
Chapter 75 Test Flight_1

Translator: 549690339

As soon as Mark Armor Mark I stepped out of the villa's gates, its bright red outer shell immediately caught the attention of the surrounding security personnel.

They began to appear from all corners, from behind walls, inside vehicles, and even from the neighboring houses; in no time, the atmosphere in the villa complex grew tense.

This was because the appearance of the Mark Armor was so abrupt, and what's more, it emerged from Cao Ge's house without any prior notice from their team leader.

"This is Eagle's Nest, calling Fukurou."

"This is Eagle's Nest, calling Fukurou."

In a black operations vehicle located one hundred meters away from Cao Ge's house, a surveillance officer sitting behind a computer desk pressed the call button in front of him.

After receiving no response, the monitoring personnel's expression grew increasingly anxious, and just as he was about to press a button on another set of call equipment, Li Qiu's voice came through his headphones, allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief.

"This is Li Qiu, Mr. Cao is preparing to go out for an experiment, over."

It was at that moment that Cao Ge and Li Qiu emerged from the house.

Seeing this, the security personnel hidden in various places shifted their attention elsewhere, and the guns in their hands were reholstered.

Preoccupied with the experimental armor, Cao Ge was unaware that his Mark Armor Mark I had nearly triggered an operation.

Although Cao Ge was aware that there were many security personnel around his house, he was not Murphy.

Cao Ge controlled the Mark Armor to the center of the courtyard, holding a computer in his hand that was recording all the Mark Armor Mark I's data in real-time.

Cao Ge looked up at the clear sky, then said to Murphy, "Murphy, begin the test."

As soon as Cao Ge finished speaking, Mark Armor Mark I in the center of the courtyard already began to react.

Mark Armor Mark I naturally let its arms hang down, then lifted its palms facing down.


A fierce stream of energy burst forth from the palms, pushing the armor slowly off the ground.

At last, Mark Armor halted in the air, one meter above the ground.

Cao Ge's gaze constantly switched between the Mark Armor and the computer screen in his hand.

The feedback data on the computer screen was changing rapidly.

The computer monitored data on the armor's stability, energy output, and the real-time working status of various modules.

Suddenly, without any warning, Mark Armor Mark I started to wobble in the air.

Cao Ge watched the increasingly wobbling Mark Armor Mark I with tightly furrowed eyebrows and looked at the computer in his hand.

The number representing armor stability on the computer screen began to rapidly decrease.

And as the numbers decreased, Mark Armor Mark I in the center of the courtyard started to shake even more violently.

Cao Ge looked at the monitoring data on the screen in confusion, not knowing what had gone wrong.


"Mr. Cao, be careful."

Cao Ge hadn't finished speaking when Li Qiu suddenly lunged over, pushing Cao Ge firmly to the ground.


Mark Armor Mark I completely lost control, zipping over the heads of Cao Ge and Li Qiu, then crashed into a tree twenty meters away, resulting in an explosion.

After the explosion, Li Qiu got up from Cao Ge's body, and the bewildered Cao Ge slowly lifted his head, frowning at the Mark Armor Mark I, now shattered into countless pieces.

"Mr. Cao, it was really too dangerous just now," Li Qiu said seriously.

Cao Ge shifted his gaze from Mark Armor Mark I back to Li Qiu and said, still visibly shaken, "Miss Li Qiu, thank you for just now."

With that, Cao Ge approached and pulled the Ark Reactor from the wreckage.

Although the armor was smashed to smithereens, the Ark Reactor was fortunately not damaged.

Cao Ge walked with his head down, furrowing his brows as he looked at the path leading to the house's front door.

"How could it have lost control, what exactly went wrong?" Cao Ge muttered to himself.

As he reached the entrance, he suddenly remembered the shattered Mark Armor scattered on the ground, then turned around and shouted at Li Qiu, who was still standing there: "Miss Li Qiu, please help me clean up these fragments, I'm going into the lab."


Underground Laboratory.

"Murphy, analyze this data and see if you can find the cause of the control loss of Mark One," Cao Ge instructed as he placed the computer on the console.

"Analyzing for you..." Murphy's voice emanated from the speaker.

About a minute later.

"After analysis, the following reasons were identified for the control loss of Mark One: first, improper internal circuit connections; second, malfunction in the control systems of the various functional modules; third, a fault in the engine regulation device."

Knowing the problems, Cao Ge quickly found the design blueprints and started studying and improving them.

After several days of modifications, Cao Ge drafted a new set of blueprints for the armor.

Then, he promptly began the production.

Just like that, another month passed.

On this day, in the spacious operation workshop, robotic arms were continuously manufacturing the outer shell of the armor.

Cao Ge's laboratory was equipped with the most advanced production facilities.

In a month, Cao Ge had produced a torso for Mark Two, meaning all the functional modules; now only the outer shell was lacking before assembly could begin.

About half an hour later, the final piece of the outer shell was completed.

Cao Ge placed the armor's outer shell onto the huge operating platform and then commanded Murphy to start the assembly process.

Under Murphy's control, two robotic arms rapidly assembled the functional modules into the armor's outer shell.

In about ten minutes, the armor's outer shell and the functional modules had fully integrated into one unit.

A red armor, roughly his same height, now stood before him.


"Mr. Cao, do you think we should stand back a bit, or let a professional tester handle the testing? It would be safer that way," Li Qiu said, glancing at Mark Two in the courtyard.

"No need, I am the professional," Cao Ge said without looking back.

He was performing the final checks of the test, ensuring that all functions of Mark Two were fully online.

About a minute later.

"Murphy, begin."


A scorching flame erupted, kicking up billows of yellow dust.

A minute later, as the dust slowly settled, Mark Two was no longer in place but had soared into the clouds.

This time, the test called for Mark Two to enter the sky directly.

Mark Two's flight speed was very fast, piercing through the thick cloud layer in no time and reaching altitudes of tens of thousands of meters.

The white trail emitted from Mark Two's tail formed a parabolic shape in the sky.

The armor slowly transitioned from a vertical flight attitude to becoming parallel with the ground.

Cao Ge watched the view from the armor's eyes through the computer in his hands.

Feedback from Murphy showed that Mark Two's speed was steadily increasing, soon reaching two Mach, and it continued to rise; Mark Two's speed was about to enter the thermal barrier zone.