
Chapter 8 Artificial Intelligence_1

Translator: 549690339

So instead of wasting his efforts here, Cao Ge would be better off seeking out Tsinghua University's Professor Logic to exchange life experiences. Although Logic couldn't help him complete the system's task, his life experience was extremely rich. Cao Ge felt they could become friends.

"Mr. Cao, I hope you will seriously consider the suggestion I just made. Your research is truly meaningful." Shen Yufei sat in front of the tea table, holding a teacup and regarding him with a look that seemed to see through everything.

Cao Ge, who was called back by Shen Yufei and looked at her, felt that coming here was madness.

She thought she knew a lot. Little did she know, Cao Ge knew even more.

Cao Ge shook his head, then turned around without any hesitation and left the place. As for the issue of continuing his research that Shen Yufei mentioned, he would do it even without her saying so, but his reasons were certainly different from Shen Yufei's.

Shen Yufei was a Salvationist. Cao Ge knew the purpose of her wanting him to continue his research was to see if the computational capabilities of artificial intelligence could solve the Three-Body Problem, given that the existence of the Three-Body game was to find a solution to the Three-Body Problem.

Whether artificial intelligence could solve the Three-Body Problem, Cao Ge did not know. All he knew was that he definitely couldn't create an artificial intelligence that could solve the Three-Body Problem, because artificial intelligence isn't just imbued with intelligence by a piece of code. It would require massive amounts of code, an immense body of code intricately structured together, going through hundreds of years of self-iteration, and continuous adjustments by scientists to come into being.

Cao Ge never believed that artificial intelligence is intelligent because of some specific program.

Cao Ge felt that artificial intelligence was like the neural network of a human brain. Once this network reached a certain scale—just like the human brain with its approximately 14 billion neurons—none of which would produce intelligence on its own, but when this vast array of neuronal cells came together, it would manifest capabilities it did not possess on its own, which is human consciousness.

Cao Ge thought artificial intelligence was the same. It should be a series of intricate codes accumulating, until reaching a threshold where this vast code network would produce emergence.

Of course, this was just Cao Ge's own view. As for whether it was correct, he did not know. In any case, he did not know how to create artificial intelligence.

Creating artificial intelligence was not something that could be accomplished in just a few short years. And creating an artificial intelligence capable of solving the Three-Body Problem would take even longer.

Through his brief contact, Cao Ge had made a rough judgment of the group of scientists from ETO: they were a bunch of failures.

Cao Ge followed an elegantly styled corridor and quickly left the place, walking out of this humane-forsaken quadrangle courtyard.

However, when he stepped out of the quadrangle, he was dumbfounded; the three or five cars parked on the road had all driven away and he had no car. There was no way to hail a cab in this godforsaken place. He would have to walk three kilometers away to maybe find a taxi.

The wind-blown Cao Ge was a bit disheveled.

When he had come here, it hadn't crossed his mind that he might not be able to return.

Cao Ge reached the main road in front of the villa complex and looked both ways, checking for any passing vehicles.

Luckily for him, at the end of the road, there was an old black Volkswagen that had just started-up and was slowly driving in his direction.

Through the front windshield, Cao Ge saw Professor Wang Miao in the passenger seat and immediately waved his arms with joy.

"Professor Wang! Professor Wang!"

Wang Miao also saw him. The vehicle stopped beside Cao Ge and the window was rolled down.

"Mr. Cao, what are you doing?" Wang Miao looked around the empty road and then turned to Cao Ge and asked.

"Professor Wang Miao, I came here by taxi, but now it seems impossible to hail one from here. Could you give me a ride for a bit and drop me off on the main road ahead?"

"Sure, get in," said Wang Miao, glancing at the man on the driver's seat before speaking to Cao Ge.

"Thank you so much, Professor Wang," Cao Ge said with a smile, greeting him and then opening the rear car door to sit inside.

"Mr. Cao, where do you need to go?" As soon as Cao Ge sat in the car, Wang Miao shifted his position to look back at him and asked.

"Professor Wang, you can drop me off up ahead," Cao Ge said without mentioning where he was going.

The car had just started when the muscular man driving glanced at Cao Ge through the rearview mirror. Cao Ge noticed this but didn't speak.

"It's no problem, we're headed back anyway. Giving you a lift won't take much time," Professor Wang Miao said.

Professor Wang Miao was a scholar who highly appreciated young and talented individuals like Cao Ge and was interested in making his acquaintance.

"Really, there's no need, Professor. I have some other business to take care of nearby and won't be going back just yet," Cao Ge asserted.

"Is that so? Well, okay then," Professor Wang Miao said, seeing that Cao Ge was insistent, and he began to talk about other matters.

"Mr. Cao, I have a personal question I'd like to ask impertinently. I wonder if that's inconvenient for you."

"You're too formal, Professor Wang. There's nothing inconvenient. What would you like to ask? If I know, I will certainly not withhold anything," Cao Ge replied.

"May I ask my question then?"

After giving Cao Ge a look and seeing that he wasn't just making polite conversation, Professor Wang Miao went on to ask, "I was wondering, after Dr. Shen kept you back, what did you two discuss?"

"I thought you would ask about my opinion on the meeting we just had. I didn't expect this question," Cao Ge said, suddenly smiling.

"It's nothing secret; Dr. Shen didn't say much, just invited me to join the Frontier of Science," Cao Ge answered.

"Did you agree?"

"I didn't. As you know, Professor Wang, my background is in computing, not physics, so I declined Dr. Shen's invitation," Cao Ge explained.

"Oh, I see," said Professor Wang Miao.

Just as Professor Wang Miao was about to ask something else, Cao Ge suddenly interjected, "Here is fine. You can drop me off here."

"Right here on the roadside?" the muscular man at the wheel asked suddenly.

"Yes, right here."

The car came to a stop, and Cao Ge opened the door. As he got out, he said, "Thanks, Professor Wang, and thanks to you too, big guy. See you around if fate allows."


Cao Ge closed the car door and walked onto the sidewalk.

The two in the car glanced at Cao Ge at the roadside through their respective rearview mirrors, then drove the car away.

"Professor Wang Miao, is he also one of the experts attending the seminar?" asked the muscular man at the wheel with a hint of amusement.

"Given his age, he must have just graduated. Can he even understand your topics? And you were saying earlier that his field is computing; isn't your seminar about physics?"

"Da Shi, capability does not depend on age. Although I haven't had previous contact with this young man, the fact that he received an invitation from the Frontier of Science proves his abilities," Professor Wang Miao said, showing a bit of disdain for Da Shi.

"Oh, and I still haven't settled the score with you for tricking me into coming here. Don't change the subject."

"Isn't this also serving the people? The sooner we crack this case, the fewer people will die. Aren't you upset about those precious scientists committing suicide one after another?" Da Shi retorted.