
Chapter 9 Investigation_1

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"I'm not going to tell you," Wang Miao said, tilting his head to look out the car window, no longer speaking to Da Shi.

While driving, Da Shi stole a glance at Wang Miao and asked, "Hey! By the way, Professor Wang, have you made any new discoveries on this trip? When we get to the bureau, you've got to share with me so I can prepare for the next steps. Your visit can't be for nothing, there's got to be some findings, right?"

Hearing this, Wang Miao abruptly turned his head to look at the man in the driver's seat who seemed to exude the air of a rascal, his eyebrows suddenly furrowing.

"I never agreed to be your mole, so I'm under no obligation to tell you. Just drop me off at the Nano Center and then you can head back. Don't bother looking for me anymore," Wang Miao said.

"See, why are you getting worked up again?" Da Shi said.

"Alright, alright, I'll take you back. But think over my suggestion, will you? Don't you really want to know how Yang Dong died? These scientists are national treasures, after all! It's such a pity, such a pity!" Da Shi sighed.


After Wang Miao left, Cao Ge hailed a car at the roadside and then departed from the area.

Cao Ge didn't have much to do these days. The email he had sent to Apple Inc. wasn't going to get an immediate response. Even if they recognized its value, it would need to go through repeated discussions within the company before they would contact him.

It was a lengthy process, after all, he had not sent the email to an individual but to the official handle of Apple Inc.

And the things Cao Ge wanted to do, whether starting a company or continuing research, all required money, but he was flat broke at the moment, with just enough to live on.

So these days, with nothing much to do, he planned to rest and clear his mind.

He intended to visit Tsinghua, maybe even run into Logic.

This spare time would be perfect for him to think about what kind of company he really wanted to start.

First of all, undeniably, the initial phase would definitely involve doing whatever makes money, because after the crisis era, whether it's space elevators or space cities, or any other project, they would all require vast amounts of funding.

And based on what he knew so far, not considering finding solutions through his system in other worlds, the only way he could think of to change the fate of human civilization was to develop a lightspeed spaceship.

The task given to him by the system was undoubtedly difficult; this problem of changing the fate of human civilization was not, as he had previously heard netizens suggest, something that "could be solved by simply killing Cheng Xin."

Cheng Xin was just one person among humankind, someone who happened to represent the concepts of the majority and had just been at the right place at the right time.

Without Cheng Xin, there would be a Wang Xin or a Liu Xin when the time came.

And developing a lightspeed spaceship would be anything but easy. If everything went smoothly, he would undoubtedly encounter the same problems Wei De faced when it came time for large-scale experimentation.

Therefore, he must establish a huge conglomerate behind him. This group would need a lot of money, wield a certain influence in society, and represent the fundamental interests of the vast majority, both politically and in the public opinion arena.

Only then, when he made significant decisions, would he have people's support.

Saving a civilization with a population of 7 billion was not something that could be casually accomplished by just one person.

Cao Ge couldn't do it, nor could Logic, Wei De, or Zhang Beihai.

But since the system had assigned him this task, he needed to ponder carefully. After all, he still had four hundred years and the system, which allowed him to search for solutions in other worlds, although for the moment he didn't know how to travel to those other worlds.

"Boss, we've reached Tsinghua."

As Cao Ge was immersed in his thoughts, the taxi had arrived at Tsinghua.

"Oh, right, driver, how much do I owe?" Cao Ge quickly snapped back to reality and leaned forward to ask.

"Just give me 20," the driver replied.

"Master, here's 20, take it, make sure you keep it safe." Cao Ge handed over the money, then opened the car door and got out.

Standing in front of Tsinghua's gate, watching the steady stream of people coming in and out, Cao Ge felt quite emotional.

In this life, although Cao Ge was merely a graduate of some third-tier university, in his previous life he was a genuine Tsinghua graduate. Now standing once again at the entrance of this university, his state of mind had undergone a complete transformation.

Looking at those beautiful... campus landscapes, he felt as if he had come back to life.

"Youth is truly great!"

Cao Ge stood there and took a deep breath, feeling as if his lung capacity had greatly improved.

With a joyous heart, Cao Ge entered the university once more.

As Cao Ge walked through the campus bathed in youthful energy, his mood was very good. The only dampener was that he didn't recognize a single person.

Watching those female students clutching their books, swinging their long legs as they walked past him, he felt like an outsider.

Cao Ge wandered around the campus for about an hour, then left Tsinghua without much interest.

There weren't any of those cliché encounters commonly found in trashy novels, bumping into some big shot or meeting any unparalleled beauty.

During that hour, Cao Ge was just an ordinary person walking around the campus, but not a single person paid him any attention.

After leaving Tsinghua, Cao Ge grabbed a bite to eat casually outside, then took a bus back to his rented apartment.


Meanwhile, after dropping Wang Miao home, Da Shi immediately drove to the operations center.

In an office within the operations center.

Da Shi was leaning back in his chair, reporting to a middle-aged man in the uniform of a major general seated across the desk.

"Tell me, what did you gain today?" Chang Weisi leaned back in his chair with his hands clasped over his stomach, looking at Da Shi.

"Old Chang, you wouldn't believe it, but I did get some results today. Although Wang Miao hasn't agreed to become our undercover informant yet, I did obtain some useful information through him," Da Shi said.

"Let's hear it."

"There was something unusual about today's meeting," Da Shi teased.

"What kind of unusual?" Chang Weisi inquired.

"Today, a computer science scholar attended the meeting. You tell me, what does it mean for a computer expert to be invited to a physics conference?"

"Just this?" Chang Weisi wrinkled his brow and asked in return.

"Why can't a physics conference invite an expert from the computer field? Couldn't it be that they invited him to help them with some computational problems?"

"Ah! The strange thing lies exactly here. I checked him out; his name is Cao Ge, 23 years old, just graduated from Capital University Bow Wen Management College. It wouldn't be a big deal that he's young, but the key issue is that his grades aren't good; I've asked their teachers. And if his grades were good, he wouldn't be graduating from a community college," Da Shi explained.

"This is an international academic organization you're talking about, and all its members are top scholars in their respective fields within physics. They wouldn't be clueless about anything, and even if they were, by inviting this underachiever, what could this Cao Ge possibly contribute? Think about it, think carefully, tell me if that's not odd," Da Shi said.

After speaking, he handed over the information he had gathered about Cao Ge to Chang Weisi; it was all data regarding Cao Ge.

Hearing what Da Shi had said, Chang Weisi fell silent, took the materials handed over, and began to read them closely.