the world.

The disaster li yue brought to the heavenly realm will never be forgotten and forgiven. Every being is aware of her Offspring Li Yu, being alive, and will surely come back for revenge. They need to end her life as soon as possible, but the problem is... they have no idea of where li Yue sent her daughter.

But one thing is for sure, The minute li yue's offspring or any body from the Azure Dragon Clan is discovered, they will be executed immediately.

~~The Underworld~~

Hell's Palace.

In the center of the palace, a mighty throne can be seen, with the Almighty King of hell sitted majestically on it. A excited smile appeared on his face as he held a blue scale in his hands like a treasure. He couldn't stop staring at it until his attention was diverted.

A Old female snake demon crawled her way into the palace before changing back to her human form.

"I pay respects to the Almighty King of hell". She said as he knelt on the ground.

The King of hell nonchalantly glanced at her and said, "speak!".

"Yes my Lord.... The young Lord has been awakened".

The King of helk stood up immediately and let out a loud laugh. "It's about time... that little brat has been sleeping for too long". He then turn to the snake demon and said, "Take me to him".

"Yes my Lord". The servant replied with a bow and lead the way to Xuanli palace.

~~Xuanli Palace~~

Xuanli palace is thoroughly guarded with different mighty beasts.

As the king of hell appeared, they all got down on their knees and Echoed, "Greetings to the Almighty King of hell, long live your majesty!!!".

With a wave of his hands, the King of hell dismissed the beasts and entered the palace.

The beasts could not believe their eyes, The King of hell actually came here. For over a thousand years, he never visited this palace and now he suddenly visited,.... that can only mean... The Young Lord is awakened.

This thought alone brought undescribable joy to the beasts as the shouted.

"Long live the Young Lord!!".